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?? pov

I was working on my laptop and got a call, I looked at the caller id and smirked??: hmm speak

??: queen as u said I did everything and now he is coming inside, my duty is over queen

??: hmm gud jimin *evil smirk*

Jimin: please take care of him *sad and worried voice*

??: hmm *blank* bye

I smirk imagining how he will be looking?? Is he more handsome?? Well, let's see. I continued my work and I heard a knock

??: come in

I saw him, the person that I was waiting for, the person I was missing every day, he came inside and sat. he didn't look up which means he is nervous and I like that, "He didn't change at all"

??: sit

He sat when

??: Long time no see taehyungahh *smirk*

He looked up in shock and got more shocked seeing me

Tae: yo-u-u-u-u??

??: *smirk* yes me, missed me?

He was in total shock which makes him look cute I think he recognized me

Tae: *breathing heavily* y-y-y/n-n-n-n

y/n : *smirk* wahhh you recognized me, I thought you would not recognize me

Tae pov

There she was, she looked more mature, and her facial features are totally different but her voice it's different it got deeper and her face she looks more beautiful- wtf wtf why the heck am I complementing her no way no no she doesn't looks good but I can't deny it though wtf Tae just shut up she broke u remember,........... act mature act mature

Authors pov

y/n snapped her fingers in front of him to make him back to earth

Tae: *flinch* I-i-i-

y/n: you what??

Tae: *clears throat* I came here for the inter-rvi-ew

y/n: I know

Tae: ma-ay we continue *looking down*

y/n: "Hmmm acting confident, let's tease him" *smirk* your name Mr. ??

Tae: "wtf she just now said my name and she is asking my name" *clears throat* Kim Taehyung

y/n: age??

Tae: 24

y/n: why do you want to join my company?

Tae: To be honest, my dad used to be a secretary here and told me to join the same company to keep the loyalty

y/n: so you are joining my company because your dad said so

ae: no, I have skills like organizing, tackling problems, handling any situation, and many more which makes me suitable to be a secretary

y/n: hmm *blank* but why only my company??

Tae: I have big dreams and to achieve the big dreams I have to aim for big goals like big companies

y/n: selected

Tae: *shocked* wait what---

y/n: you heard me *raising eyebrows*

Tae: *happy* thank you y/n—I mean mam, I will work hard *smile*

y/n pov

why my heart is beating fast?? Stfu heart he just smiled and called ur name that's it why r going crazy for it??

Y/n: hmm hope you don't make trouble, and yes next to my office is your cabin, everything is already set you can start from today *coldly*

Tae: yes mam *smile* *bows*

He left

I called my manager and said to tell everyone to leave and I continued my work

Tae pov

I was shocked when I got selected because I thought she would reject me but she didn't maybe she is guilty I entered my cabin and

Damm, it is so so so so beautiful just like my taste, I sat down on the chair and started thinking and processing the events just happened before

She really looked different and now she has become more cold it can be seen from her voice ahhhhhhhhh why do I care? But we met after so many years, right? I should have asked her how is she mmmmm maybe yes I should ask her and I don't even know what to do now

I got up and went to her cabin and knocked on the door to hear a come-in sound, I went inside and saw her standing near her table and looking out of the window.

y/n: speak *cold*

Tae: umm y-y/n ho-ow r u-u-u??

what the heck why did I stutter aishhhhhhh

y/n: Mr. Kim *raised voice a little*

shit Tae u r dead now be ready

Tae: yes-s-s

y/n: we r in the office so don't forget that, be professional *without looking at him*

Tae: *looks down* I a-am sorr-ry m-ma-am

y/n: I am fine and why did u come?

Tae: I don't know what to do so I came to ask what work I should do.

y/n: hmm go and bring me a coffee

Tae: huh

y/n: you heard me

Tae: yeah

Authors pov

Tae went running to bring a coffee and got lost so he asked the security and went to 1st floor and ordered a coffee for her and again went to the lift and back to her office and came in panting hard

Looking at him y/n smirked and looked at her watch

y/n: 4 min 39 sec

Tae: *breathing heavily* huh

y/n: the coffee

Tae looked at his hand and gave it to y/n, y/n took a sip and looked at him........ his poor soul there is getting afraid when-

y/n: Mr. Kim the coffee is not hot and this is normal coffee I like black coffee with no sugar go and  bring me black coffee and come within 2 min

Tae: *surprised* what the-

y/n: language

Tae: but it is impossible to bring coffee in 2 min

y/n: idc just bring *smirk*

Tae: "wtf she is smiling seeing me like this, I knew it she is playing with me"

y/n: I think u r getting late Kim

Tae again ran and brought a black coffee with no sugar and gave it to Y/n

y/n: hmm *sipping it* you can go now

Tae was about to leave when—

y/n: Mr.Kim bring a file of the production sector from the 4th floor

Tae pov

wtf I am already so tired and now this ohhh god I can't she is definitely playing with me

I went towards the lift and waited to come back when the lift got stuck and I was more than shocked no way I have to go by stairs ohhh my poor legs

Authors pov

Tae ran down and brought the file and now he is struggling to come up as the office is on the 15th floor

y/n who was watching him from the CCTV camera is smirking about what she did before


when Tae left the office y/n called the electricity office and told them to stop the lift they did as she said without asking why and the lift stopped making Tae go by the stairs

*Flashback end*

he came back panting very very hard and gave her the file, seeing him y/n smirked and said

y/n: what happened Mr.Kim, did the lift got stuck *smirk*

Tae: "fuck it I knew it she is behind this now I am angry what does she think of herself and I burst" What the hell y/n you can't make me work for you like a servant you are really playing with me *angry*

y/n eyes got dark listening to him, and him shouting at her made her pissed off, she got up slowly and started coming towards Tae which made him regret his decision to shout and started backing. Y/n was not stopping and he kept on backing away but his back hit on the door and got very very scared

y/n caged him in between her arms and looked at him with dark eyes

y/n: Mr.Kim I am not ur friend or relative to shout on I AM YOUR BOSS 

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