One or the Other

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The funeral was held shortly after docking the boat. Liam insisted on using his powers to dig the grave, but Jacob wouldn't allow it. The man wanted to dig the hole by hand, but he wouldn't do it alone. The whole German group joined in with him, forming a worthy grave for the deceased woman.

The other leaders spoke of Adalard's accomplishments and how she was taken too soon. Liam took his place next to Jacob, waiting for his turn to speak of how the woman had helped him. His eyes scanned over the crowd, stopping when he was met with the blue ones of Niall. The blond had a sobbing Louis leaning against him.

His eyes searched to find Zayn, but he couldn't find his jet black hair anywhere. When he really thought about it, he hadn't seen his boyfriend since the boat docked. Zayn had went on a walk to clear his head and had yet to return. The mop of curly hair was what he found next. Harry was sleeping against a boulder, and it seemed as though no one had the heart to wake him up.

Jacob began his speech next, snapping Liam out of his trance. He wasn't too worried about Zayn, but he was a bit angry he was missing Adalard's funeral.

A tap on his shoulder signaled to Liam that it was his turn to talk. He stepped up to the grave and stared sadly at the pile of dirt. "I wish I could have known Adalard longer, but from the few weeks I knew her she seemed like an amazing woman. I considered her a great friend. She had such hope in us to fix the world. I was surprised that after years of so much suffering, she could still find a light at the end of the tunnel.

I admired everything about Adalard. I admired her bravery to stand up for us. I mean she took a bullet for me. Once she had her mind set on something she would stick with it." Liam paused to wipe the tears from his eyes. "I promise to avenge her death. I will make Peter pay for what he did. We all will make him pay." This earned some cheers from the crowd. Everyone was thirsty for a taste of Peter's blood.

Liam bent down and picked up a handful of dirt. He threw it on the already filled in grave and made one final promise to make Adalard proud. He would fix the world in honor of her.

The sobbing continued long after the funeral ended. Each person from her group spent time around her grave, also making promises Liam guessed many of them wouldn't be able to keep.

He made his way towards Louis and Niall, who both look like complete wrecks. "How you holding up?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"How does it look?" Louis retorted, his face red and puffy from all the crying. Niall patted Louis's back and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Maybe you can make some flowers grow over her grave" Liam suggested, unsure of what to say to make Louis feel better.

New tears formed in his boyfriend's eyes. "I am not going anywhere near that grave. We should have never come here."

"Did you forget why we made the journey in the first place?" Liam seethed, losing his cool. How could everyone forget the original mission. "We are here to save Paul and Simon, or is that not important to you. What if the bad guys have Coraline? Should we go home and leave them to suffer at Peter's mercy?"

This seemed to set Louis off even more. "Go away" he screamed.

"Liam, you aren't really helping. Let me see if I can calm him down" Niall said quietly, so only Liam heard. Nodding his head, the boy went over to wake up his sleeping boyfriend.

At the rock, he could see Harry was awake and staring at his surroundings. When Liam approached, Harry turned his head to watch him. "I don't understand why Louis is so upset about Adalard" Harry commented, his face devoid of emotion. "We didn't even know her for that long. She was cool and all, but we have other people to worry about."

Liam agreed, but he felt guilty doing so. It felt like he was putting down Adalard, and all the ways she had helped them. "I mean they could be watching us right now" Harry continued. "We are leaving ourselves open for an attack. The more time we waste here, the more Peter could be hurting our mentors."

Unsure of what to do, Liam sulked over to Jacob and the other leaders. Harry followed behind him, unafraid of sharing his opinion to everyone. Malene flashed Liam a small smile "your speech was great. Adalard would be proud of you taking over her leadership."

"What" Liam gasped, this was the first he was hearing of this.

"Were you not told yet?" Malene asked, her face turning red.

Han shook his head no. "We were going to wait to tell him tonight."

"I don't think I should take her place" Liam affirmed, was there not anybody worthy from her amy to take over as leader.

This time it was Jacob who convinced Liam to take up their offer. "It is what Adalard would have wanted."

How could Liam say no to that? But he didn't know if he could handle the responsibility, he had his own team to worry about. Jacob looked at him expectantly. Without thinking, Liam agreed to take her place. In hindsight he should have asked his boyfriends before making the decision, but it was too late to change his mind.

Harry stood silently behind him, watching in annoyance as Liam took up the leadership. "Should we start planning our next more?" Harry suggested, his voice cold.

"I believe we should let our group mourn before we start to move" Han answered, his eyes narrowing at Harry.

"We can't stay here any longer. We are vulnerable."

"I will not let my people move, if they are not in the right mindset."

"Fine" Harry huffed, crossing his arms. "Then me and my team will go without you."

Liam's eyes went wide. "You don't speak for me or the others, Harry. We are a team. We dragged the Germans here with us, so we will not be leaving them."

"Who died and made you the boss of everything? You act like your word is final."

"I am the leader the Freedom Fighters, Harry. And now I am the leader of a whole new group of people. I have to think about their needs as well."

"So are the Germans more important than us, because ever since we met them you have been pretty distant. Every thought is either about these stupid Germans or Simon. You better get your priorities straight Liam. You can't be in charge of both groups, you are going to the reason one of us gets killed" Harry seethed, beginning to shake with anger.

He stormed off, before his boyfriend could respond. In his mind he regretted some of what he said. He had not meant for it to come out so harsh, but what's done is done.

With a horrified expression, Liam sheepishly turned to the other leaders who had listened to their whole conversation. "I am so sorry about him, Harry isn't good at expressing his feelings."

"It's fine" Jacob assured, resting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "We all deal with grief and stress differently. Harry is worried about your safety. I believe he is lashing out because he fears the unknown."

