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"Ok let me make a quick email then we can go eat lunch." He says and I nod.

"Sure sounds good." I say walking towards the window.

"What a pretty view you've got." I say looking down.

"I know." He says looking at me and smirking.

"I'm talking about..."

"I was talking about you." He says and I laugh.

"You're such a flirt!" I squeal.

"Aren't I?" He says proudly.

"Ok can you hurry, I'm hungry!" I say sitting on my chair and wheeling it toward him.

"Eat me." He says giving me his hand.

"I'm good thank you. I prefer chicken." I say he chuckles.

"That's a shame. They say I'm of great taste." He says winking.

"That's a bad joke." I say and he shrugs.

"Perhaps it wasn't a joke?" He says.

"Rude." I mumble.

"Ok done let's go princess." He says standing up.

I stood up and followed him out. He took my hand unexpectedly and we walked out together. I looked up at him and felt a sense of...I don't know what it was maybe butterflies in my stomach.

We got into the elevator and headed down.

"Why you staring at me?" He asks grinning. He's so cute.

"Nothing." I say and he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Could you see if there's something in my eye. I think there's an eyelash." I say and he leans down and I gave him a kiss.

"No eyelash?" He asks and I shake my head side to side and nods and smiles.

"How clever you are little one." He says.

"That's Mrs. Rami to you." I say and we walk out and headed to his car.

"After you Mrs.Rami." He says holding the door out.

"What a gentleman you are." I say.

"Of course! I'm very gentle." He says with a wink.

"That's mildly inappropriate Mr.Rami."

"Oh please?" He asks.

"So where to?" He asks turning to me.

"I'm thinking some noodles?" I ask.

"As you wish." He says pulling out of the drive way.

"You go in a car with your workers?" I ask casually.

"Sometimes for meetings we do."


"Why?" He asks.

"No nothing I just didn't know that's all."

"It's not frequent. But I take someone from the accounting or sales department"

"Why do you go in the same car?"

"Our destination is the same and it puts a good impression." I say.

"Are you getting jealous?" He asks with a chuckle.

"No ofcourse not." I say and he nods.

"Good. I don't want you suspecting me and having trust issues. I hate women like that." He mumbles and I look at him grossed out.

"Why would you say that?" I snap.

"Say what?" He asks.

"You hate women like that ok so suddenly you're so experienced." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh my God"

I don't respond we get to the restaurant and head inside.

"Cheer up sweetheart." He says and I smile.

"Hi you..." a guy comes up and I recognized the voice. Holy crap.

"Qulsum?" Danish says.

"Salam alaykum" I say with a smile and he responds and gives me a side hug and then turns to Yaseen.

"Salam alaykum." He says and Yaseen responds.

"I'll show you your table." He says and we follow him.

We sat down and Danish gave us the menu.

"So how have you been." He asks.

"Good alhamdulillah. How are you and how's your family?" I ask.

"I'm good I'm studying and working here part time. The family is good too. You should come visit. They'll be more than happy to see you." He says.

"Oh really or just you?" Yaseen says.


"Nothing." Yaseen says clearing his throat.

"How's your father?"

"He is doing great." Yaseen says before I could reply.

"That's good."

"You're not family anymore." Yaseen says.

"I know. But I would say we are still friends" Danish says.

"Ok guys I'm ready to order." I say changing the topic.

"Well you were never friends. You were forced into a family." Yaseen says.

"And now we are not. But I still know her."

"That's lovely allow us to order please." He says.

"I'll be back." Danish says leaving.

"I want this." I say pointing to the spaghetti meal.

"Why the f*ck is he hugging you like that." Yaseen scoffs.

Our food came and I began to eat.

"It's good." Yaseen says and I nod.

"What do we do after."

"Work what else. You have reading to do."

"What a terrible job." I mumble and he laughs.

Once we finished eating Danish came and Yaseen paid.

"Qulsum, make sure you come by." Danish says.

"Zainab got engaged so it would be nice to see your friendly face." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. God this was so weird.

"She's not your sister anymore. So don't hug her anymore and keep your hands off too." Yaseen says pushing his hand off.

"Relax man." Danish says.

"Yaseen lets go. Bye Danish Tell everyone I said Salam." I say taking Yaseens hand and heading out.

"What is wrong with him." Yaseen says as we get in the car.

"Yaseen calm down please. He just sees me me as a sister."

"Oh no. The way he looks at you trust me. You don't know anything." He says.

"You're just overthinking."

"Oh really. You want me to act blind. And you have all that lipstick on your eyes too god why doesn't he get married already." He says and I burst out laughing.

