First classes and new friends (done)

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I woke up to hearing girls talk. I get out of bed and look around the room, there are 2 other girls chatting on a bed across the room. One with bushy hair and the other one has red hair which reminds me of Fred and George, they mentioned having a sister, maybe that's their sister...
They are both really pretty. Once they noticed I'm awake they stop talking and just look at me. "Hi I'm Phoenix Black" I said.
The bushy haired girl is the first of the two to respond "Hi I'm Hermione Granger", after that the red haired girl introduced herself "Hi I'm Ginny Weasley." "Weasley, so you're Fred and Georges sister?" I ask her. She nods and after that we talk for a while they're both really nice.
We decide that it's time for breakfast after a few minutes of getting to know each other so I change into some shorts a simple tank top and my converse (I love my converse) and we walk down to the common room. Since we don't have classes today we don't have to wear our uniforms.
There are a few people in the common room. They all introduce themselves to me. I met a few boys who are all in the same year as me: Seamus Finnigan (really cute), THE Harry Potter, Ron Weasley (they are a BIG family)and Dean Thomas. Oliver, Fred and George I knew already. When I try to introduce myself they all tell me they know who I am already...
Today and tomorrow we are free but Monday classes will start. Fred and George tell me they will give me a tour around the castle after breakfast.
But first we're finally going to eat some breakfast, I'm HUNGRYYY.
I like food.
After breakfast we go on our tour. They show me a lot of the castle but I'll probably won't remember anything, I don't even remember how to get to the common room anymore.
But after we went through the whole castle and I had giving a lot of people autographs we finally head to the best part of the castle, the quidditch pitch.
This is where I wanted to go the whole time. I accio'd my broom and flew a few rounds I stunted a bit and landed after that.
I heard someone clapping behind me, it was Oliver. "Hi Phoenix, the try-outs for the Gryffindor team are tomorrow, please join the team! Just stop by and you have your spot!" He tells me. We were on the quidditch pitch for quite a while so we accidentally skipped lunch because it's dinner time already, time flies when you're flying...(yeah I know terrible joke but I couldn't help myself)
We went to dinner eat a lot and went to the common room when we were done
We talked for a bit more and after I told all three of them goodnight and thanked them for the day I went to my dorm because I was really tired.

I woke up really early and all the other were still asleep so I decided to grab some breakfast by myself. On my way to the great hall I got lost, again...
I bumped into someone, again, I need to stop doing that and fell to the ground. When I looked up I saw a really handsome boy.
He helped me up and he said; "Hi I'm Cedric Diggory."
"Hi I'm Phoenix Black." I try to hide my red cheeks behind my hair hoping he doesn't notice that I'm blushing.
He chuckled and said: "of course I know who you are, you're the best quidditch player ever."
I smile and we talked. After I explained I was lost he helped me back to the great hall. He told me he plays quidditch himself as well but for the Hufflepuf team.
In the great hall he walks to the Hufflepuf table and I walk to the Gryffindor table. I was the only Gryffindor.
I ate something and went to the quidditch pitch again. I did my usual practice and after 2 hours when I just finished my training I heard some people coming to the field. It's Oliver and I guess the people who want to try out.
Which includes the Weasley twins and Harry.
Try outs went by quickly and the team was: Harry as seeker, Oliver as keeper, Fred and George as beaters, Angelina Johnsen, Katie Bell and me as chasers.
They were all really nice. After tryouts we start practicing with the new team right away and it all goes really well.
The team is pretty good, it's different from my own team of course but they still are good.

When practice is over I check the time and see I missed lunch again, I have just spent the entire day on the quidditch pitch, it's almost dinner time again. We all drop of our stuff in our dorms and walk to the great hall for dinner.
I'm really hungry, like always, but not tired.
I realize I didn't even pull a prank yet. So that is what I'm going to do tonight.
I just saw some Slytherin students bully a first year so I know who my targets are.

The next morning all the slytherins who bullied that first year have red and golden hair and robes, the Gryffindor colours.
They all look really angry but they don't know I did it. Fred and George enter the hall and when they see the slytherins they start to laugh really hard.
When they are done they sit down next to me. They look at me with knowing smiles and whisper: "nice prank." Only they know I did it.
But after all that classes start. I'm really excited. Seamus walks with me to my first class because I still don't know my way through the castle and I don't want to be late for my first class.
The first class is D.A.D.A, Durmstrang only theaches D.A.
We have professor Lupin. (I know I mixed book 3 and 4 together, please stop commenting that it was intential)
When we walk into class we see a closet shaking.
After professor Lupin has introduced himself he says: "who knows what is in there."
"A boggart sir", Seamus says.
"Correct and who knows what they look like?"
This time Hermione answers, "nobody knows sir, boggarts are shape shifters, they change into you're worst fear."
"The spell to defeat a boggart is RIDIKULUS."
We all repeat it a few times and then a boy named Neville has to come to the front.
What is your worst fear? "P-p-pr-pr..." he stumbles. "Who?" professor Lupin asks. "Professor Snape, sir." Neville replies.
The whole class except me laughs at this, I have no idea who Professor Snape is but I feel bad everybody is laughing at that poor boy.
After Lupin whispered something to Neville, he opens the closet.
Out of it walks a man with black hair and cold black eyes, I agree with Neville he is creepy.
Neville shouts "RIDIKULUS" and the man wears a pink dress.
The whole class start laughing and everybody has to form a line.
A few people go and then it's Harry's turn. His boggart turns into a dementor and he almost faints.
Lupin jumps in front of him and the boggarts changes into a full moon.
Weird, I think.
After that class is dismissed. The rest of the classes went by quickly.
My last class is potions with that creepy teacher. I finish my potion first and it is perfect, I'm really good at potions, it was my favorite subject at Durmstrang.
He looks at it and gives me 10 point for gryffindor. The whole class gasps at those words. I'm look around confused and eventually Seamus tells me that Snape never gives points to other houses then slytherin. I'm quite proud of myself, that night dinner goes by quickly and I make my homework together with Hermione in the common room, when we're finished I tell her a few stories about Durmstrang because she is really curious about the school. We eventually go up to our dorm where Ginny is already asleep.

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