Running Into Trouble

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I walked with Haruhi quietly through a mall I had taken her to. I had my right arm linked with hers as we moved from store to store.

"You know if you find anything you like, I am more than happy to pay for it." I smile and she shook her head chuckling.

"You said that multiple times already, also you shouldn't spend your money on me." She states, it wasn't my money. I wasn't gonna tell her that, she would only get more nervous. This was just another way to get back at my mother. Slowly but surely.

We walked into a store and I began looking at some tops and I noticed Haruhi looking at a plain wine red dress. I smiled and make my way to her. "Try it on, a dark red like this would match your skintone very well. And will bring out some of those yellow undertones in your eyes."

"N-no I can't." I looked her up and down and pulled a small off the rack and pulled her to a fitting room.

"Now, try it on! I won't be like Ranka I promise but this seems more sophisticated and more your style." She grumbled and closed the curtain. I looked around the surrounding racks and grabbed a velvet top and skirt combo. Smiling to myself I put it aside for buying later when she came out. "Haruhi, you look amazing." Her cheeks immediately flushed to a pink color.

"I don't know Niko." I turn her to face a mirror and slightly ruffle her hair.

"Imagine walking into a meeting, possibly one of the host clubs gatherings wearing this. I know you don't necessarily like attention but the feeling of that confidence soaring and the feeling of being free to wear it without the influence of Ranka or I. Now I won't push you to get it, that is your choice."

"Are you sure you can pay for it? Because it fits me well." I don't think I have ever smiled so big.

"Of course I will get it and you won't owe me anything from what you get this shopping trip, you did help me in one of my weakest moments and I forever owe you for that." She slipped back into the changing room when I looked up towards the door, my eyes met Kyoya's. What the hell was he doing here? He seemed exhausted and barely awake. Tamaki was half carrying him as the twins looked around.

"Shit." I shook my head at Kyoya as a warning, but it was hard to see a reaction in his state. They walked past the store and I let out a breath I was holding. I heard the curtain open again and I turned.

"Niko, you're pale. What's going on?"

"Guess who happens to be here?" She groaned muttering how she can never get away from them. I let out a chuckle and grab the dress and made my way to the clerk. I quickly paid for the clothes and motioned to the way they were headed.

"They went that way but lucky for us, we get to go right." I smile as we began our journey in the opposite direction.

"What are they even doing here, I swear they always seem to find a way to be around us." I shrug at her comment. As we visited shops and picked up some milk tea from a small shop, she turned asking if we could find a restroom. I nodded as we began looking. I waited outside with both of our teas when I heard a snicker. Sumida made his way over pinning me to the wall I dropped the teas, the liquid contained by the the plastic film. The back of his hand caressed along my cheek. His friends stood blocking the public from seeing anything.

"Back off Sumida." He held my chin tightly and my hands instinctively went to his arm trying to pry him off.

"Gave it to Ootori first chance you got but not to me when we were together." He squeezed my jaw roughly, pain beginning to spread.

"Leave her alone." I heard Haruhi angrily state.

"And what are you gonna do pipsqueak?" His friend stepped towards her, this was my chance. Bringing my leg up, kicking Sumida in the side and pushing him off of me. I grab Haruhi's hand and took off running. Sumida's goons behind us catching up rather quickly.

"Stop! And why would such boys chase after ladies." I stopped and turned to see Tamaki and the others.

"They were causing trouble." They growled and Kyoya looked over at me.

"Seeing one of them is bruising, I believe you were causing chaos." Ootori gritted his teeth, his eyes hidden by the glare of his glasses. I squeezed Haruhi's hand as Hikaru and Karou stood up straight ready to fight.

"Why didn't we just stick up to them, now the guys will be on us." Haruhi whispered.

"I know Sumida, we wouldn't be able to fight them all off, our situations could have been a lot worse knowing him." I let out a long breath as I watched the guys back off.

Tamaki instantly wrapped Haruhi in a bone crushing hug as the twins made sure they stayed away. Kyoya lightly lifted my jaw and I winced nudging his hand away.

"I'm fine. It isn't that bad." I stated fixing my clothes.

