When we met

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Bai Feng Ju was seating on top of the wall, looking at Dijun fishing for past few hours. soon in the morning when she figured out old phoenix, the god of ten miles of peach blossoms is heading to heaven she hang from his sleeve asking to company him, knowing little Bai, Zhe Yan didn't want to take her but she had her own ways, soon she start her sweet acts, looking him in poppy eyes talking about how Zhe Yan is the most handsome and powerful one she know: Zhe Yan please, as future queen of Ching Chu I should visit heaven but father don't take me, only you can go against his wishes, not even father dare to say anything to you. please take me, I promise to behave well and don't make any troubles.

She kept looking him in dreamy eyes until he accepted and bring her here, since she promised to not make troubles she left him to his duties and changed to her fox form to view the area for herself, she was walking around enjoying the beautiful space around her when saw an immortal in purple robe and silver hairs, she knows him immediately, he was the lord of Taichen Palace, the former ruler of heaven and earths, Dong Hua Dijun.

"I want to know what Dijun do in his retire time, then one day when I retired I'll know what will happen in my life" Feng Ju toughed with herself before jumping on the wall and following the ancient god, in her surprise he finds a little lake and lay down to fishing, in her more surprise he just set the fishing hooks at place then closed his eyes.

Feng Ju sat there watching him for several hours but nothing more happened, Dijun didn't get any fish either, she felt bad for him. "he really is awful in fishing, maybe he's too old and lost his abilities, well he once ruled the realms and I heard he served the peace so this time I will help him out, as future queen of Ching Chu it's my duty to do that for thanking his previous services."

She nods at her thoughts and with a talented move jumped right in the lake in front of Dijun, make some water smash at his face and chest, but she didn't notice that since she was busy with fishing, on the other side Dijun opened his eyes at the dropping water and saw a little red head before it vanished in the lake, he wasn't reacting yet when a fish pulled out of the lake straight coming for his face, he froze it inches far of his face, rising his eyebrows stared at the lake, seeing the next fish coming for his face which froze next to first one.

Still looking at fishes noticed the little red head coming out of the water having third fish in her mouth, she swims to edge of lake and pupping the fish out of her mouth used her teeth and paws to drove herself out of lake.

Feng Ju find her way out of lake and saw Dijun staring at fishes inches of his face before turning his look on her. "he must be very surprised of my abilities to stare at them this way."

She felt quite proud, "I definitely going to tell this to Zhe Yan"

She was walking proudly when Dijun fetch her up from her neck, he finds her very cute, she was red like flames of fire, her fur was so smooth and well performed "little fox what are you doing here?" he asked while kept her in front of his face using her neck.

Feng Ju wasn't comfort at all, his hand around her neck make her feel tickled, she starts moving her feet trying to get out of his hand and giggle because of his touch on her neck.

"it seems you are sensitive in your neck area, I'll put you down if you answer my question."

Feng Ju toughed: how I am supposed to answer you in this situation, he at least should put me down so I can show him.

When saw him still looking at her she points at his fishing hooks Then herself, the wall, the lake and fishes. Repeatedly.

Dijun looked her a little more then said "you were watching me from the wall then come to lake to fishing?"

Feng Ju nod with her head "well at least he isn't that stupid"

Dijun: so you want to help, but you wet me and my robes little fox, how you are going to repay for that?

Feng Ju noticed his robes just then, well now she gives him rights to be mad and take her of her neck, she thought for a while then pointed to fishes, this time Dijun didn't get her meaning so she tried to escaped again finally Dijun put her down and she find a breach, taking it in her mouth she writes on ground: I'll cook the fishes.

Dijun wasn't expecting her to write, "it seems she isn't an ordinary fox"

Dijun: who are you little fox?

Feng Ju shook her head, she can't tell who she is yet, first she makes it up for him properly then she will tell.

Dijun: well how your planning on cook?

Feng Ju write using the beach in her mouth again: teaching Dijun.

Dijun rose his eyebrows again, so she knows me, know how to fish, cook and write, it's become more interesting by the minutes. He told her to follow him and picking up the fishes head to his palace kitchen. There gave her paper and ink showing he is ready for her, it turned out she is able of doing most the work by herself, only used his help in knife part of work. After the meal was ready she instructs him to serve it properly then sat beside him resting her little head on her pawls, he looked her a little suspected, taking a little part examined it first then put it in his mouth.

"you definitely are a goof sheaf, well then I call it even with your act wetting my robes, now tell me who are you and why are you here?" Dijun asked her after eat half the dish.

She smiled proudly then shift back to her human form, "greeting Dijun, I am Ching Chu's Bai Feng Ju, daughter of north lord Bai Yi and granddaughter of fox King Bai Zhi" she said she greeting Dijun but she didn't bow, not even with her head.

He noticed her way of greeting and find this little princess different than others: what the Ching Chu's princess do in my place?

Feng Ju: Zhe Yan was coming here and I came with him, I want to know this place. Then I saw you and wanted to know what my life will be when I retired of Ching Chu's throne so I follow you. I saw your try to fishing failed for several hours and as the future queen of Ching Chu I decide to help you out, I heard a lot about Dijun but from what I see today it seems your powers are lost out of the old age. I should say I didn't know that can happen, Zhe Yan didn't seem to have the same problem, but maybe it's because he never done much while you were saving the universe.

Anyway even if you don't have power anymore and neither any current rule and job still as a member of Ching Chu's royal family I take it my responsibility to repay your kindness of young ages, and wish you enjoy this one meal. I think I can come and cook for Dijun more often, I noticed you not just awful in fishing, you are the same in cocking's skills.

Dijun was too shock to react at all, no wonder that old phoenix stayed at Ching Chu for this long, living near this little fox must be fun.

Dijun: little fox aren't you worry of coming here often? It can make unnecessary rumors.

Feng Ju: oh don't worry about that, although you are too handsome but you are way too old to my father consider as his son in law, beside as the future queen my husband should have some powers to be equal with me but Dijun have none. I'm sure everyone can see these eventually, so no need to be worry for that.

This time Dijun couldn't help himself and laughed loud, when he finally gets his face together noticed Feng Ju's gaze at herself "what is wrong little fox?"

Feng Ju still staring: Dijun why you have to born this early or to give away your positions?

Dijun: why?

Feng Ju: you are too handsome when you laugh, if you weren't older than my grandfather I already fell for you.

Dijun rose his eyebrow again, this little fox makes him react several time in an hour, "she is talented indeed" he toughed before saying: little fox you really talk out your mind don't you? how old are you?

Feng Ju frowned: you didn't come to my birthday banquet? I feel offended, I show you respect because you are the former ruler but you didn't act same toward me as future queen.

Dijun: oh I didn't mean to offend your highness, I should be too busy when I get the invitation, well you didn't answer my questions?

Feng Ju: I'm 25 thousand, and I accept your apologize, I understand your political duties so you probably were very busy.

Dijun nod in agreement and told beside been very busy why else he had to lost her first moment and suddenly he find himself regretting missing her first 25 thousand of life, "she is more interesting to be loose", he toughed.

Feng Ju nod in agreement too before saying she has to go for now: I'll come back to visit

Dijun: okay little fox


Hello every one

Well as you notice second chapter is in different timeline than first one, the story will continue this way, most of chapters will begin in current time before someone recall something in past and the timeline change to that. and eventually two or three different timelines will get together some place in the middle of story.

Thank your time and enjoy the reading. 

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