King of Swords

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Upright: Intellectual, Power, Truth

Reversed: Manipulative, Cruel, Criticism

"What is wrong?" She asked.

"You have something on it. Lipstick?" Said Noriaki.

(Name) covered her mouth and thanked the universe she had applied some unknowingly, most likely on autopilot.

"Well. I also spoke with Gramps, and we got these." He handed them three earpieces, small and looked like a hearing aid. "We will use these to communicate the plan in case of something."

"Does Sylvia have one?" Asked the girl, fixing hers.

"I gave her one today in our way to you. I didn't give it to Kakyoin and you... They work by a password only I know."

"And that is...?" Asked Kakyoin as he fixed his coiffure.

Jotaro took a deep breath and said. "Password one."

As Kakyoin laughed his ass on the password, all three ears of those in the room started hearing a robotic voice whispering "Welcome, JoJo. To chain the headphones on a single channel say "Yes.". If you want to create a new profile, please say "New" and state the new user and the second password. If you wish to close the headphones, please state the initial password."

"Okay. Now Gramps taught me this. (Name), you go first, but listen here. First, let me do my thing. Then I'll continue easily." He approached her ear and almost whispering, he said the initial password. His warm breath tickled her neck as she tried to focus on the matter at hand.

Looking into Kakyoin's eyes, she saw disappointment. Linking Moonhigh Queen to his arm, she saw a yellow shade of the water that was shifting to blue and so on.

"He's sad and jealous... Why?"

"Now, say your name and create a password."

She took a deep breath and nodded. "(Name) (S/n), password "mea copa" ."

The guys looked at her in misunderstanding and continued with Kakyoin. She knew the feeling Tenmei was now under. As she felt now, she realized what he felt during that moment Jotaro was close to her.

"I don't want to ask that... But at the same time it's been there in my mind for a while... I made up my mind, I'll ask that before they leave."

"Herobrine." Said Kakyoin.

"Now. With all password, say your password and then say yes."

They all did as instructed and the device replied "State the party leader."

"Wtf is that Discord?" Retorted Kakyoin.

"Who should be?" Asked (Name).

They all eyed each other. "You." Both boys said in unison.

Without a word from her, they shouted her full name, loud enough for the device to link it.

"Why me?" She asked.

Kakyoin put his hand on her shoulder and said: "Because you are the reason why we fight and what we fight for. Without you, I don't think we would've done something now about him."

"Kakyoin is right. You changed us. And because you're our friend, we will fight for you until our last breath."

"Uh... Guys? I know this might sound strange... But I wanted to ask you all something... Are you two together?"

"Yeah, as friends. We're frequently together, but not as a relationship." Stated Kakyoin.

"Wait." Interrupted Jotaro. "You thought we're gay?" Jotaro laugh screamed.

"Well I'm bisexual." Interjected Tenmei.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, NORIAKI. It's about me."

"Oh wow someone broke your feelings because I act like a friend and to am outsider we give mixed feelings about our relationship." The two looked at a red cheeked Jotaro.

JoJo puffed and said: "I'm not homophobic but I feel like Kakyoin is more of a brother to me."

"Oh... It's okay. I thought you two were starting to feel jealous when I interact with the other."

"That has another reason why, that is not important."

The girl looked at the clock and saw that it was 17:55.

"Well. I have to go. I need to see my Gramps.... God I still cannot believe Raisa's my Grandma. What will I find next? That I had secret admirers? Who am I kidding nobody would love me."

Jotaro and Kakyoin looked as if their hearts were broken on spot, but (Name) was taking some food from the fridge and prepared to go to hospital.

The boys bid their farewells and left. She took a big hat and applied sunscreen, the may sun was strong still for the current time.


Polnareff was smoking a cigarette on the same bench some days ago, and noticed his granddaughter??? He really had no idea what she was for him anymore.

"Bonjour, (Name)! How was your day at school?"

"Exhausting." She said, covering a yawn. "This time I got you a "french" croissant." She air quoted the word as they both now were laughing.

"All jokes aside, I don't particularly enjoy my country's butter croissants. They feel like sand in mouth." The girl laughed and he insisted. "Really. Raisa made one for me but with Turkish delight. Damn... It was better."

"Yeah... Raisa..."

"I heard your school will became a blood donation field. She'll need this blood."

"I don't know... I have mixed feelings regarding her... All my life I grew up knowing my parents were orphans and when mom died, I realized I was one too ... But seeing Raisa and hearing what she actually is to me..."

She started sobbing softly but continued her idea. "I feel less alone... But I hate that she had to hide from mom..."

"Raisa might not be the perfect grandma, but she wanted to save you from this fate. Unfortunately, she couldn't defeat it... But at least you met the guys. Which one do you prefer? I promise I won't tell them."

"Well uh.... I prefer... Wait. Why do you want to know?"

"Well... It's obvious, they like you."

The girl was taken aback. "I'm flattered but... I'm not worthy."

"We are worthy of our fate. One of them might be. So think well, who is what you desire the most?"

"And if I can't choose?"

"Well, in french there's a saying... Menaje à Trois."

She was about to slap Polnareff but he begged for mercy: "PLEASE don't hit your grandpa!"

"You're on thin ice." She added.

"Nobody said you can't be polyamorous. So if they're okay with that, go ahead."

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