8 ~ π‘†π‘‘π‘œπ‘›π‘’ πΆπ‘–π‘Ÿπ‘π‘™π‘’

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Both of them sat in each other's presence until it was time where everyone was getting up for the day. Clove lifted her head off Sky's shoulder, "I best be on my way now. I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday which would not set a good impression on me."

She stood up and Sky followed her pattern. "It wouldn't, would it?" Sky joked. Clove laughed and smiled at the boy. "Well, I guess i'll see you around then."

"I guess you will... here let's exchange numbers so we can chat or even hang out." Sky suggested and dug out his phone. They swapped numbers and handed each other's phone back.

"Thanks big bear," Clove smiled. Sky grinned back and Clove began to walk back. She paused and turned around. "Sky... Are you alright? You were out here early too."

Sky covered his face of shock with a lazy smile. "Yeah. Nothing that important. Just came to clear my mind." She stared at him for a moment suspiciously before nodding and walking back towards the suite. For the rest of the day, Sky's and Cloves mood was lifted.


Entering the suite, Stella being angry was not something Clove was expecting. "Don't tell me to calm down, and don't use my title as an insult!" Clove closed the door and all eyes snapped to her. She gave a shy smile, "Hey."

"Are you actually a princess?" Bloom questioned with surprise. "Yes. I am, actually. My mom is the queen, and the ring you lost is one of the crown jewels of Solaria. That might not mean much to a First Worlder. Feel free to ask your suite-mate how big of a screw up that is."

Aisha finally cut in, "Almost as big as giving it to her in the first place. Dowling has the creature locked up. Which you would know if you were here last night when she gave us an earful."

"And if people knew there was a Burned one even in the First world temporarily, disaster," Musa pointed out. "I didn't tell her that I lost the ring, and I'm sure if we do, then-"

"We will do no such thing. I will figure it out after class, but for now, no one says anything to anyone." Stella walks to her room, "And can someone make sure Terra knows that? She can never keep her mouth shut." Clove rolled her eyes at Stella. She opens the door to her room and there stood Terra, "Got it!"


All girls sat around the stone circle listening to headmistress Dowling teach. "Magic lives in the very fabric of nature. Here in our circle of stone, it's magnified. The Vessel tests your ability to channel that magic. Later, you may learn to connect with other elements, but your first year is all about the element you were born with. Or even a shield."

Each girl stands up to test their powers. Bloom goes up but struggles to access her power. Soon after, Its Cloves turn. She stands up and walks slowly over to the Vessel. She places her hands on the bowl and glances at Farah.

"Dig deep, Clove. Find a memory that pulls up deep emotions and let them seep into you. Focus." Clove looks back down at the bowl and closes her eyes.

She thinks about her parents. Them all sitting outside listening to the rain. Her father tickling her. Her parents dying. Suddenly she opens her eyes and they are golden. A force centers in the bowl between her hands. The burned one. The Harvey's. Sky. The force grows stronger and everyone in the circle can feel the power she radiates.

Everyone stared at her in awe as they feel the energy from the girl. A certain electric fairy is intrigued and notes it for later. Clove closes her eyes and releases her energy. She looks up at Ms. Dowling. "Very good,Clove."

Farah continues to teach a before class ends. Clove approached the headmistress. "Ms. Dowling. May I ask you something?" Farah turns the the little fairy and nods.

"How... How is it possible I am able to draw on a great deal of magic so easily? I barely got any training when living with the Harvey's over the year because... well you know. But when we were at the cemetery I easily found Bloom through my eyes. How is that?"

Ms. Dowling feigned shock at this information but also kind of expected it. "Clove, you are an extremely rare fairy. I cannot truly and fully explain why that occured but with my knowledge, it is your instinct. Your friend was in danger and your adrenaline was pumping. Your instincts kicked in and fed into your magic to help. That is what I believe."

Clove thought for a second before nodding, "Thank you. That's all I needed." Before walking away. Bloom passed by and they both gave each other a smile before continuing on their separate ways.

heyo! hope u like this chapter. Clove is a special fairyπŸ‘€ Tell me ur thoughts and plz comment and vote! stay safe!πŸ’•πŸ’•

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