Chapter 14 - Epilogue

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Their final examination was at two o'clock that Thursday afternoon, and despite Scorpius's best efforts, Albus still seemed woefully underprepared.

"Name one cause of the Goblin riots of the eighteenth century," Scorpius requested.

Albus groaned. He rolled over and threw himself across Scorpius's chest. Scorpius automatically wrapped his arms around him. He laughed as Albus pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder, but the looming presence of their examination required him to keep Albus on track.

"No kissing," he chided. "Goblin riots. Eighteenth century. One cause. You can do it! I believe in you!"

"One cause? They're Goblins and Wizardkind has been dicking them around for centuries."

"Albus! Our exam is in two hours!"

"Thank Merlin for that...this is all getting tiring."


"What? I don't need to continue on with History of Magic. It doesn't matter what I make."

"It does matter! Because I want to continue on, and if you don't, we'll be separated!"

"Scorpius, we sleep in the same dorm. Our relationship can survive a separate class period."

Scorpius gave a troubled sigh. Albus sat up and kissed his pouting lips; Scorpius couldn't help but melt a bit in response. Two hours, he reminded himself. Don't get any ideas. Two hours. And for Merlin's sake, don't let Albus get any ideas...

"The Goblins were rebelling against the way they were being treated, Urg the Unclean did some nasty things, Aster's ancestor Albert Boot resigned as Minister after a really terrible job, the werewolves joined forces with the Goblins, and everything just generally went to shit," Albus said.

Scorpius felt affection flood his chest. He sat straight up.

"You did read over my notes!" he cried. Albus was grinning as Scorpius leaned in and gave him a kiss. One relieved kiss turned into about ten affectionate ones before Scorpius could remind himself about their very important exam. He put space between them and beamed.

"You might pass yet!" he celebrated.

"Pass?! Thanks for the vote of confidence, Scorpius. I always thought I would pass..."

" did...I."

Albus leaned in and gave his bottom lip a teasing nip.

Their revising could've been better—they'd joined Rose and Iset on their nightly efforts a little too late, in Scorpius's opinion—but despite that, Scorpius felt he'd done extremely well. He felt confident about his Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L., his Potions one had gone much better than anticipated, and even though he'd been uncertain about a few tasks on the Transfiguration practical examination, he felt he'd aced the theory exam. Even Divination had gone fairly well. So after a successful History of Magic examination period that afternoon, Scorpius left the hall feeling absolutely giddy.

"We did it!" he celebrated.

Albus beamed. "It's over! No matter what I got, at least it's over!"

"I think I did pretty well! What about you? What'd you think of that question about wand legislation?"

"I think I remembered about twenty-five percent of what they were expecting on that one. So better than I anticipated I'd do! That section of history always bored me to tears during lectures."

Scorpius resisted the urge to skip down the corridor. "Now we've got nothing to worry about until our N.E.W.T.s! And we can relax on our holiday this summer because we know we did fairly well!"

"To be honest, Scorpius, poor O.W.L. results weren't going to keep me from enjoying our holiday to France."

"...Now I can fully enjoy our holiday this summer!"

"I'm just excited to find out more about the origin of your fancy silk pants. Will we be visiting the shop? Will I get to pick your next pairs out?"

Scorpius felt his cheeks warm. A familiar tingle raced down his spine.

"Stop," he grinned. He knocked his hip into Albus's, hoping that'd knock that look from Albus's eyes, but they were still intense and unfairly beautiful. He fidgeted with the hem of his robes. "Stop...."

But Albus continued looking at him with that look, so Scorpius didn't have a choice. He was helpless. He had to pull Albus to a stop and snog him in a cobwebbed alcove. The things he did for love.

They were flustered and out of breath as they stumbled into the mixed-house Common Room, located one flight above the library. It had been in use for six months now, but Scorpius still felt a bit taken aback every time he entered it. The explosion of color, warmth, and the sheer number of students always took him off guard.

"Where are they?" Albus wondered. Scorpius scanned his eyes around the room, searching for their best friends. He grinned a moment later as he locked eyes with Rose. He waved happily.

"There! There they are! C'mon!"