"Makes sense" Malene commented. "Now please go talk to your boyfriend. It will make you feel a lot better and I'm sure Harry would appreciate spending some time with you."

Taking up on the leader's' advice, Liam went after Harry. Lucky for him, he knew exactly where his boyfriend was at.

Harry was having an intense conversation with Niall, when Liam approached. They both stopped talking as Liam got closer. "How is Louis doing?"

"Better, no thanks to you" Niall responded, coldly.

"What could I have possibly done to upset you, Niall?" Liam asked, beginning to grow frustrated with how his boyfriends were treating him.

The area around Liam grew freezing cold. "How could you accept the leadership position of Adalard's group without even asking us? You can't run two groups at once Liam."

"Why can't I? Why are you both putting me down so much? Are you jealous?" Liam accused. "Jealous that everyone follows me. It's not my fault you're too shy and uncharismatic to lead."

Liam knew he screwed up the second the words left his mouth. Breathing out he saw his own breath and started to rub his hands together to keep them warm. The trees and grass around him froze over, making a winter wonderland out of 20 foot radius him and his boyfriends were standing in.

"You know who you sound like, Roberts" Harry spat, ignoring the hurt flash across Liam's face. "You think you are so much better than us. Have you forgotten all that we have been through? We don't know these Germans. They are not the Freedom Fighters, and we should not have brought them with us. They will only slow us down."

The tempters of the three boys were reaching their boiling point. They all knew the next person to speak would set them all off. The lads were about to have their first real fight.

"What's going on?" Louis croaked from the edge of the snow covered grass. "How could you guys be fighting on the day of Adalard's funeral?"

"We are only fighting because Liam is being a selfish prick" Harry replied, sending glares to Liam.

That did it for Liam. "You want to fight so bad. Fine let's do it." Liam stomped his foot on the ground, sending catastrophic seismic waves to Harry and Niall.

Harry was quick to react and soured into the air. Niall on the other hand, fell roughly on his butt and was thrown around by the vibrations. Harry nosedived down towards Liam, slamming him hard against the ground. Raising his fist, Harry repeatedly landed punches on his boyfriend's face.

Louis screamed in protest, but waited off on the sidelines. He knew better than to get in between of the fighting lads.

As Harry's fist swooped around to make contact, Liam lifted a boulder and smacked it against Harry's side. The impact threw Harry roughly on the ground, causing him to lose his breath. He pelted rocks at Harry before the boy could regain himself. With each rock hitting his skin, Harry would groan more in pain.

Liam went to strike again, when his whole body was frozen over. He was trapped inside a giant ice cube, and powerless. Struggling against his cold restraints, Niall walked over to him.

It was difficult for Liam to see though, his vision was blinded by the blood dripping into his eye. From what Liam could tell, he guessed he had a broken nose, two black eyes, and a swollen face. He wasn't sure what else Niall could break.

The blond brought up his hand and slapped Liam across the face. Somehow the slap was what hurt Liam the most. "We came to America because of you and now you pushing us away to be with the Germans. How could you Liam? You promised never to hurt me" Niall cried, losing concentration on his ice. "How could you break your promise?" The cube holding Liam began melting away.

When Liam looked over at Harry, he saw Louis consoling him. Harry looked even worse than Liam. He had large cuts running down his arms and legs. The nasty gash on his forehead was deep enough that Liam could see muscle.

"Liam you're supposed to the strong one out of us" Louis scolded, wiping away the blood off of Harry's head. "If you want to be a leader so bad act like one."

"Why does all the responsibility fall on me" Liam yelled out, his lip wobbling. "I am trying so hard to make everybody happy. No matter what I do I mess it up. If you think you can do so much better than why don't you step up since everyone has such a problem with me running both groups."

"Fine I will" Louis huffed, turning away from Liam.

"Good because I'm done. Find a new leader to be in charge of the Freedom Fighters" Once the ice holding him fully melted away, the boy stormed off. His face hurt like hell, but he was not going to ask Niall to heal it. He and the lads needed some space to think about everything. Their relationship was what consumed Liam's thoughts. Was this the end of their love? He hoped it wasn't.

Instead of going back to the other leaders, Liam went to find Zayn. He had a lot to get off his chest and wanted somebody to be on his side.

Surprisingly he found Zayn easily, he was making his way back into the group when Liam stopped him. Zayn looked a whole lot better than he did in the morning. Before he looked as though he was ready to lay down and die. Any feeling of being angry at him for missing the funeral washed away.

Running up to his boyfriend, Liam greeted "how was your walk?"

"Pretty goo..Oh my god what happened to your face?" Zayn asked, concern etched on his face.

"Can we go somewhere to talk?"

"Yeah" Zayn answered, wrapping his arm around Liam's. "Maybe a walk will do you some good."

The walk in the woods was peaceful and helped Liam clear his head. "This day has just been really shitty."

"You can say that again. I can't believe she's dead" Zayn stated, letting go of his boyfriend's hand. His voice was calm, the sadness seemingly gone from him.

"How are you handling her death so well, just this morning you couldn't even get through one sentence without sobbing. I mean no offense, but you almost burned down the boat."

Zayn hesitated before answering Liam. "I am still sad, but I pushed my emotions down. We have more important issues to deal with."

"You're right. We have a rescue mission to plan with or without Niall, Louis and Harry's help."

I am so sorry about the wait for this update. Everytime I had free time I spent it either watching Shameless or 13 Reasons Why. I can't stop binging tv shows. I will try harder to make myself update.

Anyway how did you guys like the update? The boys are having some drama!!!

Anyone else watch 13 Reasons Why in less than a week cause I totally did????

Don't forget to vote and comment (cause I feel like no one comments on my chapters anymore. I have no idea if you guys are even liking this story).

Have a great week, I hope everything goes well for you guys. And thank you so much for sticking around for my story.

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