Nine of Cups

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Upright: Comfort, Emotional Stability, Luxury

Reversed: Greed, Smugness, Dissatisfaction

What could be considered adult was already outside or inside the kitchen, preparing the wedding details that were forgotten, except for the groom and bride. The two were with a pair of teens, separated.

Raisa was with (Name) and Sylvia as they had some makeup and hair issues they had to take care of, while Polnareff was with the boys.

"Okay so... Are you going to have a wedding that seems taken out of 1970 or that but touched by Jeffree Star make-up and some hair extensions?" Asked Sylvia, opening a bag of make-up she went back home for.

"Do what you want but make me recognizable." Replied the trembling bride, as emotions took the best of her. "At least (Name) did her own natural-ish make-up." Added Sylvia, wiping the tears.

"One less to work with!" Added the (h/c) girl as she arranged her hair.

(Name) then noticed Raisa and went to hug her, as that was all she could do... "Oh... Darling..."
"It's okay. It's going to be the most perfect day... I promise... Unless this has happened before."

Raisa then spoke: "Holly has something for you because I asked her to provide me these. Tell her about «The Arcana»."

"Finally!" Thought (Name). "Something to do without feeling like I disturb everyone." The girl finished her hairdo and went ahead to

She hadn't felt she mattered as it wasn't enough being next to her friends on this important day... Not necessarily useless... "ALRIGHT I FEEL USELESS!" she thought, stopping the narrator from trying to cover the ugly truth.

Holly was still cooking with Sadao. They had to make sure the food was plenty and tasty for everyone.

"Oh, (Name)! You have the movements of a cat! I didn't hear you coming. Did something happen?" Asked Jotaro's mother, as she was preparing a tray for the stove.

"Oh... Well... Raisa sent me orders. I was told to come to you for «The Arcana». I have no idea what that is so please help."

Holly smiled. "Follow me... After I wash my hands." She added, noticing the flour on her whole arms and on her apron if not also on her face.

In another room, there rested a long sky blue dress, and a crown of flowers. "You'll be sitting here until you learn this."

As Holly said these, she locked the door. "I'm sorry I have to do that... It's Raisa's orders... And Jotaro said you won't be mad at me after I'll tell you through the door why."


"Well... You'll officiate the wedding. As the High Priestess. Kakyoin declined, because Polnareff asked him to sing while you say what's on the paper."

"Great..." Whispered (Name), hearing Holly's footsteps getting further and further from the door.

The girl took the paper in hand. "Huh it's not so long..." She first said. She started reading:

«În tarot, fiecare carte are o semnificație. Propriul ei înțeles. În funcție de poziția pe care o are în citire, poate fi Reversată sau Dreaptă.»

"Oh it's in Romanian..." Said the girl after she read the first paragraph of the blue written words. She started translating:

«In tarot, each card has a significance. Its own meaning. Depending on the position it has while in a spread, it can be Reversed or Upright.

The life of every human is similar to the cards, having their ups and downs. Probably being the reason why the Major Arcana is resembling the Ascension of a human to the higher knowledge and being. From being an innocent Fool, to an all knowing world.

But as in every human story, people have their fate, some have one, some thousands... While some lose them or are born at a different time.

The red string of fate has united everyone across the ages. With time, some new strings formed, such as the one stating that bad people will attract bad people, or that good deeds will bring good deeds... Or my favorite, Twin flames will meet again in another life...

Tarot not only describes one's future, but also reads from the unknown of unconsciousness, just like the stands having the aspect of our fears or loves or pasts...» (Name)'s part.

Another paragraph, in full English was written with a normal 2 HB pencil.

«I was given the Lovers and the Devil, I was meant to find you and adore you, until doom does part us.
You were the Phaeton(*), meant to search me in your life's journey. » My part. Please help in case I forget. ♡

"What the fuck does Phaeton is?" Asked the girl, as she tried to remember words in the languages she was taught.


(*Translator's note: Phaeton's is a synonym of Chariot)

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