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Clove searched around the courtyard until she found Sky. Seeing his blonde hair across the room, she walked up to him with determination. Sky, as almost sensing her, turned around to see her and was instantly met with a pair of lips.

Pulling away, Clove hugged Sky saying no words. Sky understood immediately, "Whatever your thinking of doing, I'm here." Clove looked into his eyes full of emotion and love.


Pulling him in, she kisses him one more time. Pulling away she leans her forehead on his. "I love you Sky" and Clove turns away to find Bloom before he could respond.

Clove found Bloom talking with Stella and Aisha and steps in between them, "Count me in. I'm coming with you guys." They all turned to each other, not disagreeing and follow Bloom into the kitchen. Slipping through quietly, the four girls enter into the trap door and leave Alfea.

Exiting into the graveyard the girls pick up there pace. "Come on. We have to make sure the burned ones are following me," Bloom says.

Stella shakes her head in disagreement as they approach the field, "My mums going to be here soon with an actual army."

"They won't be here in time, Stella. The Burned Ones have always been after me. Rosalind taught me how to stop them but I have to draw more magic than ever before and I don't know what's going to happen when I do," Bloom exclaims.

"It's ok. I'll make sure all of us are safe and you too. Aisha can create a water barrier for you in case something gets out of control and I can help add some protection." Clove nods to Bloom.

"You won't see us but we'll be right here," Stella places a hand on Blooms shoulder in comfort. The Burned Ones approach and the girls get ready for action. Bloom and Clove step forward, but at a safe distance from each other.

Aisha surrounds Bloom with water as flames engulf her. Wings sprout from her back as she touches down on the grass. Clove closes her eyes and reaches in to focus on her shield. She focuses on not only her friends, but a giant shield to the school not knowing if their at risk.

The shield spreads all over the campus and Bloom fights off the Burned Ones. They crumple to the ground as both fairies draw the most magic than they ever had before.

Bloom destroys them all and releases her magic. Farah approaches her with awe, "Well done Bloom." Bloom begins to fall over and Farah goes to catch her. Aisha and Stella approach Bloom, "What's wrong?"

"It's ok she's just weak. Maybe you girls want to help take her back to her room?" The two wrap Bloom around their shoulders and direct her back inside. They don't realize it but Clove is still wrapped up in her magic, consuming and festering inside her.

Farah approach's her, "Clove! It's ok you can let go now!" Clove hears her and a surge of energy releases from her body. A temporary shield surrounds the school and Clove drops to the ground. Farah rushes over to her, "CLOVE!"

Clove lies on the ground as Farah checks on her. Her breathing is faint and heartbeat quick. Farah is stunned of the effect magic has on the young fairy. Cloves eyes flutter open and notices Ms. Dowling above her.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Clove says nothing and tries to get up but fails miserably. Ms.Dowling helps her up and they make there way back to the school.

As Farah leads her in, she sees the shield still up and is amazed on how it is still going even thought Clove has stopped. Farah is bewildered but guides the young fairy back to safety inside the school.

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