They hurried over to the far corner, where Rose and Iset were sitting with a large group of family and friends. Albus immediately launched into a discussion with Iset about the wand legislation question (a topic they'd both hated learning about) while Scorpius waved at everybody around them. His smile faltered as he spotted James and Nora, sitting together in the farthest armchair, with Harry, Dean Thomas, Lily, Evvie, and Ben surrounding them. Scorpius took one look at Nora's posture and realized something wasn't right. She was gripping her bulbous stomach, her teeth were gritted, and her dark skin was shining beneath a thin sheen of sweat. Scorpius gaped.

"Albus," he said, without tearing his eyes from the scene in front of him. "I think you're about to be an uncle."

"Yeah," Albus agreed, only briefly glancing Scorpius's way. "She's gotten huge, hasn't she? It's actually a bit adorable. Iset, did you put down Ireland for that question about flight regulations?"

", Albus, I mean like...presently. I think she's in labor."

"WHAT?!" Albus jumped to his feet, his eyes wide. He turned in place and looked around excitedly, searching for his brother and his brother's fiancée.

"Oh, yeah," Rose told them. She leaned back and reached over, pulling Iset into her side. Iset let her head fall on Rose's shoulder. "Nora's been in labor for hours."

"What?!" Albus repeated "And nobody thought to tell me this?! Where is—" Scorpius reached up, grabbed Albus's hand, and pulled, gently turning him in the right direction, so he could spot Nora and James. He beamed. "Brilliant! C'mon, Scorpius!"

Albus yanked Scorpius to his feet and dragged him over to the armchair the couple was occupying. The contraction seemed to pass right as they approached; Nora collapsed back against James, her hands falling from her stomach. Albus wasted no time shoving Lily off the left arm of the armchair, so he could sit where she'd been.

"Hey!" Lily complained. She aimed a kick at Albus's leg; he hardly seemed to notice. She gave his side a hard push until he'd inched down enough for her to squeeze back onto the arm of the chair, too.

"Are you having the baby right now, Nora?!" Albus asked.

"Hello," Scorpius greeted with a smile. Harry smiled back at him. Evvie reached over and gently patted his shoulder in greeting.

"Merlin, I wish," Nora told Albus. She reached up and took his offered hand. "The pain's ungodly and it's been going on for ages. James—why'd you stop reading?"

Nora looked back at James. James gave his head a small shake.

"Sorry, just having a difficult time focusing," James admitted. He grabbed a book that'd fallen between his hip and the chair. He lifted it up and took a deep breath. "Okay. Focusing. Transfiguration. Revising. Exams..." James trailed off, losing his focus once more. "Nope. Sorry, no. I only care about you and the baby right now." He carelessly dropped the school book to the floor; Dean inhaled sharply, leading Scorpius to believe the book had landed on Nora's father's toe. James set his hands on either side of Nora's stomach and grinned like an idiot, his eyes actually twinkling. He leaned over and whispered to her stomach: "Almost time, Baby Bear!"

"When do you think you'll have her?" Albus asked.

"Dunno—I need to have her right now. James and I have our Transfiguration N.E.W.T. in the morning! Evvie, do you love me?"

Nora turned and gave Evvie wide, pleading eyes. Evvie squinted hers in response.

"Whenever somebody asks me that question, it usually leads to an annoying and sometimes morally objectionable request."

"But do you?"

"You know I do...why?"

"Will you get me a coffee?"

"Another?" Evvie arched her left eyebrow. "Is that...medically advisable?"

"I don't know about that, Nora," Dean said quickly. "Water would be better."

"Water won't give me the energy to push a seven pound baby from my birth canal...please?"

"Eugh," Albus said. "Please don't ever say 'birth canal' ever again..."

"I'll get you a coffee," James offered. He leaned forward and kissed the side of her face. "Your usual? Cream, sugar, cinnamon?"

Nora reached down and wrapped her arms around her own stomach, trapping James's hands in place. "No, I don't want you to go anywhere."

"I really don't think another coffee is a good idea," Dean persisted. "Don't get her one, James."

"But...if she feels like it'll make her feel better, why can't she have one?" James demanded.

"Ginny would get me a coffee!" Nora added.

"Well, Ginny's not here!" Dean said. "And despite what she may sometimes believe, she is not a midwife or a Healer!"

"Okay," Evvie interjected firmly. "Everybody calm down. I'm going to go Floo Victoire. If she says it's okay, I'll bring back a coffee."

"Good thinking," Ben appreciated.

"Oh, could you bring your Transfiguration notes, too?" Nora asked.

"The color coded ones or the chronological ones?"

"Color coded."

