Clove walks outside and sees the red haired girl far away. She's too far away to call out, so she decides to follow her until she can catch up.
Clove followed her all the way to the barrier and saw her cross through. "What are you doing, Bloom?" Clove whispered. Clove followed cautiously through the barrier. She walks as quietly as she could, still on edge.
Clove screamed, "AHHH WHAT THE HELL!?!" Aisha gave a pointed look at Clove, "You know where Bloom is going?" Clove shook her head, " No. I just followed her out here because I didn't really want to be at the party." Aisha nodded and they followed the red head together.
When they finally caught up to her they see her panicking and shooting fire from her hands at the ground. Bloom whimpered, "No, no, no!"
"Bloom!" Bloom whipped around to see the two girls standing at a distance from her. "What are you doing here?" Bloom breathed out. "It's ok, Bloom, It's ok" Clove said, trying to calm the girl down.
"Clove, Aisha. You shouldn't be here." Bloom stated with her hands still whipping around. Clove could sense the panic in the girl not retreating. She focused on her energy and emotions and her eyes lit up gold. She put up a shield around herself and Aisha just in case things got more out of hand.
"Neither should you, you're losing control" Aisha said with her hands defensively up. "Yes I know that."
"Calm down. If you get angry at us-"
"Just goβ away!" Fire shot out of Blooms hands and rapidly made its way towards the two girls. "Guys run!" Clove instinctively focused more energy on the shield and it became stronger.
Aisha knelt on the ground and splashed a huge wave over the fire to put it out. Clove instantly released the shield and took a deep breath in. All three girls stood staring at each other, reminiscing the events that just occurred.
"No. You guys shouldn't of been out there." Bloom said forcefully. "Is that American for sorry I almost set you guys on fire? You were a runaway train with no idea what you were doing-"
"Which is why I was out there alone trying to figure it out" Bloom kept walking and Clove and Aisha followed, "Brilliant idea."
Bloom suddenly stopped, "I'm not like the rest of you. I didn't grow up here. I don't have fairy parents. I've done magic once in my life and it was..."
"What? Terrible? I'm shocked. I flooded my entire secondary school after I failed a math test. Taps, sprinklers, toilets...have you ever waded through human poo? I have. Not pleasant. Sometimes being a fairy means you have to deal with shit. I mean I bet even Clove has not been able to control her powers."
Both Bloom and Aisha looked at the smaller girl. "Try not being able to save your parents and watch them die in front of you" Clove thought. She looked at both girls and just nodded.
Bloom looked at Clove then Aisha, "So my... mom and I don't really get along." Bloom moved to sit down along with Aisha. Clove stood standing against the pillar made of stone.
Bloom chuckled, "I know. It's a shocker. I'm not...exactly the ideal daughter for her. She'd love a cheerleader, and I'm... whatever the opposite of a cheerleader is."
Bloom continues to describe the argument her and her parents had. How angry she was that night and couldn't sleep. Setting fire to her parents in the middle of the night and they don't know she was the cause. How she was afraid so she slept at a warehouse until Farah found her. Clove felt sympathy for the girl.
"My mom was covered in third degree burns. Cause of me." Aisha stood up in thought, "It's just odd. You drew on a good deal of magic without even trying. It's hard to believe you are from a dormant bloodline. Is there any chance you're adopted?"
Bloom chuckled, "No. I've heard the story of my birth a million times. Miracle baby. I had a heart defect in the womb, but a day after I was born, it was gone." Clove listened intently to her story and thought deeply.
Aisha gasped, "Oh my god. You're a changeling." Clove cut in, "What's that?"
Aisha gave a worried look, "A changeling is a fairy that's switched with a human at birth. It's barbaric. It barely happens anymore."
"Thats not possible." Bloom said firmly. "Bloom you're clearly a very powerful fairy. You have to be pure- blooded."
"I would have to know if my parents weren't my parents, Aisha. Why would you even say that?" Bloom stands up and walks off angrily brushing Musa on the shoulder. "It's ok Aisha." Clove gave her a soft smile.
"What the hell did you tell her?" Musa questioned the two. "The truth. Someone has been lying to her."
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