Life as we know it

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In the beginning God created life
Let there be life, let there be light

In the beginning God meant husband and wife
Husband and wife, not husband and I

Let's see, well bitch, one day I chose to go against my religion
Turned my back on God to face some damned fool with triple digits
One day long ago I had pictured me being with women
Till some bitches told me how I looked so bet that I listened

Ima, sinner in the worst way
Some people kill and steal but they still feel it's the same

Bet I, prayed to God that I could change
to convert a selfish pleasure into a selfless pain

For the longest time
I had lived a life
Finding what felt right was wrong

For the longest time
Thought i'd end my life
Fighting my conscious all along

I will never turn my back on God to face nobody
Even in the darkest time I felt he turned his on me
I could choose to go about this any god forsaken way
Only thing I choose to do is love that's more than they can say

I been caught in my emotions, caught up in my mind
Thinking way too much I get a migraine every time
But I guess that's just what you do when you're alone far too long
Less thinkin' more drinkin' this weekend

In the beginning God created life
Let there be life, let there be light

In the beginning God meant husband and wife
Husband and wife, not husband and I

I know love is not a sin
and that love in war will never win
As of now we may not know where we're goin'
So this seems to be life as we know it

In the beginning God created love
For everyone, not only some

In the beginning God created us
Hell below us, Heavens above

See the problem with the L-G-B, -T-Q+
Is they found an answer but they pile on way too much
I know it's hard to go through it without any knowledge prior
So just think about somebody who had never thought any higher

God made one and two
not a third; don't make it worse

We know what he do
When we're born we're him or her

If you feel like a woman though
the blood of a man in your soul
transition's the way to go
one or two though let em know

It's too much too soon for them to comprehend
They fear what is happening to their brethren
We all fear the unknown so just let em in
When you're new to it though keep your mind open

When I was younger I had worn t-shirts on my head
Only had mostly girls as friends
Something wasn't adding up but I was fine with it then
I still feel it

Though God made no mistakes, I felt it in my veins

In the beginning God created life
Let there be life, let there be light

In the beginning God meant husband and wife
Husband and wife, not husband and I

I know love is not a sin
Love in war will never win
May not know where we're goin'
This is life as we know it

This seems to be life as we know it

I don't choose to be, I choose to do
and whomever they may be is my business who
Though like a virgin, the results may vary
In my circumstances should I even wait till I'm married

I wanna love somebody so much to create another life with
Isn't that all anybody wants

On a day I thought it'd never come true,
Not only did I find one I had found two
Potential candidates so perfect and new
Then I found myself without either of you

thought that I had found the one but found out he wasn't
thought we coulda made it till I caught the bitch dick hustlin'

as for the other one we had so much chemistry
I thought he was everything
But he wouldn't do a thing

I know, when you know you know
And when you do you'll do everything to know more about them

May God forgive me for I will sin
May he still bring to me his greatest gift

God tell me this if I missed give me one sign
If I even have kids will they carry my bloodline

What will my kids think about two lions with manes
By then will the world finally have changed

in the beginning God created light and love
it shown from above

for the time being this is love so we'll show it
in this life as we know it

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