Evvie nodded and headed towards the door. Dean heaved a loud sigh. His brow was furrowed with worry.

"I don't think you should even be thinking about revising, either," Dean told Nora, his voice tense. "You need to relax. You can sit for your Transfiguration make up exam. We all figured you would have to miss a few exams, anyway."

"No, Gringotts is expecting my results on time—oh, glittering hell, not again!"

Albus let out a cry right as Nora did.

"My hand," he said through gritted teeth. Nora wordlessly dropped his and took Dean's instead. James was holding her tightly against him, his hands still resting on her stomach, which had gone taut as a drum during the contraction.

"This one is worse," Nora managed, an edge of panic in her voice. "Where's Seamus?!"

"He should be here any moment; he said the portkey was at four. Do you want me to try to Floo him, to see if he's home yet?"

"Yes! I want him here!"

"Okay, okay," Dean reassured her. He leaned down to kiss her forehead. When he dropped her hand, she immediately took Harry's in its place.

"No kiss for me?" James teased Dean, clearly attempting to lighten the mood. Nora gave a short laugh, but Dean did not. He narrowed his eyes.

"I think you've gotten enough kisses," Dean snapped.

"Oooh," Albus said beneath his breath.

"Ouch," Lily agreed.

"You can't ever have enough kisses..." James muttered as Dean stalked off.

Nora was still gritting her teeth and squeezing Harry's hand. She reached up and took Ben's with her other one, so she was squeezing both. Even Scorpius realized this contraction was lasting quite a while.

"Er..." Harry said nervously, his eyes on his wristwatch. "I'm expert, but think it might be time to go to St. Mungo's."

"What?!" Nora and James chorused.

"But Mum's not back yet!" James said, panicked.

"And my dads aren't here!" Nora added.

"They can meet us," Harry reassured them. "C'mon, let's go."

Harry rounded in front of the armchair and reached out, taking both Nora's hands in his. He pulled her to her feet. James climbed out of the armchair after her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Can I come along?!" Lily asked. She was practically dancing on the spot with excitement. "Please, Dad?! I want to go, too!"

"Could you stay behind just for a bit, Lulu? I need you to help get the message to your mum and Nora's dads."

"And then I can go?"

"Yes, you can come along with your mum."

Lily thought about it for a brief moment. Scorpius thought she might argue or throw a fit about wanting to be involved right then. But after considering it, she nodded.

"Okay. I'll wait right here for them."

"Good girl," Harry smiled. "All right, off we go, Jamie and Nora, deep breaths..."

Albus fell down into the now-empty armchair. He patted the spot beside him; Scorpius walked over and joined him.

"Looks like we won't be getting an early night tonight," Albus said.

Scorpius was beaming so hard his cheeks ached. "No! But we'll get a baby!"

"I'm going to be an aunt," Lily realized. "Aunt Lily." She nodded. "Yes, that sounds right. I was meant to be the fun aunt."

"A questionable influence, too," Albus hissed to Scorpius. He giggled quietly into Albus's shoulder in response.

"Oh, look," Lily said happily. She swung her long hair over her shoulder and waved. When Scorpius followed her gaze, he saw Caden had just entered. "My boyfriend's here. Bye."

"Oi, Dad said to wait here for Mum and Nora's dads!"

"I am! I'm just going to wait...over there," Lily said, a mischievous grin in place. Albus groaned.

"Ugh, I hate this," he said. "I honestly think I preferred the dragon smuggling to her kissing people in public..."

"Opal was very cute. Have you seen how big he's gotten? That last picture Charlie sent Lily—wow!"

"Of course I've seen it. Lily's got it duplicated and taped to everything." Albus rolled his eyes. "Oh, Evvie's back. Hey, Evvie, Nora's gone to St. Mungo's to have the baby."

Evvie sighed. She switched the steaming mug of coffee from her right hand to her left. "Figures. Ben, fancy a trip to St. Mungo's?"

"Sounds like rule breaking," Ben grinned broadly. He winked. "Rule-breaking with my girl. Is it my birthday?"

"No—it's baby Ginevra's birth day."

Ben laughed. He stood and then walked over, taking the hot mug from Evvie's hand. He looked to Albus a moment later.

"What—no taunting Evvie for her rule-breaking? That's not like you, Al."

"Nah," Albus said, a relaxed smile in place. "Because you're going to take Scorpius and me with you."

