Exploring Belgium

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Qulsum's POV.

I ran out and I heard them shouting after me I quickly went through an ally jumped and took a left and ran until I was sure they had lost me.

I don't know why I went to touch it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get into a lot of trouble. I'm just worried if Yaseen saw me.

I pulled out the brochure and saw a park on it. It looked safe enough so I got into a cab and once I was there I paid the driver and began looking around. People sat there having picnics. It was such a calm place.

Filled with open nature and smells of fresh flowers.

I sat down and picked out a flower and smelled it.

"You shouldn't be doing that." An older looking woman says.

"Says who?"

"Me. This rule doesn't need to be written. It's just logic."

I fold my arms and stare at her.

"Ma'am I am simply... protecting this park. You're killing these."

"Okay Okay, sorry." I say and she forces a smile and then mutters something in french and then walks off back to her family.

I didn't do anything. Just sat until I felt shade. I turn and see a little girl behind me looking straight at me.

"Hi!" She says and I smile.

"Oh, hi!" I say and she sits down in front of me.

"My names, Esmeralda, What's yours?"

I let out a small laugh. She seemed like maybe she was, 6 or 7 years old. She had curly blonde hair and a pretty little dress.

"I'm Qulsum."

"Wow, that's a weird name."

My smile fades away.

"I like it." She says as her smile grew bigger.

"Oh thanks, yours is nice too."

"Thanks, So what're you doing here all alone?"

It surprised me how mature she sounded when she was so young.

"I'm just here to explore. I just came to Belgium yesterday."

"Oh, I moved here last month."

"Oh, that's cool."

"I heard you speaking English to that ratty old lady, and since other kids here speak another language I can't talk to them."

I laugh and so does she.

"How do you know she's ratty?"

"She's my neighbor. She's always yelling at kids in French or something. I always laugh cause I don' even know what she's saying."


"Whose your neighbor? are they nice?"

"Oh, I'm just visiting. Um, won't your parents get mad since you're just talking to a random stranger?"

"Oh, I told them before I came, see look over there." She says pointing to a couple who looked like they were around 40, they had an older teenager son and a younger son."

"Oh, well you have siblings too."

"Yeah, you wanna come meet my family? They're real nice. You're alone anyway, c'mon" She says taking my hand. I don't think this is a good idea..


"C'mon" She says tugging on my hand and I get up.

"Okay.." I mumble as she leads me to them.

"Mommy daddy, look at this. Her names Qulsum she just came yesterday she's visiting." She says all in one breath.

"Hi, Qulsum I'm Jane and this is my husband Carlos?" The mom says and I smile.

"Hey Qulsum. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. How about you guys?"

"Oh we're good. Just here enjoying the nice weather."

"It must be boring coming here alone." The man says and I laugh.

"Yeah. But it's still nice."

"Of course."

"Where are you from?" The older son asks staring at me. It made me slightly uncomfortable, as if he was accusing me of something.

"I'm from America."

"Oh us too!" Esmeralda says shaking my hand.

"Sorry for the bother, she's just a little too friendly." The mom says.

"Oh it's not a bother, I don't really have much to do right now anyway."

"Wanna play catch?" She asks holding a tennis ball."

"Okay!" I say getting up.

"C'mon Elliot" She says and he rolls his eyes.

"Elliot, go on." His dad says and he sighs and gets up.

We played for a while and then sat back down for a break.

"Can we play something else now?" Esmeralda asks.

"Why tired already? Little girl." Elliot scoffs and Esmeralda looks at him with her face scrunched up and her cheeks all puffy.

"I'm not a little girl." She snaps.

"Elliot, don't bother your sister." His mom says and Elliot smirks.

"Come on, we can play something else. Wanna play tag?"

"It's boring when she can't even run. I can just walk, she still won't catch me."

"Well, I'll have to go soon-"

"Fine let's play, crawl tag." He says and I look at him cofnused.

"How do you play that?"

"Simple the person whose it has to crawl but in this case since some of us can't run, we'll just all crawl." He says shrugging.

"I'll catch you first." Esmeralda says sticking her tongue out and I laugh and Elliot looks at me and then laughs along.

"I will too!" She shouts.

"Esmeralda, honey why are you shouting?" Her mom says pushing her back and putting Esmeralda on her lap.

