Part III

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Special thanks to @lynzoie and @Hermione_Always for showing their support for the story.

"You're joking!  There's no way that actually happened!" Hermione laughed at her friend recounting the tale of how he set a snake on his cousin. The two had been chatting for hours about everything under the sun. Right now, the topic of choice was childhood memories.

"It did! And it was awesome!  I mean, I got in huge trouble, but Dudley's face made it worth it," Harry paused for a moment to take a sip a Butterbeer. "So what about you, any great stories?"

"Yeah. I've always been a huge bookworm, no surprise there. So, when I was young, I was reading. Matilda, you know, the book about the girl who can move things with her mind? Anyways, I decided to try it myself, not really expecting anything to happen because it's just a book, right? Well, since I'm a witch, when I tried to move the bookcase it actually moved and I was so excited. My parents were a little alarmed, but they took it in stride. It only made sense once I got my Hogwarts letter, 6 years later." Harry chuckled. Hermione had said this very quickly because as she has continued her story, she started shake with laughter at the memory. In the process, she managed to get the foam from her drink above her lip, giving her a moustache.

"Hey, you got a little..." Harry trailed off as he wiped the foam from her face. He held her head gently as he brushed it away, his eyes lingering on her lips for a moment too long. Harry blushed as he realized that they were in an oddly intimate situation.

"Sorry," he stammered.

"It's alright." The two remained in an awkward silence for a moment. Harry broke the lull in conversation when he suddenly burst out,


"Harry, could you say that again, but a bit slower please? I didn't catch that."

Harry took a deep breath. "Hermione, I know we've been friends for ages, and I really don't want to wreak that, so I understand I you say no, but would you like, that is, do you want to go out me with- with me?" Harry repeated, blushing madly.

"Really, Harry?! I'd love to!"

"Really? That's great, I don't really know what I would have done if you said no. That would be-"

"Awkward," they chorused at the same time.

"Harry, it's almost dinner, we should head back to the castle."

"Of course. Would the fair lady like a hand with her cloak?" Harry asked, exaggerating his accent.

"That would be lovely, thank you, kind sir."

The two made their way back to the castle, hand in hand the whole way.

A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter is a little short, sorry. Anyways, they got together so hopefully that made you happy. What'd you think? Let me know, I love to hear feedback! We'll find out who the present is for and what it is in the next couple chapters, yay!

Until we next meet,


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