The Confirmation

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Authors Note
Guysss. I'm so sorry that I couldn't publish soon enough!! But don't worry. I have all of Christmas break to update😋😋Ok on with the story


That's when I'm pretty sure I said something Puck nor I expected.

"Puck, I don't think I'm in love with you."

*back to normal*

*Puck's POV*

The spark of life drained from my face. I had no motive. No will to do anything. I just wanted to die in a hole, away from everyone and everything. I wanted my body to wither away into nothingness, for my soul to erase itself from existence. Sabrina Grimm... doesn't love me. Those words burnt into my heart like acid. I looked at Sabrina. I couldn't have been more heartbroken. But then, something happens.
Sabrina moves in closer, as she did before, inching closer and closer to my lips. I looked at her. She never seemed more beautiful in my life. Her eyes, weren't filled with laughter, or revenge. They contained another feeling, I could sense it- passion. I blushed. I saw her soft lips, puppy-dog eyes, and gorgeous self in general, and wondered what she was doing. She didn't love me.
We locked eyes once more, and I now realized I was gripping Sabrina's waists, and her hands were tangled up in my hair. Then, it happened. Our lips touched. A blast of warmth radiated through me. After about a minute, we run out of breath, and stopped kissing. I looked at Sabrina, quite confused about what just happened.

"Puck, I don't think I'm in love with you."

She said that already!

"Wait, let me finish," she said.

"Puck Goodfellow, I know I'm in love with you."

My heart exploded at least 3 million times in that one second.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(and so on)!!!!!!!!!!

I gripped her waists harder and pulled her in close, and kissed her passionately. She returned the favor.

This went from the worst day of my life to the best.

*Sabrina's POV*


That's really all i can think of.

I looked at my watch. 9:00 A.M. We were an hour late for school. Not bad. Puck wrapped me in his arms as I snuggled into him, and we took off to the sky. Within a few minutes we arrived at the school grounds of Ferryport Landing High School. I looked up at Puck. He seemed so happy, so full of life. He caught me staring. Whoops.

"What?" Puck asked.

"Nothing. I was just wondering, now that we, um, know we love each other, what are we?"

"I was kind of hoping, maybe something along the lines of boyfriend and girlfriend..." Puck blushed. I did too. Then he lifted my chin and kissed me softly. Wow, that felt nice.

"Well, I don't mind those terms, Mr. Boyfriend," I joked.

"Good. Because now I can call you Beanie Boo. I always thought it was a cute name."

I grunted, but shrugged it off. How bad could it be?

It was bad.

Very, very bad.

Well, at least for me. I don't really like making public appearances, or starting up drama, so I tried to keep things low-key. But, eventually the sight of Puck and I holding hands reached everyone in the school. Grr. And on TOP of that, Puck made the mistake of calling me Beanie Boo during class, and so now everyone was calling me that. Double grr. I glared at Puck, but couldn't stay mad at him for long. He was simply, too cute. The way his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he liked, or the way he flashed his pearly white smile (It must be a Faerie thing. He barely bathes, and he has NO CAVITIES. WTF?)

After school was over, me and Puck met in he back of the school, a little bit out into the woods behind. He grabbed me up, and we flew back home. As we came in, I pulled Puck by the wrist and rushed him to my room.

"What was that about, Beanie Boo?"

"Puck," I said. "What are we gonna do about telling everyone about... us?"

Puck looked unsure. "Maybe we should keep it a secret for now. It's already enough drama at school."

"Yeah, I agree," I said.

*Puck's POV*

As I left Sabrina's room, Daphne and Red came right in front of me, trapping my path.

"Why were you in my sister's room?" Daphne asked.

I blushed. "Uh, no reason. I just needed... help with my science homework!"

I tried to rush back to my room, but Red stopped me.

"Follow us," she said.

I was dragged to Red and Daphne's room.

"We know you love her," Daphne says.

"Just tell her already!" exclaimed Red.

If only I could tell them that already happened 5 hours ago. But, I was staying loyal to what Sabrina and I talked about.

"I'm going to do so when I feel ready," I say.

"Puck, I SAW you staring at her this morning!!"

"Okay, and?"


"When. I'm. Ready."

I stormed out the room and into my bedroom. I see a note slipped under the door that says,
Roof at midnight.
-Beanie Boo

I blushed. What was this about?

Authors Note

Lol, I'm soooo soooo sooooo sorry. It's been really hard to update. I finally did!! Please, forgive me. Like I wanna cry. I feel so bad. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. BTW, go to my account and read my "internet bestie or bae" offer if you want to have an internet bff. i really want one. I need someone to talk to, you know? Anyway, ya😅 BYE!!!

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