"Little girl" Elliot coughs out and Esmeralda gets up and puts her arms around his neck.

"Piggy back ride!" She shouts.

"Get off me you pig." He says and she stares at him. And her eyes get teary.

"Okay okay, sorry." He says hugging her. They're so cute.

I look at my watch. 6 pm. I should get going.

"Okay, guys I gotta go it's getting late and I haven't even had lunch."

"Oh come on now, we'e going out to a restaurant, you should tag along. Our treat." Her mom says.

"Oh, no, I'd love to but-"

"C'mon Qulsum, we'll not see each other again." Esmeralda says hugging me.

"yeah, it'll be fun." Elliot says.

"Yeah, see the kids love you." Jane says and I nod. I guess I could go.

"Alright." I say and they smile. I look towards the little baby. Sound asleep. He was adorable.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"His names, Tyler. He's a sleeper. " Elliot says.

"Well since it's getting late and in case you decide to back out, let's go eat. The restaurants near by here so we can walk." Carlos says as they all get up.

I get up and Esmeralda takes my hand. I look at her and she seems to be completely casual with it. I smile as she begins to talk. It felt so nice, to be with such a nice family. We all talked and it seemed as if I knew them for long.

It's so random how I randomly just met with people and now I'm having dinner with them.


I checked the time and it was 7:30 pm.

"It's getting late I should get going." I say with a small smile.

"Oh, we should too. We're all done eating anyway." Jane says and we all get up.

"You guys can wait outside I'll go pay." Carlos says walking off.

So we walked out and waited at the side.

"It's been fun Qulsum. We had a good time. Didn't we kids?" Jane says and Esmerelda and Elliot nod and then hug me.

"I found her first." Esmerelda says pushing Elliot.

"Esmerelda, behave." Jane says strictly.

"You'll wake Tyler up." She says and Esmerelda folds her arms and Elliot snickers.

I look at him and he shrugs.

"Sh." I whisper and he covers his mouth.

"Well I had fun. I say smiling."

"Hey how about some ice-cream?" Carlos says coming out.

"Yeah!" Esmerelda shouts.

"Alrighty then let's go."

"Um well..-"

"C'mon Qulsum." Esmerelda says grabbing my hand and we walk towards the small shop.

Tyler woke up finally. I've been wanting to carry him for so long now.

We finally got our ice creams and sat outside on the bench's.

"Don't you just love the night sky?" I say looking up.

"Yeah. It's cool I guess."

Tyler was sitting on my lap and he was so calm and cute.

"Moon!" He shouts and we laugh.

"That's not the moon that's just the street lights." I whisper.

"That's the moon." I say pointing up.

"Moon!" He shouts this time pointing at the moon.

I smile at him. He's so cute, I always wanted to have a younger brother or sister. Not like my step sisters. But younger, much younger. I thought maybe I could get a kid, but that won't be happening either.

I really thought about working as a teacher or a nanny, but I loved to write and most of my teachers would always tell me that.

Yaseen's POV.

I stayed there, in the lobby for half an hour now. I didn't even eat and my stomach was growling but Sumi still wasn't here.

Had she gone up earlier? I already checked. But maybe she came.

I went up to her room and knocked on the door.

It's late. 9 pm here in another country alone? That's not reasonable. Not to mention she's a stupid innocent girl who could be manipulated so easily.
Anything can happen.

I ran down and went to the reception.
"Yes? How may I help you?" The man says.

"Can you check if The person in Room 203 has checked in?" I ask.

"Sir, we are not allowed to give out-"

"Oh Mr. Rami! How can I help you?" Mr. Hanchez says shoving in front of the other receptionist

"Um, I'm just asking if my.. Friend checked in." I say and he smiles.

"Well it's against our policy but since we know you well enough I'll check." He says and I nod.

I look around incase I spot her.

"Sir, the room has not been checked in since morning." He says and I nod.


Suddenly I remember her saying "Thank you" to the waiter the day we went out.

I turn back around.

"Thanks." I say and walk off. Why did I just do that?

That girl didn't even have a phone with her.

I rub my forehead tired of waiting.

"Are you alright?" An old couple stops by and I nod.

