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They represent:  The Child, New Spark, The holder of energy for the suit.

"Are you well?" Asked Noriaki, looking at the girl that was struck by a bouquet of Fleur de Lys.

"Yeah... Just the velocity did me some damage. I could see some stars."

"Well..... I am right here nonetheless." Boasted Jotaro.

"Ha ha... Not funny." Said Kakyoin. "Here..." The redhead boy added. "I suppose this means you're the next to marry."

She chuckled. "Throw it back... Barely anyone loves me."

Kakyoin was angry but passed it to Leo.


Not long after, the wedding ended and somehow the Kujos would be staying for the night over at the Kakyoins, while Joseph and Suzie Q would be spending the night over at Polnareff's place.

Sylvia went home with Leo, and (Name) remained for cleaning up the disaster that was left behind by the wedding.

"You shouldn't have bothered yourself. We could do that in the morning. After all it's... the wedding's night."

"You two go have fun. I'll plug in the headphones and won't hear anything... If that's the case. But Holly's been working a lot and she didn't take a break while preparing your wedding so I think it's the best if someone cleans up now."

Raisa was blushing profoundly when she heard that, but didn't want to argue with her. Instead, she just replied: "Do what you must. I cannot order you to do something that you don't want to... I'm not your mother, although I've known her... "

"Was she stubborn just like me?"

"No... Felicia was worse. But I've loved her nonetheless."

(Name) looked at Raisa. The more she stared at the Bride, the more she could recall her mother's features. The slender body, the profound eyes and her delicate walk were exactly like her mother's.

"I know that sometimes friends resemble one each other, but mom and Raisa take it a step further creepy... Unless... No, they can't be sisters and and if she were to be my grandma she would probably look older..."

Second passed after this thought, and suddenly she realised something... But blamed it on her stand.

The couple went inside and (Name) was left outside for now to clean up what she has promised.

"Ok, (Name), let's see what Moonhigh Queen is capable of..." And so she summoned her stand.

The dogroses that were grown up using Hermit Purple looked like they had little to nothing left to live already, and so the bouquet that was forgotten on the altar. The Stand made water golems that were attached to her through a small stream of water. They started picking them up and all the flowers were put in what looked like a big water bubble.

(Name) ordered her stand to dispose in a humane way of the forced to grow plants. The golems of water retreated. The tables were gathered and so were the tables.

Once everything was well made, The girl went to the recently made grave and spoke. "Why did you do that...?"

"Avenge the fallen. Rise the gods. Get back what was mine." A voice said.

A sharp scream could be heard from the house. (Name) rushed to the doors and tried to enter the house. What seemed like a barrier was blocking her access at more than 2 meters from the  house. Enough close to torture yourself as one could hear pain screams and begging for help.

.•°•~~~~~5min earlier~~~~~•°•.

Raisa, with the help of Polnareff undressed herself, getting ready for bed. They just wanted to cuddle and think of the future. There was nothing stopping them now. It was their time to shine.

"So now, Madame Polnareff, what is one thing you want us to do for our honeymoon?"

Raisa only smiled. She has never been happier. Yes, she knew the feeling of being married and having a child, but the fact that after years she still met him, and with enough hope they could have a child or two of their own...

The world was at their feet.

"Why is there a white cat behind you?" Asked the husband.


Raisa saw the said cat, but it was strange.  Her eyes were humane and looked vengeful.

In a blink of an eye it ran to the door.

"What the..." Raisa went to open the door to let it go, but that is when she screamed.

The cat took the shape of a black, as if it was burned, shadow of a person. Only the eyes were recognizable.

"I'd rather burn... Than allowing Raisa train (Name), not allow (Name) to live after what she did and not avenge my brother." The stand said, suggesting the last wish of the user.

Ayano Hamasaki decided to kill herself, and all her hate was put into her stand.

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