5 : Rydel's Kids/Mini R5

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5 - Rydel's Kids/Mini R5

This is such an interesting thought that I literally hadn't even considered until today.

Rydel seems like she basically wants to make her kids be like her and her brothers when they were kids. But how is she going to do that if she's not teaching them the things they should be learning already?

In one of the home videos Rydel posted of one of her brothers' births, there was a part where Riker was singing a bunch of different songs. If she wants her kids to be future entertainers/singers/actors/performers just like R5, she's going to need to teach them how to talk. I mean, you kind of need to know how to talk before you learn to sing.

Sweetie and Super should be so much further along developmentally by now. She's literally just holding them back at this point. If she wants them to go into the entertainment industry and "make it" I don't know how her kids are going to have an edge over anyone else if they're already behind.

I find it very concerning that she wants to homeschool them all. If she hasn't taught them how to speak/potty trained them yet, is she really going to be a good homeschool teacher for them?

I know Super and Sweetie can say a few words, but I think they should be further along than they are right now.

To me it seems like she just wants to dress them up in matching outfits and film cute things with them. Is she really going to be dedicated enough as a homeschool teacher? Are they really going to learn everything they're going to need to learn? Because they haven't so far.

Sometimes I wonder if any of her family members ever comment on her parenting. I doubt Stormie would say anything other than she's doing a good job. But I wonder if her brothers or Mark ever say anything.

Her brothers might not know that her kids are developmentally behind because they've never had kids before, but I'm sure Mark knows. He raised 5 kids, so he should be aware. And I kind of hope he's said something to Rydel. But I'm worried that if he did say something, Stormie just brushed him off and said something like, oh they're fine, Rydel's doing a good job.

Not that Stormie is the boss of Mark, but I feel like we've seen examples of her getting her way over Mark's preferences. I think Mark had made an instagram post at some point about not wanting excessive material things or something like that, and we all know Stormie buys excessive stuff all the time. So does Rydel. And how many bunnies does Stormie have now?

I know one of her bunnies turned out to be a boy and they had accidental babies, but she could've given the babies away/sold some of them so she didn't have a million bunnies. 

Sometimes I wonder how much work it is to take care of all those animals. She has a bunch of bunnies and a bunch of dogs. And then she helps Rydel with her kids and has cancer treatments. I feel like she needs to rest. Rydel should be having Capron help her take care of her kids, not her mother who is getting cancer treatments.

Literally what is going to happen if Stormie dies one day from cancer? She is practically Rydel's whole life aside from her kids. Who will Rydel hang out with every day? Who will help her with her kids? Will she suddenly come crawling back to Capron and need him to help raise the kids? Will she make him leave his life in Texas and move back in with her full time in California?

It's awful to think about, but I feel like her whole entire world is going to come crashing down around her. What if Stormie dies and Capron can't come back to California to help? Mark has a job. Her brothers seem to be on tour all the time. What is she going to do? What's going to happen when she realizes her kids are behind and she's the one responsible, and now she needs to figure it out all by herself?

I'm just really worried for Rydel if something happens to Stormie.

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