◇Silver Spoon POV◇
Silver Spoon sat staring at the wall inside his bedroom. He was sure, absolutely sure, Lightbulb and the rest of her friends would track him down and beat him up when Paintbrush told them at last. It will be fine, they'll hear out Paintbrush and...leave it at that. Silver Spoon rolled his eyes, it's harder to gaslight yourself than others. What would Paintbrush say? Silver Spoon knew Paintbrush would scoff and say he was being such a drama queen! and then they would have mocked him for a bit until he either got mad and snapped back a comeback or couldn't stay annoyed and laughed. He smiled, It'll be fine... he thought again, believing it this time.
♡Paintbrush POV♡
Paintbrush paced around the room that they and their friends were in. Until they finally sat down with the rest of them. Lightbulb leaned against the wall looking bored as Test Tube asked politely "What did you need to tell us about Paintbrush?" looking concerned. Fan on the other hand, was smirking as he scrolled on his phone, he looked up when Test Tube jabbed him in the arm. "Ow! Uh yeah...yeah...what-What is it...that you were...saying?" Fan said, half paying attention. Paintbrush breathed in, C'mon Paintbrush, you can do this! Paintbrush tried to gather every ounce of courage out of them. what would Silver say? Paintbrush knew that he would laugh and comment on the low wealth as well as opinion of others around him, knowing very well it would distract Paintbrush enough to the point where they stopped worrying their problem. "I, I haven't been completly honest with you all..." Fan gasped after Paintbrush made their remark, "I KNEW IT!!! You ARE in some secret new series of I.I.!" he said in a panicked tone pointing at Paintbrush, "YEAH! Uhhh, how many seasons are there again?" Lightbulb chuckled, counting her fingers.
"No, No, i-it's not that..." Paintbrush fidgeted with their bristles, remebering remembered how Silver Spoon always said that it was cute when they did that. "I, well...Its just that, I-I..." Paintbrush stopped and looked at Lightbulb again. "I'm maybe sort of...seeing someone!" Paintbrush had closed their eyes and braced themselves, they had maybe said it a bit quickly. They desperately hoped no one would ask them to repeat it...Fan and Test Tube looked at each other, smiles widening as they held hands and giggled. Lightbulb jumped up and pointed at Paintbrush, "I KNEW IT! WHO ARE THEY?!"
Fan and Test Tube scrambled up next to Lightbulb, Paintbrush stood up too. "It's just that he's-!" "HE?!?!!?" Paintbrush flinched at their friends reaction. Paintbrush groaned, they had half heartily hoped that their friends wouldn't ask them who he was yet... Test Tube finally snatched up Fans phone, making all eyes glued to Paintbrush. "I-I..." Paintbrush remembered their temper management lessons, and calmed down before they burnt a hole in the roof. "Is it really that important?" "YES!!!" Paintbrush was cut off. "I swear Painty if you don't tell me right now I will EXPLODE!!!" Lightbulb imitated an explosion with her flailing arms. Paintbrush blushed and rubbed their hands together, "TELL US BEFORE I GO INTO THE FUTURE AND FIND OUT FOR US!!!" Paintbrush was surprised by Test Tube's out burst as the vial had dissolved into awkward mumbling. "Okay Okay!!" Paintbrush said at last, immediately all of them sat down, Paintbrush followed. "Y-Y'know when I was staying at the hotel?" Fan slowly handed Test Tube a pillow, his own under his arm, Test Tube then thanked him for it, before they covered their faces with the pillows, preparing to scream. Lightbulb gasped, "Painty! Oj is takennnn!" "What? Nono," It felt like it was just the two of them in the room, especially because Fan and Test Tube were 'busy' screaming into their pilllows. "I'm dating...Silver Spoon-WHAT!?!" Paintbrush had expected a reaction from Lightbulb but not like that. "HE IS AN ABSOLUTE JERKK!!! Dump him!!!!" Lightbulb demanded, "How would you know he's a jerk!" Paintbrush argued, feeling the right to defend him. Cracks formed through Lightbulb as she glared at Paintbrush, her gaze lessening in anger "I...I thought maybe...you, you, could be joking..." Lightbulb looked at Paintbrush, desperation haunted her solem gaze. "But...you aren't...are you?" Lightbulb whispered. Paintbrush nodded slowly, "No..." Paintbrush saw tears on Lightbulb, "why DIDN'T YOU TELL ME, FIRST!!!" Paintbrush took a step back, Why didn't I again? Oh, thats right, Paintbrush thought as they continued to pointlessly argue with Lightbulb back and forth and so and so. Until Lightbulb crossed her arms, and said, "Well, don't expect ME! To be home tomorrow! You can hang out with your BOYFRIEND! ALL YOU WANT!" Lightbulb left and slammed the door behind her, Paintbrush was full on flaming as they yelled "FINE!" Lightbulb opened the door again, "AS LONG AS I'M AWAY FROM YOU I'LL BE FINE!!!" "I'M HAPPY AS LONG AS YOUR HAPPY!!" "ME?! HAPPY! HA! I'M THE LUCKIEST BULB ALIVE!!! AFTER ALL, I WAS DUMPED FOR A FREAKING SPOON!!" "I NEVER DUMPED YOU!!!" "GOOD! BECAUSE I'M, DUMPING YOUU!!!" "PERFECT!" "FINE!" "SO GLAD!" "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" "HAPPY NEW-Wait what?" the door slammed as Lightbulb left, and Fan and Test Tube looked at Paintbrush, "Hehehe, congrats?" Fan muttered as he dusted himself off, "Glad you have...a boyfriend?" Test Tube awkwardly mumbled. Fan scoffed, "T
Guess thats a first for the 4 of us," He mumbled, Test Tube gasped, "FAN!!! Cabby's just a friend!" Fan faked a gasp, "Who said anything about her!" Paintbrush sighed, and left the room, their bristles finally starting to cool. Oj was shielding Paper behind him on the other side, "Is anything on fire?" he winced, Paper held the fire extinguisher behind him. Paintbrush sighed, "No, except maybe Lightbulb..." Paper and Oj sighed in relief. Paintbrush avoided them, that could have gone worse... Paintbrush told themself with a slightly insane fake grin.
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