12 ~ πΆπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Ž

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Sky, Terra, and Musa walked into the suite. He turned to look at Terra, "Which is her room?" Terra points to it and Sky walks to the door opening it. He is met with her room which brings a soft presence to it. Her books are stacked on her desk, one open on her made bed, some picture frames and a couple plants. The whole room brought a relaxing aura to anyone who entered.

He laid her down softly on the bed. He grabbed the book and set it down on her dresser, leaving it open to the page she left off on. He took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her small frame.

Sky stared at her in a loving way as she slept. He admired her and noticed every detail on her face. The soft freckles on her nose, her long eyelashes where a little bit of smudged mascara sat, her soft pink lips turned in a little frown. He loved it all and he couldn't help the small feelings for the girl grow.

He brushed her hair back, which seemed to be a normal thing for him to do now, and placed a light kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well, tiny." He turned off the light and quietly exited the room, closing the door behind him.

"You like her, don't you?"


"Just answer the question," Musa pried as Sky held his hand on his chest trying to control his breathing. "W-Well, I-I what? N-No" Sky stammered out. Musas eyes turned purple, "Your lying. Say the truth."

Sky sighed, "Fine. Yes I like her. But with his whole Stella thing... I'm trying to figure it all out but it's hard because.. well you know. It's Stella." Musa nodded.

"Well I can tell she has feelings for you too. I'm not sure if it's in the same way you like her because she is not as obvious as you. But she definitely cares about you a lot."

Sky pondered over this information and let a small smile grace his lips. He went to say something else but got cut off, "Sky?" Both of their heads turned to see Stella. He almost sighed, but reluctantly walked into her room for the night.


Over the next couple of days Bloom has been on a hunt for the mystery women. Clove found out the next day due to her noticing something off and questioned Bloom and Aisha about it until they broke. Clove and Aisha helped Bloom in her search, but no luck.

Her and Sky got back to normal and were getting even closer than before. Sky made sure to keep a close eye on Clove after seeing her passed out. He didn't want anything to happen to her again.

Currently Clove was throwing knifes at a target. Every time she would throw one it would hit the center of the target. She occasionally glanced back at Sky and Riven fighting on the mat. Sometimes she would catch herself blushing whenever Skys muscles would flex or see him mess with his hair. Clove also kept looking at Silva. She didn't know him well, but knew how important he was to Sky.

She saw Sky and Riven exit the mat so she gathered her knifes, slipped them in her leg holster, and walked over to the pair. She also saw Stella and really hoped she wouldn't get in a bitch fight with her.

"Hey boys, Stella," Clove nods to her. Riven acknowledges her with a hug but Stella is too busy texting and Sky is trained on Silva walking across the grounds. "Silva, how does he look to you?" Sky asked. Clove looked over to the headmaster. She knew he wasn't fine but tried to hide it.

"Fine," Stella went back to texting on her phone. Clove rolled her eyes and Riven threw his hands up, "Doctor Stella coming through with a zero-effort diagnosis."

Clove stifled a laugh and covered it with a cough. Riven noticed and she shoved his shoulder. "Are you training later, or are we hanging out before the party?" Stella asked Sky, mindless of how much he is struggling.

She noticed him zoned out, "He's fine. Professor Harvey still has him on the Zanbaq, right?" Sky fires back, "That just manages his symptoms. He won't get better til they kill the Burned One that attacked him."

"And there are people out there who are looking for it. It's not going to get away from every fairy and specialist in the Otherworld." She looked at Riven and Clove then back at Sky, "I have class. Stop worrying." She kissed him on the cheek then left the three.

Clove scoots over next to Sky and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry. Ms. Dowling and Professor Harvey are doing everything they can to help him. Just talk to him and hang out with him while you can do maybe you can help him mentally. He might feel alone right now and he loves you, being with him might distract him."

Sky looks down at her with warm eyes. He doesn't say anything but pulls her into the tightest bear hug. She threads her fingers through the back of his hair and he pulls her in tighter by her waist. Sky tucks his head in her neck and tries not to cry. "I'm just so scared, Clove. He's basically my father and I can't lose him."

"I know, I'm sorry..." She pauses and pulls out of the hug. She looks at him with her eyebrows furrowed. Sky scans over her with confusion etched on his face, "What is it?"

"Headmistress Dowling was telling me about what I can do with my magic. I know I can see through someone's eyes to locate them and see where they are, but she said I would be able to feel and protect them even if i'm not there. Maybe since I can feel them, I could take away some of the pain! I could help hi-"

"No. I truly appreciate the thought Clove. But last time you used too much of your magic you passed out. You have never gone this far before and you are not even sure you can do it. I forbid you to do it."


"No. Please Clove. I don't want to see you get hurt. Please." Clove noticed how desperate he was. She sighed and nodded her head. She looked at Riven who was staring at her sadly. She got up and began to walk back towards the target to practice some more, "I'm going to train a bit longer. See you later boys."

The both stared after the small fairy. Sky felt guilty he wouldn't let her help, but he refused to see her push herself again. Riven sighed, "Stella must be mind-blowing, right? Or does she do weird shit with her tongue?"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck you started things up with her again when you clearly have the perfect girl right in front of you. Like Stella is crazy hot, yeah, but the emphasis is squarely on crazy. Again, Clove is literally in front of you and your letting her slip." Sky sighed and Riven pointed to Sky with a knowing look, "It's a butt thing."

"Oh shut up."

hey! hope you guys liked this chapter! stay safe and i'm always available to talk! πŸ’•

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