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I'm not yours, and you're not mine, but we can sit and pass the time

"Hey, I'm bored. I was thinking we could go to that hill to watch the sunset. It's better than doing nothing."

A vixen says to her best friend, siting on the couch. She turns her head to meet with the vixen's face. She puts her phone down.

"Sure, I'm down. Let's go."
She says, standing up. The vixen stands up with her. As she walks behind her friend, a blush creeps to her cheeks.

No fighting wars, no ringing chimes, we're just feeling fine.

Scarlett has known Pikabear for ages, and over the years, the vixen has developed strange feelings towards her bear-like friend, and no matter how many times she doubted her feelings, she always knew it. She had gone gay for her best friend.

This is where we're supposed to be, sitting by a broken tree

Pikabear smiles as she walks up the block, towards the large hill where she first met Scarlett. She remembered the day as if it was yesterday.

No tragedy, no poetry, just staring at the sky.

They sit down on the hill, the flowers of the cherry blossom tree above them swaying in the warm spring breeze. Scarlett looks to Pikabear, her emerald orbs staring into her yellow ones.

I could wait a thousand hours
Stay the same in sun and showers

"Pikabear.. Remember when we met here? When you made me that flower crown because I was feeling down?"
Scarlett asks her friend, a tinted pink blush spreads to her cheeks. Pikabear greets her with a warm smile, causing the vixen to blush deeper.

"Yeah. I remember that day so clearly it feels like it happened yesterday."
She responds, a blush now appearing on her cheeks.
The vixen stands and grabs a flower from the tree. She sits back down, blushing red as she places the pink flower into her best friend's raven colored hair.

Pick apart a hundred flowers
Just to be quiet

The younger one blushes as Scarlett places the flower in her hair. She watches the vixen sit back into her spot.

"Pikabear, I have something to tell you. I hope you don't find it weird.."

She says, her red blush deepening. Pikabear nods, listening to what her brunette-friend had to say. Scarlett's fox ears and tail twitch with nervousness.

Tell me when you feel ready
I'm the one, there's not too many

"Pikabear... I'm in love with you. I have been for so long. Your laugh makes my heart skip a beat, and when you're close to me I can feel butterflies in my stomach."
Scarlett pauses, her face, as well as Pikabear's, red as a tomato. She sighs and goes closer to her friend.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Hold my hand, to keep me steady
Just to be quiet

Pikabear smiles and nods, glomping the vixen.

"Yes, of course I will! I'm so glad you feel the same way, Scarlett! I'm so happy!"

She says, her eyes filling with tears of joy. Scarlett smiles, holding her lover's face in between her hands. She places a gentle, sweet kiss on Pikabear's warm lips. She kisses back without hesitation,  smiling into the kiss.

They pull back, sitting back up. Pikabear leans her head on Scarlett's shoulder.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

With you~

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