"Yeah, just tired. Thanks." I say and the lady smiles and they walk off probably to the food court.

An hour passed by and still nothing. It started to rain and I was stressing.

She should be here. Where is she? What is she doing? Is she lost? Did someone take her? Where the f*ck is she!

I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath out. I should have told her to stay in the hotel.

I saw the four guys she was with yesterday. They were talking by the elevator.

I walk towards them and they notice and wave.

"Have you guys seen Su- Qulsum?" I ask.

"Naw man. We're just checking out actually, tell her we said bye I guess. We probably won't see her until later." One of the guy says and I nod and shove my hands in my pockets.
I head back by the stairs and as I sat my eye caught her. She was going in circles on the doors. Is she stuck? What an idiot.

She finally made it out and went for the receptionist.

I left the lobby and went up to my room. This is the first and last time I'm ever waiting on her.

Qulsum's POV.

I finally made it to the hotel soaking wet I went to the receptionist and then up to my room.

Overall I had fun today. Except for the taxi part. First of all getting a taxi to stop is hard enough and then the taxi broke down. So I was waiting and waiting until I took another taxi. But a lady was in it already. But I got in anyway just so I wouldn't soak. After she got dropped off it was already 9:15. And finally I was able to get home. The time went by so fast that I didn't even realize how late it was.

All I need now, is sleep. Hours and hours of sleep. But first I had to pray.


I was awakened by loud door knock and I got up and stuck ny hand out.

"Call for you." The lady says and I take it and shut the door.


"AsslamualiAkum Sumi!" Maa says and I smiled.

"Walaikumsalam! Maa, how are you! Oh I'm so glad you called I have so much to tell you!" I squeal out and I hear her laugh.

"Really, like dropping a painting?" She asks and I freeze.

"H-h-ow how d-do you know?" Trying my best to stutter but I don't think I wanna give her the impression that I'm and idiot.

She begins to laugh and I pretend to laugh along.

"Yaseen told me!" She says laughing.

How does he know? Oh God was there of course. Gosh! He has to spoil it all!

"Now I want to hear all about it but! When you get back. I wanna see your reaction too. But do tell me what you were so excited for!"

I smile and plop down onto the bed remembering yesterday.

"Oh, how nice it was. I met a family maa! A whole family! I talked ate played with them. They were so friendly and generous. It was really nice."

"Aww! Don't worry we'll be a family soon too. But they'll be your own kids!" She shrieks and My smile fades. Oh yeah. My kids. Even if IF we do. I'll feel bad because the fathers a complete psycho!

"I wish you were there really, it would be nice. We would have such a fun time." I sigh and for a short moment there's a pause I played around with the blanket until I heard the machinery noise again.

"I wish. But you know, I really want you and Yaseen to spend time and have fun together. "

"Maa. Just becase you come along doesn't mean me and Yaseen wouldn't have fun. You know what they say.what is it." I say slamming my hands against the bed.

"YEAH! The more the merrier!" I shout and she begins to laugh.

"I know I know. But you guys are married and I don't want to be a cause for you and Yaseen to be far from each other. I don't want you guys to part the way me- anyway I'll explain later! What're you up to?" She asks quickly changing the topic.

"Maa? Can I ask you something? But please don't get upset with me."

"Yes yes go on, Sumi."

"Um where's Yaseen's..dad.. I mean your.."

She sighs.

"I knew this would come up...but we'll talk aout this another time. For the mean time I need to fancy up because I am going to a wedding!" She shouts.

"Wow! Whose?"

"My friends mom's neighbours daughter."

"Um...are you crashing their wedding or?"

"Of Course not! They asked ne to decorate and invited me obviously."

"You're popular for your work I assume."

She laughs again.

"Oh I wouldn't say popular."

"Well it seems like it. Are you getting paid?"

"Yes but I said no. I just wanna do some experimenting."

"Well joker says Never do something you're good at for free!"

"Well now you know why he's dead!" Ahe says and I burst out laughing.

"No! No! I'm just kidding. That's really harsh. Sorry. " she says quietly laughing.

"Well I better get going!" She says Salam and hangs up.

Another day another place! I look at the phone. Maybe this time I'll give it back.

I washed up and changed my clothes and went out in search for his room.

What'd you think?
And like alway...

~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~

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