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It represents Reflection, Reckoning, Inner Voice

Soon, an ambulance came and took Kakyoin. They were now trying to stop the bleeding on their way to keep the boy alive. The parents were called, and nobody could explain what actually happened.

A frail figure, bearing a pair of (e/c) eyes and her hair in a shade of (h/c) stood in the waiting room. In the room next to them were 4 figures. Jotaro, Polnareff and a redhead woman with a slightly shorter, dark with grey strands haired Asian man.

Muffled arguments could be heard from behind the wall. She was sitting there, sobbing softly.

She just wanted to die.

The man came outside and said: "Your boyfriend?"

"Not anymore at least." She sighed.

"He's fine... He just had an awful scar and it wasn't treated well. It was shaped like a new moon though... That's what I find curious."  He said looking through the papers.

"He just needs some resting and to be careful not to be hit. Especially since he has been already hit once in the chest. He probably did some physical exercise before being hit..." The doctor added, and left. The girl was now crying even more but it was cut by the door being opened.

The redhead woman went out and sat herself next to the girl, strong heels clanking at the impact with the floor. She noticed the red eyes of the girl and said. "Do you know Noriaki?"

"I do... I feel like I am at fault."

"It's not you, sweetheart. It's that boy, Jotaro... I'm sure of it. It's not the first time this has happened." (Name) eyed better the lady. She had European features. "Are you his mother?"

"I am."

"You have a sweet child. Tell him that I'm sorry for everything." The girl turned around but was stopped by the woman.

"Do I know you? You seem so familiar."

(Name) shrugged and left, and the woman had so many questions but was left speechless.


She went home and cried her soul on the pillow. And soon fell asleep.

(Name) woke up on a bed made out of flowers, in the middle of a magical forest, and saw the Orthodox Priest that has been in her dreams so many times now, cleaning the bad weed from around the girl.

"You must not take the sadness with you, my dear. The weeds grow stronger when you give them their food. These pray on your sadness."

She then left the Orthodox Hierophant do his thing, as she walked to the Greek man, whom hold a Harp. He was singing a beautiful tune and sang too.

A.N.(Use the one from Media, at 1:07)

"And I've been a star
And all my life was taken so far
Far from the sky, the moon,
The sun and I cannot bloom."

"What a beautiful song!" She said. The singer vanished, out of shyness. She sighed. "I could be your moon." She shouted. What looked like a speck of light was now around her, circling her.

Once the speck left, she walked more into that forest and met the Hermit at the waterfall's base.

"Our queen...What is it that you desire to know?"

"What? And how can one do that?

"The water. It knows your sorrows. But with your guidance, I, the seeker, can find the truth and future."


Neither Jotaro nor Kakyoin have shown any signs of life towards her. It's been almost two weeks since her date with Haru, since that, and they seemed to forget about her... The men she hurt as well.

No more dates were there with Haru. He avoided her... She didn't know why. "Maybe because I'm a Monster..."

But there was something inside of her, that didn't let her rest well.
Maybe she didn't talk to the guys, but she has reoccurring nightmares and the same dream with the Hermit that tells her she can read the future with the water.

"Hey. Earth to (Name)! Are you there?" Said a feminine voice.

Only Sylvia stood with her now. She didn't interract too much with Jotaro and Noriaki. The lunchtime was spent with her American fellow, because all other Americans plain annoyed her.

"I'm not too well..." She said, taking a mouthful of rice from her bento. (Name) didn't feel the flavors anymore. All was repetitive as back home: go to school, study, eat, study, go home, do homework, sleep, have nightmares, repeat... There were rare occasions when she couldn't suffer anymore the silence around her and played music, went to a park to go on a swing, cook a Japanese meal - as she did yesterday - and she couldn't do anything for now to change it.

"You miss them, don't you?"


"You miss your friends, right?"

"I do. But after what happened... They won't trust me... Not anymore."

"Look. I don't know if you trust me more than you trust... Or trusted them, but I want to understand and help you. Ok?" Said Sylvia as she lifted herself and hugged (Name).

And so time passed again and both women went to their homes. It was Friday after all, and they couldn't bear the school now.

"...And that's why I'm called a fox." Said Sylvia as she was trying to interact with her classmate. "Also... Some days ago, Mister Polnareff gave me this for you. I forgot that in my backpack and I just remembered about it."

(Name) took a big envelope that was hard to see through. She put it in her bag and said thank you to the girl with red hair.

In her home, the empty room was looking normal. She gave up everything there was around her and tore open the letter.

From it fell a CD, a stick and two folders, just like the one she read about her father from, all of them bearing the Speedwagon sigil.

The CD was named: "Proof of what happened. Hope you forgive me. Mom grounded me after she saw it ~ JoJo."

The stick had no title on it, and the folders were a bit heavy. She took her phone and dialed someone:

"Sylvia, do you still have that laptop you wanted to throw away?"

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