The Quidditch World Cup (done)

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We just finished our last practice before the final, and it went great. Everybody is ready to beat Bulgaria tomorrow.
I'm walking to my tent right now to get some rest but first I'm going to the Bulgarian tent to see Viktor.
I'm going to wish him good luck, even though we are rivals he is still my best friend.
When I see Vik I jump on his back, he stumbles but catches his balance again.. "Hi Nix", he knows it's me right away because I always try to scare him by jumping on his back. "Hi Vik, I just came to wish you luck, you'll need it today."
He laughs and wishes me the same.
We say goodbye and I walk back to the Irish tent and see the rest of the team is already asleep. I change in my sweater and cozy trousers because I'm cold all the time, and jump in my bed. I fall asleep as fast as my head hits my pillow.
What seems like 2 seconds later I hear someone yell my name. It's the day of the final! I'm a bit nervous but most of all excited to win the game!

I change in my quidditch uniform and decide to walk around for a bit.
When I walk I hear a lot of people whispering about me.
A few people come and ask me for my autograph, I talk to them and they all wish me luck.
When I see the time I see we need to get to the stadium in about 20 minutes so I run to my tent.
The rest of the team is waiting on me, I grab my broom and we fly to the large arena. The closer we get the more excited I get, time to show everyone why I'm on the national team at my age!
When I get the sign to fly up the supporters go crazy.
The same happens with Viktor, we wave at each other and get in position.
When I hear the whistle I grab the quaffle and fly to the hoops.
In the first 10 seconds I score.
After 50 minutes the score is 170-10, Bulgaria only scored once, HA and that is when I hear that Viktor caught the snitch. That means the score is 170-160...... WE WON!! I scored 11 times!
We all fly to the ground and take the cup. We won the quidditch world cup this is the best moment of my life.
Time to party all night, well that was the plan but suddenly we hear a lot of explosions and screaming. Not the exciting shouts of supporters but screams of fear. The coach comes rushing in to our tent and tells us to grab our things. "We are leaving in 2 minutes", he screams. I grab my most important things and follow my teammates to our portkey. When I get home, my foster parents come running out of our house, clearly both extremely worried. When they finally release me from a suffocating hug they tell me what happened. Death eaters, at the quidditch world cup. Almost the entire ministry of magic was attending the game and they still could attack. I'm really shocked but also start to realize how tired I actually am. That night I slept really restless, for the first time in a while my dreams didn't just contain images of Hogwarts and quidditch...

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