part 8

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i wake up and see q sleeping, his head is on my chest so i can't move. i smile and i kiss his head while grabbing my phone from the night stand beside the bed.



JoshRichards✅: again?!
quinthia_fan: what are they talking about
user272818: they probably 😳😳
quinthia_fan: i don't think so

EllieZieler: gorgeous
hate_cynthia: learn to take a compliment
CYNTHIAPARKERRRR✅: you don't even know the full story
quinthia_fan: ellie is trying to get with quinton even though cynthia and him are dating
[Liked by creator]

i hear q waking up so i move my hand off his neck.

quinton: good morning beautiful (morning voice)
cynthia: good morning baby

q digs his head into my chest and then raised his head and kisses me. we stay in bed cuddling for an hour until i realize that our project is due tomorrow.

cynthia: omg quinton! our project is due tomorrow

quinton: oh shit

cynthia: let's drive to my house, the project is there

quinton and i leave NACH and drive to my house

we walk into my house and see josh making out with nessa in the living room

quinton and i walk up the stairs but josh hears us

josh: what are you two doing here

cynthia: we're working on our science project

josh: well, you better get it done because there's going to be a party here tonight

cynthia: josh what the fuck? mom and dad said no parties

josh: yeah well mom and dad aren't here

cynthia: whatever *i roll my eyes*

i grab q's hand and run up the stairs to my room

quinton: let's get this shit done

cynthia: we only have 5 questions so i'll do 2 and you do 2 and we'll work on the last one together

quinton: ok

we spent 2 hours working on the project and we still had 1 more question to work on

cynthia: we're almost done *i kiss him*

q puts his hand on my back and pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss. we make out for a couple minutes until we hear the doorbell. i pull away from quinton

cynthia: we can't get distracted, we still have 1 more question to do and now there is going to be loud music which will make it harder to focus

quinton: this is so boring, i want youuu

i give him a kiss and get back to working on the project

the house is now filled with people who go to our school and we're almost done

quinton: i'm gonna go get us something to drink while we're working

cynthia: ok beb

quinton leaves and i keep working on the project. i hear the door open.

cynthia: beb your back already?

i look up and see it's blake

cynthia: what the fuck are you doing in my room, leave!

blake: but you just called me beb

cynthia: i thought you were quinton, trust me when i say this, you'd be the last person i'd call beb

blake: whatever

i see him walking towards me and i grab the lamp

blake: you really think that's gonna protect you?

cynthia: QUINTON!!! JOSHHHH!!!!!!!

blake: their not gonna hear you with the loud music

cynthia: quinton is coming back soon and he's gonna see you

blake: oh i'm not afraid of him, i told chase to distract him while i sneak into your room

cynthia: what the fuck is wrong with you, your crazy!

blake walks towards me and grabs the lamp from my hand and throws it. he grabs me and throws me on the bed.

Quintons POV:
i walk downstairs to grab cyn and i a drink, i walk into the kitchen and grab two pepsi's while walking back i see chase, cynthias ex. i try to ignore him but he approaches me.

chase: hey, your quinton right?

quinton: yeah what's up

chase: how's cynthia

quinton: i don't have time for this

i walk away but then chase stops me by getting in my way

quinton: get the fuck out of my way

chase: i can't do that

i push chase to the floor and everyone looks at me, i head upstairs.

Cynthias POV:
blake threw me on the bed and tries to kiss me, he took off his shirt and was about to take mine off when quinton walked in the room

cynthia: BABY PLEASE HELP *i yell while i'm crying*

quinton runs over and throws blake on the ground and starts punching him, i wanted to stand up and tell q to stop punching him but u couldn't get myself to stand. i felt the urge to cry until i forget what just happened.

Quintons POV:
after punching blake for 5 minutes, i felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me off of him. i didn't know who was pulling me away but i was resisting because all i want to to right now is beat blake up for laying a hand on cynthia


i could hear jaden but i couldn't stop punching blake, i kept replaying what happened and it just made me more angry every time

i was about to punch blake one more time until i heard mads yell

mads: cynthia wake up

i stopped and looked over at cynthia who was passed out

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