{1.1} Teaching the Zombie King to be Human

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<Papa, where are you? Mama is gone and I don't want to be lonely anymore.>


Hong Yu opened his eyes to see a grey world. It seemed like he was inside a huge metal box. Everything here was made of steel, the walls, the door, even the bed where he was currently laying, just an aged mattress separating his body from the cold surface.

Still confused due to the soul travel, he sat on the bed. The sheet covering his body slid against his skin when he moved. The blanket, that was probably white on its good old days, was now dirty and with a moldy smell. However, one could see that this sheet was actually made of a high quality material, it has just not been washed in a long time.

Where was he?

Before he could ask the systems in his head, a sharp pain ravaged his body, like he was slowly being eaten inside out. He shrank into fetal position, trying to understand this unexpected and potentially dangerous situation thorough the ruthless grasp of pain.

Amidst his difficult breathing, Hong Yu heard a faint *bing*, and then the pain became partially numb, enough for him to think straight again. Along with it, the cold and impassive voice of 003.

[Current body's condition has been stabilized.]

What...*gasping for air*... was that?

[This body's original owner has died by starvation. The pain was a vestige of his death.]

Hong Yu's eyes slightly widened, before he looked to his -now- new hands. You could see that it belonged to a youth, unnaturally pale and extremely thin. Actually, these characteristics would apply for his whole body, so thin and frail that it could break by the lightest of the touches.

In his last life, Hong Yu had to work really hard to settle the monthly payment of the debt. It wasn't that uncommon for him to skip one meal or two, since he had to save his earnings. More than once, he went to bed with an empty belly. But to die from hunger... Hong Yu sighed, feeling sorrow for the boy who had to pass through it.

{Previous owner starved to death in a strange room made of metal. Ow. Good luck, Host. I will be cheering for you!}


[Host, would you like to receive this world's information?]

Yes, please.

[Transferring data... 5%... 42%... 67%... 84%... 100%.]

For a brief moment, Hong Yu couldn't move, couldn't breath, couldn't think. He blinked his eyes, and his soul was back into his body. And then he begun analyzing the informations that had just been added on his brain.

This is a post apocalyptic world. But the cause isn't some sobrenatural event, but human greed. A group of scientists, counting with powerful backers, were intensively trying to change the human genetic code in order to create the Perfect Soldier. Strong, emotionless and resilient. In other words, perfects puppets for the higher-ups to control. They used the generic flu virus, for its astonishing capability of mutation, to forcibly mutate human's cells. But in the and, instead of their objectives, they actually created a new branch of virus, the Z-virus.

The problem was that, at the beginning, they didn't notice what they have created. The Z-virus had remained inactive inside the 'human guines pigs', months after the project was deemed a failure. Because the scientists wanted a wide variety of body and blood constitutions, the women and men used on the experiments were all from different nationalities. With the end of the project, they all went back home. Each one a living biologic bomb.

One day, for reasons still unclear, the Z-virus activated. Extremely contagious, it actually achieved the goal of its creator: the ones infected would be stronger, emotionless, and, unless completely destroyed, would stop for nothing. The Perfect Soldiers. Too bad they were also undead monsters.

As one might expect, it's a worldwide crises. Governments were overthrown, and the ones holding the power now are the military. What lasts of human population is concentrated on few bases with enough warfare material to fight against the zombies waves.

Nobody knows if the living will win this war.

Hong Yu remained silence. He didn't know how to express himself. Maybe... unhappy? Yes, unhappy was a way to say it.

{Ehh, why would Host be unhappy?}

Oh, well, maybe because I agreed to some teaching task but instead I was thrown into a zombie world with an undernourished body?!

{But Host, think about it. You're so thin, almost no meat in your body, the zombies will surely think you are not a tasty meal. Isn't it good?~}

Zombies do not think at all! Anyway, they don't eat meat, they eat brains! And my brain must be quite tasty!

After all, he was a really good student back in high school, always on the top 3 in the rankings. Even if he couldn't go directly to university, since he had to work, Hong Yu would use all his free time reading any book he could put his hands on, thanks to his stable job at the library. Hong Yu dreams to be a teacher, of course he would pay attention to his own education.

Hong Yu sighed. No matter what, complaining never takes you anywhere, so it's better for him to quickly understand his situation first. He can think of what to do latter. Maybe it isn't that bad.

He then looked into this body's original owner's informations.

...Maybe it is a little bad.

This body's previous owner was called Aiden Forrest. He was from a prestigious and wealthy family, his father had an important seat at the Congress, a well-known politician. Because his father was often busy, Aiden's relationship with him wasn't that close. But it was alright, because Aiden's mother was a really kind hearted person who truly loved and spoiled her son. When the apocalypse arrived, Aiden and his mother were at their family's vocation villa in the countryside. Because the mansion was built in the scenario of Cold War, there was an underground bunker in case of a nucelar war, made to be able to sustain life for ten years (food, water and electricity reservations).

Although the bodyguards tried to deal with the zombies when they came, all of them ended up dead or, worst, undead. The bunker was the sole reason Aiden and his mother survived the first attack. At first, they were sure that the father would rescue them, so, even if the son-and-mother pair were afraid, they still had hope.

So they waited. They waited for a long time, but Mr. Forrest never came.

After years, Mrs. Forrest realized that her husband wasn't coming. Maybe because he didn't want to, or it wasn't possible, or maybe he was even dead. But she never told her son about it, always saying that 'everything will be alright when papa arrive'. At least her son should still see hope, even if she herself was slowly becoming mad.

At the end of the ninth year, knowing that the food would end soon, she started decreasing her meals little by little, giving it to her child. This made her body weaker and weaker, so, when an old disease resurfaced, she couldn't fight it. Aiden saw his own mother dying and then he was all alone in this huge metal box.

At the tenth year, there was no more food. Aiden was utterly terrified to go outside and had to face those creatures again. So he stayed and waited. Just a little more, his father would come for him. When his father arrive, everything will be alright.

Aiden Forrest's last thought was 'I just have to wait a little more.'

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