The Pentacles

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The Pentacles

Element: Earth

They represent: Earthly, Material, Sensual.

The girl looked at the men and she called it a night. She went home to her place and once there, locked the door and looked again at his folder.

She opened it hesitantly and read:

Name: Hamasaki Haru
Age: 19
Birthplace: Sendai
Data known: Has a Twin sister, Ayano who's older with one hour. School marks are the highest in whichever school he's moved to. Unknown father, mother has breast cancer in terminal phase. He is supposed to be a stand user, since he was found in Egypt in January 2019 around the same period as the Joestars, for the same duration and stood at the same hotels.

"Nani?" She asked reading the last part. She helped and the phone rang. She knew whom called because the ringtone was different for each of her friends, idea given by

"Yes, Nori?"

"Hey...Uh... (Name)... Did you... by chance met my mother some days ago?" He started as if someone was hearing his every words

"ASK HER TO COME OVER ALREADY!" Added another feminine voice.

"Um... Yeah, why?"

"She said she wants to meet you. I told her we started talking again. Of course, if you don't want -"



(Name) laughed hearing the mom and son feud and then cleaned her throat, saying: "I would love to taste the food you and your family prepared, Mister Noriaki."

"Oh.. ok. I'll come pick you up. It's 18 now. At 19:30 I'll be there."


He closed before you could hear anything else. You laughed. Kakyoin was really a good friend and you just clicked a lot with him.

A whisper could be heard in her left ear as it said "Priestess."

"Imma become a goddamn schizophrenic apparently... Fuck this shit."

She looked in her wardrobe and saw something new there, besides black clothes and a spare Japanese uniform. A flowery dress. She took it to analyze better and noticed it was knee long and had sleeves that reached her elbow. The neck of it was allowing for her to wear her crystal choker. She had no idea what it was, but it was a beautiful green stone... Probably Jade.

She did her killer eyeliner and a subtle lipstick and arranged her hair into a beautiful bun with two long bangs framing her face. A subtle floral scent of her fragrance was now filling the room. She also took a small black cardigan to cover herself in case she was cold.

She was ready to go, she took a small bag, where she put her phone, a charger because it died, the headphones in case she was coming back to home alone, the wallet, her deck because why not and finally the lipstick... Because she's a woman and has to make a good first impression.

When the time came around. She was already down, waiting for him. The light of a future twilight made the surroundings and herself look idyllic.

He noticed that and a strong "WOW" was all he could say. She walked with small frightened steps towards her like a child that just learnt to walk was struggling to reach his parents.

"You look amazing as well, Mister Noriaki." He blushed profusely hearing those words.

He was dressed in a dark green, almost black tuxedo with a cherry red bowtie. "Mom told me to dress like this. "

"Frankly... It suits you more than the school uniform."

"Do you have more compliments in stock? Because I should be the one complimenting you."

"Ummm... Your hair looks amazing."

"That's it I've had enough." And with those words, the Hierophant Green was summoned, and tickled the girl.

"S... Stop already!" She said, in a hysteria of laughs.

"Only if you'll let me compliment you now."

"STOP! AND I WILL!" She shouted, and the Hierophant was taken back. She walked next to him.

Unconsciously, their hands brushed against each other and once they looked at each other, decided to consent. Now holding hands together, the road didn't seem as lonely. Passing by a small shop she said: "Hold on. Wait here."

After less than 3 minutes she was out with a gift bag.

"I can't believe they had such things here."


"You'll see. I'm lucky I'm 18. Ahahahah."

"Not fair. I'm the youngest."

The way to his house was filled with laughs and stories of their lives.

From an window upstairs, a woman with a bright red hair was looking over them with a sweet smile.

"Masaru, Kodomo-tachi wa ienikaeru!! (The children are coming home.) "

The lights closed upstairs, and a certain pair of Amethyst eyes noticed it and chuckled.

"What?" (Name) asked.

"Nothing..." He replied.

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