"Lipstick on my lips not eyes!" I say still laughing.

"I mean the makeup lipstick same thing." He says and I continue to laugh.

"They are not! Lipstick is makeup but makeup it's like me saying a Ferrari and car are the same thing."

"Whatever." He scoffs.

"Ya whatever." I say and he smiles.

"Ok let's get working." He says we both head in.

It was 5:30 and there was a knock.

"Sir I'm off." She says.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening." He says and I wave.

I clear my throat hoping Yaseen would notice.

I do it once more louder.

"Yes my love?" He asks.

"Um, well can we go now." I ask.

He looks at me and leans back.

"Ok you can go."

"I have to finish it may take a while."

"Well that's too bad. I would love to stay but as you know I'm a very busy lady."

"Ofcourse you are. I'll see you at home" he says and I nod and get up put my books away and head towards the door.

"Ok Salam alaykum see you soon." I say and he gets up.

"Where is my hug?" He asks and I laugh.

"Mr. Rami. I have to say, thats not very professional of you"

"What can I say, I'm a rule breaker." He says hugging me.

"Okay you're squishing me." I say and he finally pulls away I take his head and kiss it.

"Ok give me a call once you're home." He says giving me the keys.

I left the building and headed for my car.

"How was your first day?" Ilana asks.

"Good. Pretty good." Oh good.

"Mr. Rami is going to get on your nerves but you'll get use to it."

"Actually he doesn't and I'm his"

"Oh trust me he will."


"Wow is that your car?" Zafeer asks coming from behind.

"Well um."

"So you're rich?"


"Why do you work as a secretary then. You seem like you don't"

"Guys. Listen. PLEASE." I say and the two of them stare at me.

"Mr.Rami is my husband." I say and their mouths drop open.

"You're kidding!" Ilana squeals.

"Omg girl sorry for the trash talking."

"Don't worry I didn't tell him any of it." I say with a laugh.

"Gosh you're too kind for him though!" She says and I laugh.

"Ok well we'll see you tomorrow." Zafeer says and I nod and wave.

"Thought he had a fling with Chloe" Ilana mumbles leaving but I heard. What the heck.

"No no." Yaseen says seeing me put on makeup. Yes I enjoyed doing the makeup now. It was like an art.

"Excuse you." I say.

"Take it off. All of it."

"Oh my gosh. It looks nice with the outfit."

"Sweetheart. You look fine without it."

"Ok I know I don't always put it on just when I wear something nice."

"Guess you're staying home then"



"It's just makeup!"

"This isn't up for discussion"

"I'm coming with you." I say. And he looks at me raising his eyebrow.

"Stay home. You're not going to a fashion show." He says and I stare him dead in the eye.

"Yaseen this is a natural look I am not looking like I'm going to a fashion show."

"If it's a natural look then why do you have shit on your face."

"You look like shit everyday I don't say anything." I mumble.

"You have a lot to say for someone whose standing at 5 feet and 4 inches." He scoffs.

"Let's go then." I say grabbing my bag.

"Stay home Qulsum."

"What's is your problem!"

"My problem is that you're going to be working where majority of the people there are men-"

"You are being ridiculous nobody gives a crap about me Yaseen."

"But I do. So either you take it off or stay home."

"I'm not taking it off."

"Enjoy your day sweetheart." He says leaning down to kiss me but I put my hand in between.

"Have a wonderful day." I say.

"Sumi don't be like this."

"You're so beautiful you know that I don't need people staring at you."

I cover my mouth and start laughing uncontrollably. This goes on for a good few minutes my stomach started hurting.

"Are you drunk or what!" Yaseen says looking me up and down.

"Yaseen, you are very handsome but I don't cover you up! Why? Because people will always look but I trust you!"

"I know." He says leaning to the side.
"What are you doing" I say and suddenly he takes a wile and starts rubbing my face.

"There." He says looking at my face.

"Beautiful." He says and I look in the mirror.

"Don't talk to me." I say cleaning all the makeup off.

After I finished we headed to the car.

"Qulsum don't be mad." He says.

I stayed quiet. He always got his way. It's so unfair.

We got out the car and headed into the building.

We greeted everyone and went to his office.

I took my books and started reading.

"Hey, can you take someone from sales For the meeting." Hasin says over the phone.

"Alright thanks I'll be down in 5." He says putting the phone down.

"Ok sweetheart see you soon." He says coming over.

I rolled my chair away and he just chuckles.

"Look at you acting your height." He says.

"Ok have fun." He says leaving.