"You winced, I would hardly call that okay." Kyoya gritted his jaw tightening, anger seeped from him.

"Not because of the pain, I merely don't want to be touched at the moment. I should have seen it coming that was my fault." I glared at him and he didn't drop his faze from me.

"Tamaki-Senpai, get off of me, they didn't touch me!" Haruhi struggled. The crowds around us were staring but went back to their business.

"What happened?" the twins turned to face us.

"Ran into an old acquaintance, he wasn't happy with the last time I had seen him. He grabbed me while I was waiting for Haruhi, but we escaped, thats it." I stated picking at the cuticles on my thumb.

"Niko, you're bruising. We have to get you some medical attention." Tamaki pouted and I shook my head.

"I fine. Just some bruising. I can still move my jaw and not be in writhing pain. We should probably head out, right Haruhi?" I looked at her pleadingly, to which she nodded and I hooked my arm with hers. "We will see you guys later, okay? I promise I'm okay. enjoy yourselves."

We began walking, making our way out to a car that was waiting for us. "Are you sure you are okay? That bruising looks pretty bad." Haruhi squeezed my arm with concern and I smiled.

"I'm fine, I suffered much worse than this. A little makeup can cover it up." Pulling out my purse, I grab the concealer applying it to my bruised jaw. "I'm sure your father would freak out if we returned to your place like this."

"Niko, who was that guy really?" I slid the concealer back into my bag and I looked at her.

"Sumida. He was an ex boyfriend of mine from when I was a first year. He would always try to get in my pants and manipulated me to do things I never wanted to. I eventually said enough and broke up with him. That's when I met Takashi and he began teaching me self defense. I still practice when I can but in those moments I feel fear the most. Remember that one night when I came to your place with my hair chopped off? I was assaulted as you know but I couldn't defend myself in the first few moments." I stared straight out the window, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"About that, why did you come to me after that happened?" I look down at my lap as the car came to a stop.

"You are my friend Haruhi, I trust you. I have grown to rely on human instinct when it comes to people." I opened the car door and stepped out, allowing her to exit as well. "People give off energy that we may feel out. Some rely on stereotypes," I smirked at her. "You thought of me as another snobby rich student when we first met. You still showed kindness to me, it was my fault for not looking where I was going. You were almost surprised when I had apologized and didn't have a scowl on my face. You were also surprised when I brought in my own bento box." She simply stared up at me and opened her apartment door, silently inviting me in. "You provide a soft energy, one I can trust. You aren't like others I have met, so when I first met you, I was taken aback as well."

"And you knew all of that based off of my energy?" She quirked a brow and I chuckled shaking my head.

"Your body language also had a major part of it. Even the most subtle movements are loud enough to show exactly what you may be thinking."

"No wonder you and Kyoya-Senpai get along so well." She mumbled and I set the bags down and helped her hang up her new clothing.

"He still puzzles me. I have never seen as much emotion as he did today. He was seething. I'm surprised he didn't melt on the spot with how angry he was." I laugh thinking back to his actions today.

"Oo! I hear girl talk! Niko must be here!" I heard Ranka speak and come into Haruhi's room. I bowed and smiled at him.

"Good Afternoon Ranka, I bought you some accessories I thought you may enjoy. I went with some greens and lavenders to make the red in your hair pop." I held out the bag which he immediately dug through and trued them on.

"Aren't you just the sweetest, how does this look?" He put an emerald colored bow in his hair.

"Absolutely beautiful Ranka." He became giddy and left the room and I turned to Haruhi. "Don't worry, I plan ahead gives us more time to talk." She only laughed and I sat on the floor. "Now I have a question for you."

"Its about Tamaki isn't it?"

"Yes," she immediately groaned and sat beside me. "You guys obviously have a bond no one can replicate, are you interested in him?"

"I don't know. I am kind of new to all of this. Last time someone tried confession their feelings, I didn't even realize and shot them down. I haven't been interested in anyone but with him its weird?" She began and I nodded, urging her to continue. "He is so similar to my dad so I don't know if I love the qualities I see since it reminds me of my dad or if I actually like him and his annoying self."

"I can understand that." I laid back giggling and couldn't wait for the rest of the night.

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