20 ~ π΄π‘£π‘œπ‘–π‘‘

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Later that day Clove hung out in the greenhouse with her adopted family. Clove sat next to Sam and Terra at the table across from them. Although her work was in front of her, she couldn't focus. Terra stood up and walked next to her dad, "Do you need any help?"

"No. This is a special project. Easy for me to wrangle on my own... but if you want to strip hydrangea roots for me..."

Clove looks at Terra as she faked a smile to her dad, "Oh, uh, yeah...I-I should actually probably finish with my homework." Clove quirked an eyebrow and Sam turned around, "Really? 'cause it seems pretty done to me" Terra gives him an annoyed look while Clove shakes her head.

A knock sounds at the door and everyone turns to see Dane. "Hey, Terra. Can we-" Sam stands up and Ben turns to him. Clove lifts her head up and glares at him.

Terra holds up a hand, "Whilst I appreciate that it is historical perspective of the patriarchy to save women from unsettling situations, I've got this." Clove and Terra makes eye contact and she gives her a wink and a thumbs up.

Both men turn back to what they were doing and Clove stares back down at her sheet. While Terra is talking, Sam turns to Clove. "Hey, you ok Clo? You haven't done one thing with your work."

Clove looked up at him and gave him a fake smile, "I'm alright. Just can't focus for some reason." She looks back down at her work trying to avoid Sam's gaze.

He sighs and pulls her into a hug. She is startled but slowly hugs him back and buried her head in his shoulder. "I know your not okay Clo and I won't ask you to tell me what's bothering you. But please don't bottle it up. It makes me sad to see you upset and your basically my sister. If I can't help you, let someone else who is willing to."

He strokes her back in a soothing manner and she hugs him tighter, "I love you Sam." He smiles, "I love you too Clove, always." He ruffles her hair and focuses back on his work. Clove swats his hand and turns back to her work too.


Later that day Bloom, Aisha, and Clove are walking to the queens assembly. "Callum is dead?" Clove questioned. "And Dowling said he left for a family emergency, so they're-"

Bloom cut off Aisha, "Lying."

"You're sure she didn't shred those old records?" Bloom questioned. "What?" Clove said as they walked down the stairs. "The Alfea records that predate her. You're sure she didn't destroy them?"

"Are you kidding? That woman LOVES paper. I offered to start scanning the files into the computer system, and she looked at me like I had two heads. The records are somewhere."

Blooms stopped, "Maybe their in the east wing." Aisha and Clove walked up behind her, "Bloom? The assembly is mandatory."

"Which means everyone is distracted," Clove smiled at that statement, "Bloom"

"I'm not asking you to come," Bloom stated. Clove jumped next to her, "I'll come!" Bloom smiled at the girl and nodded. "No, it's a bad idea. Both of you."

Bloom cut in, "A bad idea is going to that assembly where I'll be stares at like I'm a freak. I can't just sit and listen to people make stuff up about me, especially when I don't know the truth myself. I need to find answers." Clove nodded in agreement, "Yeah! I can see if there is any information or history on protector fairies!"

Aisha looked between the two, "Fine. Bloom has had a terrible migraine, could barely stand up and Clove had a sick stomach and had barely gotten any sleep. Good?" Both girls smiled at Aisha and ran off to the east wing.

hey! hope u guys like this chapter! sorry for lack of update, i kinda lost motivation for a hot minπŸ˜… thank you sooooo much for 25k reads and almost 700 votes! that is truly amazing! i'll try and update again soon! stay safe!πŸ’•

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