"aw, theres my girls! i missed you." colby said, picking up our 2 year old.
"we miss you dada." ashton giggled, kissing his cheek.
"we did miss you." i laughed, leaning in to kiss him.
"here, i'll take her." he said, motioning to our 3 month old daughter that i was holding.
in the past two years, colby and i fell even more in love with each other. we're still living in the house that we initially moved to when we found out i was pregnant with ashton.
our friend group is still just as close as before. tara had a little girl 11 months after i had ashton. they named her mauve. she's absolutely adorable. (it's pronounced may-ve for anyone who's wondering haha) nastassia had a son shortly after, with brennen of course. they named him easton taylor.
not too long after ashtons first birthday, i found out i was pregnant again with another little girl. we named her baylen lavender brock.
her first name, just like ashtons, was purely because we liked the way it sounds. baylen means mighty warrior, but that didn't really effect why we named her what we did.
we went with lavender, to keep the purple middle name going. ashton and baylen just sounded right together to us. it was basically perfect.
right now, devyn is pregnant as well. she's not due for a while though. i think that she and corey are hoping for a boy.
"how was the trip?" i asked colby, handing ashton her sippy cup. he and the boys just got back from a haunted hotel weekend trip.
"it was good. nothing too crazy happened. how were the girls?" he asked me, kissing my temple as he slid past me.
"they were little angels. ashton didn't like that you weren't here to check the closets for monsters before she went to bed." i chuckled, watching ashton try to play with lyla. ly was definitely not in the mood to play but that didn't stop ash.
colby didn't leave us much. we were a pretty close knit family. work, and the occasional guys night, are the only times he ever really goes anywhere without us. since most of our friends have, or are having kids now, we typically bring them to everything.
colby is still sticking with the record store, working maybe 3-4 hours a week. he barely made money from the job but he still loved it so i didn't mind. i think he could use the break away from our house of girls anyways.
"aw, i'm sorry ashty. if it makes you feel any better, mommy wasnt there to check the monsters in my closet." he said, making her laugh.
he picked her up, holding baylen in the other arm still. i smiled at the cute sight, getting my phone out to snap a cute little picture for my instagram story.
colby and i are both still doing youtube. his channel with sam has four million subscribers, and mine has 2.8 million subscribers. it's kind of like a vlog channel but i don't show our kids all that much. it's mainly about my life, and clearly they're a part of that, so they're typically in the videos. colby and i don't want to exploit them. ashton loves being in the videos, and i'm sure baylen will feel the same way when she's old enough to understand.
"i was thinking that we should take the girls to disneyland for a few days. we haven't taken ashton in a long time, since i was too pregnant to walk, and now that bay is a few months old, i think it'd be good to take them. make it a special little trip for ashton to feel a little extra love since baylen takes up so much of our time." i mentioned.
"we can work it out. i think ashton needs the extra love right now." he laughed, looking towards our little girl who was still, desperately, trying to get lyla to fetch her tennis ball. i had taken the girls, and lyla on a walk earlier so ly was still exhausted.
"it seems like it." i laughed, taking baylen back from him so he could go play with ashton. "i'm gonna make dinner... anything specific that you want?" i asked him.
"whatever you want is fine with me." he said as ashton dragged him to the playroom. i laughed at them, setting baylen in her bassinet by the couch.
"hey, dinners almo- oh my god." i laughed, peaking my head around the door frame to see colby dressed as belle and ashton dressed jasmine, having a little tea party. to say having a daughter changed him would be an understatement. "what's going on in here?"
"pwincess tea party!" ashton informed me.
"i wasn't invited!" i said, pretending to be upset.
"mommy, you can be sweeping beauty." she smiled, running towards her dresser of play clothes.
"how about we eat dinner first and then we can have a real tea party?" i suggested.
"yes!" she exclaimed, running to the kitchen.
"you look great." i laughed.
"you think so?" he asked, doing a spin, making me laugh.
"mhm." i smiled, watching him try to take off the dress that was made for toddlers.
i love our little family.
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