♡Paintbrush POV♡
Paintbrush shut the front door behind them and sat down on the other side. They. Had. A. Boyfriend! They didn't know where Lightbulb was at the moment, but that was quickly answered by a "Cough cough," Paintbrush looked over and saw Lightbulb with an eyebrow raised. "So?" Lightbulb persisted. Paintbrush stared at Lightbulb a momment before remebering that they had indeed prepared for this very situation. Paintbrush slowly started grinning as they grabbed the bag that had been resting on their shoulder. Paintbrush stood up and handed the bag to Lightbulb. "Happy Birthday! Sorry I was so late..." Paintbrush added with a hesitant "heh heh..." Lightbulb brightend up while opening the bag, pulling out a box with the word, "HEELEYS" plastered on the outside. Lightbulb stood there holding it, completely motionless. Paintbrush shuffled awkwardly, then realized Lightbulb had tears running down her face. "Lightbulb?-!" Paintbrush stopped as Lightbulb hugged them tightly, "Painty! I-I thought that...Thank You!" Lightbulb said either giggling or crying Paintbrush couldn't tell. Paintbrush hugged Lightbulb tight. They hadn't realized how much they'd missed their best friend. How would Lightbulb feel if I told her about Silver Spoon? Paintbrush cringed, knowing she wouldn't take it well. Yeah, errr, maybe that news can wait a couple...
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