First day at Alfea academy and it's chaotic. Fairies and specialists running around, old friends reconnecting, and new students joining. It all happens on the first day at Alfea academy.
Sky, a legendary specialist, is walking around distracted typing away at something on his phone. Without looking where he is going, he bumps into someone and their things go flying.
"Oh sorry, let me get that for you," Sky bends down to pick up the book and bag that fell from the persons arms. He stands up and comes face to face with a short girl in front of him. She has medium length, golden blonde hair flowing to her shoulders. Light freckles scattered on her button nose. Her eyes are a warm, honey brown with pink, plump lips. She is wearing overalls and a yellow t-shirt paired with white converse. Her brown, roughed up suitcase sits behind her with multiple bags hanging on it.
"That's quite alright, first day and all can be a bit hectic," Her british accent flows smoothly off her lips as she gives the blonde boy in front of her a light smile. The boy looks down at the book in his hands, "Ah, A history of Alfea. Let me guess, your a first year fairy?"
"How'd you know?" She teases. The boy chuckles and hands her stuff back. "Let me guess then too. You're a specialist and a second year. Your too tall and big to seem like a fairy and you teased me about my book which no first year would do. Am I right?"
"How'd you know?" The girl let's out an angelic laugh that makes Sky want to hear more. "Plus i'm not tall, your just too tiny."
She gasps, "I am NOT tiny for you information. Your just big like.... like a big ole bear!" Sky tilts his head back laughing. "Alright tiny, also I have a name not big bear. It's Sky."
"Well big bear my name is Clove." Sky gives a playful glare and she throws him a toothy grin. He chuckled and goes to say something but gets interrupted, "Sky!"
He looks behind him to see his friend waving him over. " Welp that's my cue to leave, I hope to see you soon Clove." Sky smiles down at the girl and gives a small salute, "Maybe you will, maybe you won't." He shakes his head and watches after her as she walks off smiling.
Clove walks around the courtyard for awhile in search of a girl named Stella until she finally gives up. She leans against a wall and opens her book to where she left off. Once in awhile she would glance up to see more kids shuffling in through the gates or check her phone.
She waited a little while longer continuing to read when a blonde girl came to stand next to her. She instantly recognized her as Stella, "Hello, you must be Stella? I'm Clove."
Stella looked the little blonde up and down, "that's right." Clove nodded her head awkwardly and looked at the students running around in the courtyard. Her eyes caught a familiar blonde boy talking to a fiery red haired girl. She looked back at Stella who was glaring at the two, "hmm odd" Clove thought.
Clove went back to reading her book while the two girls wait for Bloom. The same red haired girl who was talking to Sky came up abruptly to the two girls. "Bloom"
"Yeah. You must be Stella?" she said looking to the taller blonde then down to the girl who is a little smaller than herself, " and Clove?" Clove nodded and gave her a smile. "I-I was waiting. I just... I got impatient."
Stella gave her a fake smile, "How very American of you, shall we?" Stella turned around and strutted off. Clove turned to the red head, " She's something, isn't she?" The girls laughed and quickly followed behind the older blonde girl.
andddd that's the first chapter!! i hope you guys like it! plz comment and vote and i'm always here to talk! ππ
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