Chapter 13: Pep-Talk

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The night before the big race, Maia was wiping down the car on the driveway to make sure it was sparkling after all that practice.

She sprayed some glass cleaner on the windshield and began wiping it with the rag in her hand. "You better not let me down tomorrow," she rubbed harder over a dark spot. "A lot is riding on this one race-If I win Dad might let me continue to race, if I lose, well," she tossed the rag into the nearby bucket. "Then I'll have failed my dad and my grandfather and my mother..."

With a sigh, Maia threw the rag down into the bucket. She then climbed inside the car and grabbed the steering wheel. She could just feel it-pulling up to the starting line, waiting for the signal to go.

Abruptly Maia felt something prick her leg. Looking down she noticed two loose wires hanging out from underneath the steering wheel.  "Huh," she examined them. I wonder what these go to.

The teenager carefully lined the ends of the two wires up and twisted them together to connect them. There was a slight spark and a low humming sound went through the car. Just as quickly the sound and vibration faded.

Maia frowned, "Huh, I wonder what that was."

With a sigh she climbed out of the car. The race was tomorrow morning-the race that could-would hopefully-change her life forever.


"The signal, do you see it?"

"Yes, it just appeared."

"Good, track it down and then you know what to do next"

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