Siren Head

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(Yeah yeah I know im following a trend with the mythical creature of siren head and its creepy pasta, but i love the concept of siren head)

Type: Mutation

The user has two extra limbs like arms, the end of the extra limbs have the shape of a siren or Alarm system.

The user is able to mimic sounds from people or objects and items. This can have the user trick their enemies or scare people with making warning alarm sounds or other scary sounds.

If the user mimics sounds from other people they can sound like another person and try ti impersonate someone else.

With impersonating peoples voices and sounds the user is able to trick and manipulate other people or fake people out.

The user could make a fake video of someone and impersonate their voice to make the person say something when they aren't really there.

Drawbacks: The user has to hear the person or sound first before impersonating the person or sound.

The user has to hear the person or sound several times and learn to impersonate it a little before they make it sound good enough to trick or scare people.

The extra limbs can cause pain if they are not protected, or get in the way of the user when doing physical tasks.

The limbs don't function like hands and are unable to grab objects.

The limbs have bone in them so they are just as flexible as the users arms are.


When I say the user can make a fake video and impersonate someone im specifically looking at the example of key and peele when they impersonated obama and made a video of him and showed just how good and scary video editing can truly be

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net

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