□Golly, How'd I Get Here?□(12)

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♡Paintbrush POV♡

Paintbrush slammed their alarm clock with their fist as they jolted awake. Baxter was crawling around on their bed, Paintbrush scooped him up and made their way to the door. 5:15 the decorated wall clock read, Paintbrush nearly tripped on Lightbulb who had fallen asleep with a cup in her hand used for hearing through the door. Paintbrush scoffed and carried Lightbulb to the couch, putting Baxter down as well. They knew it would take them awhile to get their bristles perfect, but it would be worth it. As they walked into the powder room they told themself "Okay..." grabbing a hairbrush they finished, "Let's do this!"

40 minutes later

Paintbrush took a deep breath as they sat down. "That didn't take long-ong-oh-AHHHH!!!" Paintbrush looked at their phone, they had 5 minutes if they were going to make it on time. By now Paintbrush could hear the TV mumbling in the background, and they came out of the bathroom and saw Lightbulb watching cartoons. Paintbrush rolled their eyes, "Lightbulb! More kiddie shows?!" Lightbulbs tear-stained face looked back at Paintbrush, anger burning in her eyes, "Painty you can NEVER understand the JOY I feel when I watch a blue cartoon dog play with her FRIENDS AND FAMILY! SO DON'T EVEN!!!" Paintbrush made their way to the door after mumbling their apologies to Lightbulb.
When they were setting up music for the short walk over to the café, they then heard the front door swing open. Lightbulb run over to Paintbrush and said, "Sorry I snapped at you Painty..." Lightbulb looked eagerly at Paintbrush until it hit them, she was looking for clues. "Wereya goin in such a rush? Wait, no, don't tell me, your going to buy me those heeleys! You are! You are! Cus, y'know you were mad at me during my birthday and all of that-that-how do you make depression sound fun?" Paintbrush was crashed by a wave if guilt, They hadn't even wished her happy birthday...How is she able to just...forgive and forget, so easily? "Oh Lightbulb, I'm sorry I really can't stay and chat right now!" Paintbrush says, making their way out of the driveway, Lightbulb frowned, and looked at Paintbrush disaprovingly, "You going on a date or somthin?" Paintbrush tripped and landed face flat on the driveway, "W-What?! N-no!" Paintbrush said as they picked themself up. "Its not a very good date if its not a romantic dinner!" Lightbulb called out, Paintbrush flamed up and almost corrected Lightbulb why a café was a perfect place for a date for the following reasons, but instead they stormed off. They looked at their watch, Crud, how am I supposed to make it on time in 2 minutes? Paintbrush noticed a familiar car driving pretty slowly down the road, after all, it was a quiet street, well, it was before they and Lightbulb moved in. Paintbrush flailed their hands around until the car stopped, "Oh, hi Paintbrush." Test Tube said as she opened the car door. Paintbrush hopped in, "Test Tube! Can you make it to that café we went to once and all agreed we would go there again but havent since!" Painbrush remembered the time, "And in like, less than 2 minutes!?" Paintbrush was about to tell Test Tube why but she was already driving before they could put on their seatbelt, (Always wear seatbelts!) "Bot, were just going to have a little detour we'll be back on the road in a flash," Test Tube said, adjusting her mirror to look at Bot. Paintbrush looks back and saw Bot fidgeting with their seatbelt. "Where do you need to go to in such a rush Paintbrush?" Bot asked, Paintbrush blushed, "Umm well,-"We're here!" Test Tube interrupted Paintbrush at the perfect moment. Paintbrush opened the door and got out, "Golly, I hope everythings all right?" Test Tube asked Paintbrush, "Y-Yeah, thanks for the lift!" Paintbrush ran off towards the Café, checking their phone that read 6:02.

□BONUS:Test Tube POV□

Test Tube started to move her car out of the temporary parking space. She looked over just to make sure Paintbrush got inside alright, and saw them talking to...Silver Spoon? "I wonder what that's about..." Test Tube mumbled to herself, "Ooh!" Test Tube heard Bot from the back seat, "Don't worry, we still have time to get to basket ball practice." Test Tube said as she drove to her destination. She saw Bot through her car mirror with a big smile as they giggled to themself, "What?" Test Tube asked, Bot smiled again and gave Test Tube a 'Y'see what was goin on there?' look. Bot doesn't mean that Paintbrush and Silver Spoon are... Test Tube felt flushed at the thought and narrowly avoided hitting someone on the cross walk, "B-Bot! You don't mean th-that, Its none of our buisness!"

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