"We are, are we?" Evvie challenged. She spotted Ben taking a sip of Nora's coffee from the corner of her eye. She snapped her head in Ben's direction and snatched the coffee from him. "You're seriously going to steal a pregnant woman's coffee?"

"She can't drink coffee while she's birthing a baby! She'd want me to have it!"

"You're shameless."

"You are going to take us," Albus continued, bluntly directing them away from an argument. "And you're going to take Rose and Iset."

"Well, if we take you lot, we've got to take Clementine, Louis, and Roxanne, and that's quite a lot of people to smuggle from Hogwarts."

"Oh, and Nora's dorm mates," Ben added. He made a quick amendment. "Except Danielle."

Evvie turned to Albus. "Fine. Gather everybody. I'm going to go get McGonagall's permission."

She turned and walked off, leaving Ben gaping after her.

"Evvie! It's not breaking the rules if you get permission! Get back here and be a rebel!"

"No! You don't have to be a rebel if you're manipulative—people just let you do what you want. It's much easier," she called over her shoulder. "Bye. I'll be back."

"Should we tell Lily we're leaving?" Scorpius asked Albus.

"No way," Albus said. "She's got a job to do, and anyway—" he glanced towards the corner she was in and grimaced— "she looks busy."

Scorpius was half asleep with his head in Albus's lap when Ginny, Lily, and Hermione arrived at the reception area of the Labor and Delivery ward. Ginny was out of breath and, to Scorpius's surprise, she'd brought along a very unlikely person. Rita Skeeter.

"Any news?" Ginny greeted them. She did a double-take around the reception area. "Blimey—did you bring the entire school?"

"No," Roxanne reassured her aunt. "We were very particular about who we allowed to come."

"There are literally no open seats."

"They should get more seats," Roxanne shrugged.

Lily walked over and collapsed down onto Dominique's lap. Scorpius went back to staring at Rita Skeeter.

"Oh," Ginny said, noticing Scorpius's gaze. "Yeah, I've brought Skeeter along. We were in the middle of a meeting when Harry sent his Patronus. We'll just continue it right here...after I check on Nora. Be right back."

"I'll come along," Rita said, a manic gleam in her eye. She made to follow after Ginny, but Ginny stopped walking at once.

"Follow me through that door and I'll drag you straight to hell by your throat," Ginny shot back, a tight smile in place. Rita quickly stopped following her.

"All right," Hermione said. She waved her wand; two ornate wooden chairs with plush ruby cushions appeared. "We'll have our meeting right here. Now, we've briefed you on all the new laws regarding the press and minors. Do you have any questions about that?"

"No. I've got a few comments."

"Really not interested in your opinions. Now, I'd like to introduce you to Louis Weasley and Clementine Clearwater. Louis and Clem, could you pull your chairs over here? Yes, thank you." Scorpius yawned as he watched Clementine and Louis pull their chairs up to Hermione and Rita. Albus dropped his hand to Scorpius's hair and began pulling his fingers through it. Scorpius grinned. He turned his face and pressed a quick kiss to Albus's thigh.

"Clementine and Louis are heading up our new Journalistic Integrity Department. Every article will be subject to thorough fact checking before its publication, fact checking that will be performed to the strictest of standards, by the most diligent people. Any articles with lies or half-truths will be sent back to the writer so they can fix it. This applies to all newspapers, magazines, and nonfiction. Any questions on this?"

"Yes. Do you hate creativity? Do you have a soul, Hermione Granger?" Rita asked.

She was utterly ignored. "You have our permission to continue writing, as long as you follow these new standards. A failure to do so will result in employment termination and heavy fines. Understand?"

"I understand that it's time for me to try my hand at novels," Rita sniffed.

"You know, Rita, I think you'd be great at that," Hermione said. "All right. That's all. Bye."

Rita didn't stand. "What?! I can't stay to see the new Potter?"

Hermione snorted. "Are you joking? If you think Ginny and Harry will let you back there to see their grandchild, you're more addled than I thought. Good luck on your future endeavors! I'll walk you to the Floo."

Rita glowered over her shoulder at all of them as Hermione practically dragged her from the reception area. Albus snickered.

"Serves her right," he said smugly. "She doesn't get to see the baby, but we do."

Scorpius turned his head and looked up at Albus. Albus glanced down at him. Scorpius smiled softly, his hand rising up to stroke his

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