Seven of Pentacles

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A.N. This chapter also announces that the smut book I spoke about in Announcements was published for those who want to give it a shot.


Upright: Hard Work, Perseverance, Diligence

Reversed: Work Without Results, Distractions, Lack of Reward

She went to sleep on the couch and soon enough was dragged back into the sleep world where the baby's stand waited for her return.

"I forgot about timezones... I cannot think about everything. I'm a baby."

(Name) chuckled. "You are. But you're very smart. I can apparently bloodbind."

"I expected that." Said the stand as he walked to a big library that seemed to be infinite. "In the dream world one can access the knowledge of the universe. I bet your type of stand existed once before."

(Name) looked at the stand searching for the book it wanted. She closed her eyes and allowed Moonhigh Queen to search. In less than 5 minutes later, a heavy book came. The language written on it seemed harder than Japanese, but (Name) understood it, since it was one of the languages her mother taught her.

"It's in Romanian... Here says: «The water stands are the most powerful when it comes to development potential. They can communicate with souls that passed easily, without magic, and are able to manipulate the body of the dead, if the dead isn't burnt.» when I come back I want to test this." She made a mental note over what she had to do back in the real world.

She kept reading the info and waited for the alarm to ring.


School came and went and Sylvia was sitting next to the girl. But if it were for her to not sit next to the (h/c) girl, there would be Jotaro, or Kakyoin, or even Polnareff that had his job as a teacher put in good use.

Back home, Sylvia announced that she'll sleep over, as to assure everyone that (Name) was perfectly fine.

"Please I need my intimacy!" Revolted (Name) as her friend insisted she had to take care of her.

"We don't want you to kill yourself."

"I won't."

"(Name) I swear to God if you die..."

"Yeah yeah... Let me please. Go out with Leo for what I care. Make him your boyfriend before you turn 18... I mean.... The wedding is on 25, your birthday a day before..."

"Okay." Started Sylvia. "If I let you alone... Will you promise me you won't do something stupid!"

"I swear."

The redhead left, and (Name) was alone. She remembered the ritual, but she didn't want to do one now.

She put all the memory on paper, so that if she's going to forget, she will have the back up notes.


Raisa and Polnareff stood together in his apartment, enjoying a cup of wine while enjoying a cigarette after sex.

The silver haired girl chuckled.

"What is so funny?" Her fiance asked.

"We did all these once before..."  She replied, a small tear rolled from her left eye.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Pierre... Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"Since meeting you... I'm having doubts about my initial belief."

Raisa blew it off, poisonous smoke lifting and creating a cloud above their heads. "Ever since (Name)'s grandfather died, I did not smoke. The first time I started was after we had one night of love before the wedding."

"It's all repeating, isn't it?"

"Yes... I hope this time I won't lose you..." She added, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Raisa looked at her glass of wine and drank Bacchus' creation. She looked at the empty glass and placed it on the night stand.

"I don't want to seem rude... But what was your name before?"

"Before wedding was as you know it: Raisa Alecrim, but if you mean before I lost my husband, it was Raisa Theriot." Polnareff listened closely but the too French for his pleasure surname

"What was his name?"

"Jean Theriot. And he was so much like you... But you're not him."

Pierre looked at his lover, and kissed her forehead. "Then I promise to be better than him..."

Raisa wanted to cry, but laughed. Pierre was a dork. She genuinely loved him back.

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