57. Saint Teresa's Faith: An Exemplary Model!

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         Although most  people regard love as man's greatest gift, the ability to inspire far surpasses it. One who possesses the gift of motivating others to think,  work, laugh, and love wields a more powerful influence, and commands a higher rank than logic, science, and reason can extol. Those who determine the desires of men re-configure the essence of their souls.  Those who inspire others to feel life intensely and  share it lovingly, to face life boldly and respectfully,  willingly giving, listening, caring, and most essentially,  helping others find  a way to make each moment a celebration of everyday experience, only those gifted with inspiration can instill these virtues, and only God can provide them. The Prayer of Saint Teresa says that "We are God's hands, feet, and eyes in this world," and why not fill each day with all the energy and enthusiasm within us?

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