The Chariot

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A.n. the image is a concept art of your stand.


The Chariot

It represents Direction, Control, Willpower

"Well... I was yet to be born. And my mom met a gypsy in India that did a reading to her for free. And she remembered that my personality card was The Reversed Hierophant. It meant that I'll be different, I'll be isolated... And so I was... then my fate was, as well, the Hierophant. My demise should be like a martyr's, again the symbol of the High Priest... Dying for a noble cause... Yet I let my friend to die... I'll never forget that." Noriaki was on the verge of tears and was hugged by (N.

"I just lifted a card from the friend that died protecting Kakyoin tarot deck. It was the Star." Said Jotaro.

"And you're an Aquarius. That's the card of the Aquarius." Added (Name).

"And also a symbol of your family... but how will you name yours?" Asked Kakyoin, breaking the hug.

"Since I've seen only the Major Arcana to yours, I think I should ask my deck."

(Name) took her deck and shuffled the cards. She pulled 3 cards: The Moon, The High Priestess and Queen of Cups.

"I will call it, Moonhigh Queen."

Jotaro and Kakyoin started chuckling. "Go laugh as much as you like. But have you heard the names of other stands my mom found?" She then took her book and read other examples."Princess Diana's was called Minnie Deluxe, Gandhi's stand was named Hopeful India... Ok that one was cute." She said, closing the book. "But my birth card is the High Priestess, the moon means emotions and water, and cups too. Since you saw her being water, it gets the Stand Name Pass."

They all laughed together and explained more about the concept of stands as (Name) was writing down every detail they said.


The next day, the two men searched for the new stand user, but she hasn't been at school. They decided to check on her.

She was home, in the bed with a high fever. She gave them spare keys so they wouldn't break the door anymore, and saw (Name) standing in bed, while her stand was literally taking care of her.

They called for the Speedwagon foundation. If there was anyone who could help her, were they. Jotaro was scared that her stand was doing this to her, like it did with her mom.

"Will she be fine?" Asked Kakyoin, seeing all those doctors of the SWF around their new friend."I don't know, Kakyoin... I just don't want to go again through that..." Jotaro said, arranging his hat.

"I don't think it's her stand doing this... It wouldn't have tried to save her if it was that way..." Said Noriaki, seeing the ghostly water looking at the doctors and pointing to its user.

"I also called jiji.... He'll come here soon, he planned the coming for tomorrow but he'll get here today." He then started remembering Mariah's words.

"JoJo... Do you think..."

"Oy, Noriaki. Are you ready for a new bizzare adventure?" Interrupted Jotaro with a subtle smile in his words.


Meanwhile, (Name) was sleeping and dreaming... A nightmare. She has tried her best for the past 15 hours to dodge everything she was wanted to be hit with.

A clown face, claiming to be "Death 13", kept trying to kill her, but to no avail. She somehow managed to dodge everything but the hotness the clown did around them, as the carnival landscape they were in was burning.

One single hit on her cheek, opening wide a wound. "You son of a bitch.... Let me go." (Name) kept crying.


"Check for brain activity." Said Jotaro to a doctor. "We need to keep her for 12 hours at least."

"Mister Joestar said he took a jet plane. Given he doesn't crash, he should get here in at least 5." Said a nurse as she hung up a phone conversation and then left.

"The brain activity is irregular, like she's actually awake... But she's clearly sleeping in a comatose like state." The doctor kept looking at the monitors, and noticing her heartbeat was high, as if she was scared or running.

The Stand was still high in the air. It splashed Kakyoin and Jotaro to catch their attention. They looked on (Name)'s cheek. A cut suddenly formed. Kakyoin knew what was going on.

"JoJo... That's the weirdest request I'll ever ask you but... We need to sleep with (Name)."

"You pervert." Said Jotaro, slapping his cheek. "Jotaro. Trust me. I know what's going on. There's a stand that attacks people in their sleep. Since (Name) didn't bring her stand out while she was awake before going to sleep, it remained out and was trying to help her. She's captive in a dream world and being killed there soon. And if we don't get there to finish it from the inside, it will keep happening if we wake her up."

"Nah... I've seen enough hentai to know what's going to happen." And with these words, the number 13 was being burned into her skin. The doctor was taken aback and in fear he ran from the chamber.

"Care for a nap now?"


"I won't give up... My mom... She knows nothing of me... Sylvia, I haven't told Jotaro about you at all... Jotaro... Kakyoin..." She said, beaten up, on the ground with her eyes filled with tears. Ropes tightened around her limbs as the clown was in front of her, standing up menacingly.

"Lali ho! You've finally gave up... I'm so sorry your daddy isn't here to see her princess. Would he save her? NOT ANYMORE! Hohoho!" It prepared its scythe and was ready to give the blow.

"Any last words, girl?"

(Name) was angry. She just wanted to punch it.

"Let me have my first words here... STAR PLATINUM."

"And let me add some more: Hierophant Green!"

As the two voices said that, two stands went together to tackle down the clown face. (Name) couldn't make up the images but she could hear everything aroud her. Soon it was all over, and she was lifted in the air, and all her wounds were stitched.

Suddenly, (Name) woke up to find Jotaro and Noriaki sleeping in her bed. She jolted straight up, hitting in the process the doctor that has just returned.

"Oh... You're awake... Miss?"

"(Name)... And what happened?" She asked, pointing at all the medical equipment and the two teenagers sleeping on her bed.

"That's what we'd like to know as well, miss." Said another male voice accompanied by two more silhouettes. " My name is Joseph Joestar, and this is my daughter, Holy Kujo, Jotaro's mother. And this is Jean Pierre Polnareff. We are here because we've been told there's an emergency."

The one known as Polnareff stepped in front and took (Name)'s hand and kissed it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, ma chérie."

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