Jaden, Cooper, Nessa and I were all at a after party, our managers told us it would be just us having fun but then more people started to show up. A lot of girls to be exact
girl 1: hey cutie what's your name?
quinton: i- i...
jaden: his names quinton and he's single
i was about to correct jaden but the truth was that i am single so i just stayed quiet
girl 1: ok quinton, wanna dance with me
quinton: i'm alright
jaden: bro loosen up
*jaden whispered*
my jaw clenched as i sat up right
quinton: i'll grab us a drink
girl 1: ok
said the girl whilst twirling her hair and laughing
i walked over to the drinks and saw mike our manager
quinton: mike, you said it was just going to be a small party
mike: yeah but things changed
quinton: why are there mostly girls here
mike: have fun their for you
quinton: i just got out of a relationship i'm not looking for another one
mike: like i said, have fun it doesn't have to be a long term thing. plus cynthia has already moved on why are you worried
quinton: what?! with who?
mike pulled out his phone revealing a post by vinnie. it was a picture of him with his arm around cynthia.
i angrily grabbed my cup walking towards the dance floor
girl 1: finally. is that for me?
she said looking at the cup i'm holding
quinton: no
i brought the cup to my lips drinking it all at once
After a couple of dances and way too much drinking, i sat back down on the couch resting my head on the edge. not long after, the girl had shown up again.
girl1: there you are
quinton: i don't really know who you are but i'm really drunk so ple-
as i was about to finish my sentence i saw copper starting to record so i came up with a plan to let cynthia know that i am not hurt over her and vinnie.
I placed my arm around the girl and said
quinton: two can play at that game
sorry for not updating for such a long time!! i lost all motivation and i have literally no time to write but hopefully i can start again
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