I put my book on the desk and moved around and went towards the window and took a look at the view.

Then I see Yaseen down in the parking lot. He got in the car and then a woman. I felt a slight burn inside. She sat on my spot. Just the two of them.


It was going to be 1 soon I was bored reading my phone finally rang it was my man.

"Hello." I say.

"Hi sweetheart, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be a while so if you get hungry grab a snack."

"Are you on your way or..."

"No No I'm at at a café we got a little hungry but I'll be back soon."

"Kay. I'm a little busy too so see you." I say.

"Wow are you now? Ok then I'll get out of your way."

I hung up and leaned back on my chair.

There was a knock on the door and I looked over.

"Hey, uh where's Mr. Rami?" The two ask.

"Oh he's out for a meeting."

"Is Maryam not out there?"

"No I think she went for break." The guy says and I nod.

"I guess I can sit out there then." I say getting up.

"How's it feel working here?" They ask.

"It's kind of boring." I say and they chuckle.

"True, but they pay is good."

"How do you know I'm knew here?"

"Just a good guess. I suppose." One of them says.

"Word of mouth I'm guessing." And they chuckle.

"Yes yes. You've become quite the talk."

"Well why's that?" I ask and the two look at each other and then at me.

"Well just cuz.."

"Because Mr.Rami is very...distant. We don't know anything about him. Even his personality is almost not there."

"What do you mean?"

"Basically everyone here talks to each other obviously because we spend like 10 hours together. Each department has meeting once a month and none of us know anything about him. He doesn't laugh or even talk about anything other than work. He'll just look at us."

"He's friendly with Maryam and Chloe. Not friendly but just more..I don't know." He says.

"My names Eric by the way." He says putting his hand out.

"I'm Blake." He says and we shake hands.

"Qulsum. Nice to meet you both."

"Good talk. I gotta go fax some of this junk so talk to you soon." Eric says and they both walk off. I took a seat on Maryam's chair.

Well this is nice. I can see a bunch of the workers typing away writing stuff down talking amongst each other. It was comforting.

"Hey can you make a quick copy of this real quick." A guy says coming up got eh counter.

"Um sure...this might take a while."

"Perfect. Wasting time is my profession." He says.

"You look familiar." He says and I look at him trying to remember.


"Danish's sister?" He asks and I nod.

"Are you his friend."

"We use to be. But you know we get busy and stuff, haven't seen him in a while how's he?"

"He's good. I met him at the restaurant he's working part time."

"Oh ya heard about the split."

"Oh. Ya." I say laughing awkwardly.

"Well it's good to see you." He says and I nod.

"Likewise." I say.

"Do you know how to make a copy?" I ask laughing .

"Ya I got it." He says coming around .

"I'll just move." I say.

I sat back once he left.

"Thanks for covering." Maryam says and I got up so she could sit.

"I was bored inside." I say and she laughs.

"Oh I bet we'll why don't you take a look around the building."

"Hm sure that sounds good." I walked around likes around went down the elevator and looked some more.

People turned to look at me and I just smiled. There were 10 floors in the building. Each had its own manager except the top 3. They had to deal with Yaseen. They took care of the international products so they needed more people. The rest were around the state. So each floor had its own sales and what not.

The bottom floors were so much more relaxed. People were literally standing and talking and laughing.

I went back up and got out the elevator and bumped into Ilana and Zafeer.

"We're going on break wanna come?"

"Sure" I say

We headed down into the café.

"How's your morning been."

"A real pain. It's so boring."

"Why don't you join a different department?"

"Like what! I need to take courses for that."

"Hmm not for sales. And the ceo is your man I'm sure he'll let you slide here and there." Ilana says as we get in line for the food.

"Ya but I don't think he'll let me do sales just like that." I say.

"Why not? He's your husband don't you guys...have a good relationship?"

"Yes of course. But he also isn't going to let me cheat my way through I don't think."

"It won't be cheating we can get faze to teach you. He's the best at sales and he trained a bunch of other losers." Zafeer says And I start laughing.

"Ok fine..."

"Hey look speaking of faze there he is." Ilana says pointing Danish's friend. Oh God. I didn't know the guys name.


We got the food and they headed towards Faze.

"Hey." Zafeer says Faze looks up and nods.

"Come sit." He says gesturing for us to sit.

"Ok so, listen our friend here is tryna do sales."

Faze nods.

"Oh cool." He says with a smile.

"So can you train her?" Ilana asks.



"Mhm" he says eating his walnuts.

"I'll give you one of my clients for starters." He says and I smile.
"Wow thanks!" I say.

"Great then!"

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