Chapter 6

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Gellert is dragged out of his cell in what appears to be the middle of the night, he's tired and he's not sure why they're dragging him out. Gellert wonders if they want information, that means he should be able to see Newton again, he won't give information to anyone else, they should know that.

Gellert is confused when the Goldstein Auror is there, she looks angry, beyond angry. Gellert wants to ask her where Newton is, but doesn't say anything as he's shoved into a chair, Goldstein doesn't sit down, she begins to pace.

"I thought I told you Aurors," Gellert spits, "that I will only talk to Newton." Goldstein looks furious and she stops her pacing to glare at him.

"Like you care about him," she hisses, and Gellert narrows his eyes. "If you really want to know, Newt is in the hospital. One of your people," she growls, "shot the Cruciatus Curse at him. He was lucky that he shot a Stupefy in time." Goldstein looks enraged, but tears glimmer at the edge of her eyes. She's worried about Newton, Gellert assumes.

Gellert for some reason feels absolutely outraged that Newton is hurt, and wants to find whoever is responsible and harm them, although he can't explain why he wants to. Newton is so full of life, and imagining him lying in a bed motionless, it just sets Gellert's teeth on edge.

"You knew they'd be there to abush us after getting Graves back, and yet you let Newt of all people get hurt. Is this because he got you caught, because he saw through your scheme?" Tina pacing again, and is almost screaming at Gellert.

"I didn't know Newton was going as well." Gellert says simply.

"And if you had known he was going?" Tina questions with a look of rage.

"I wouldn't have let him get hurt." Gellert states with an intense stare.


Percival Graves is a simple man, not scared of anything, besides maybe his family getting hurt, but since being rescued from Gellert Grindelwald about two weeks ago, (he still shudders at the name), he has been uneasy. He jumps at loud sounds, and doesn't like confined spaces, which means that the mediwitches can't under any circumstances shut the door with Percival inside the room.

They learned that about the first day he got there, he had a major panic attack when one of them closed the door when he was trying to sleep. His heart monitor had been beeping so loudly that the mediwitch had come running back in. It had not been pleasant for either party, it had taken a long time for her to get him calm, trying to sedate him hadn't worked cause he had freaked out more.

Percival hates feeling weak, and hates it even more when Aurors come in and pity him. Although, Percival has been waiting for a certain red headed wizard that he hadn't seen yet, Newt if he remembered correctly, Theseus' little brother. He's a bit disappointed, he was hoping Newt would come and at the very least meet him, but then again maybe Newt just didn't think he would be welcome.

One of the mediwitches enters and Percival watches her carefully, she's the one that never smiles, what was her name, Heather, Ellen? Percival's memory isn't as good as it used to be, but he guesses that's what happens when you've been hit with the Cruciatus Curse so many times. Percival downs the potion that the mediwitch gives him without complaint, but before she leaves he thinks he should maybe ask about visitors.

"Have there been any red heads to visit me lately?" The mediwitch blinks at him in confusion, and then rubs her chin thoughtfully.

"You mean Newt Scamander? He's in the room down the hall." Heather, or Ellen says. Percival almost screams at her for sounding so casual, he wants to demand that she take him there, but he has a feeling that she won't do that.

"Oh, is he alright?" Percival asks and the mediwitch sends him a curious look.

"He should be, but it's hard to tell with the Cruciatus Curse isn't it." She smiles at Percival and takes her leave.

Percival can't believe his ears, Newt was hit with the Cruciatus Curse, who would do that? There's no question about it, it has to be one of Grindelwald's followers. Percival suddenly wants to figure out which one of Grindelwald's followers did it, so that he can tear them apart for hurting someone so innocent.

When he's sure that Helen or Ellen, is far enough away, Percival gets up from his spot on the bed and goes to the door. He strolls across the hall casually as if he's supposed to be going this way and not lying down in bed recovering.

Those auburn curls are the first thing Percival can see, Newt's hair is spread out across the pillow and mused as though he has been tossing in his sleep, but Newt isn't sleeping. Percival moves further into the room, and can see how Newt's body twitches every so often.

Percival body use to do that at first too. But after having it done so many times, well it hadn't stopped the twitching, but it had decreased it a bit. Percival hates that someone as sweet as Newt had to go through that. He sits next to Newt's bed and sighs.

"You know, it would be easier to thank you when you're awake." Percival rubs at his temples. "I'm sorry Newt, you were only there to help me escape Grindelwald, and this is what you got in return. I wish I knew who did this so I could hurt them in return." Percival clenches his fists in his lap, thinking of blasting the person who did this to pieces.


Percival visits Newt everyday, the mediwitch who cares for him tried to argue with him, but Percival wouldn't budge. They gave up at one point, and just came to Newt's room to care for both of them. Newt has been asleep for five days now, he barely even flinches when Percival touches his head.

Percival sits in his chair by Newt's bedside now, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest well he talks out loud. To himself mostly, but he talks to Newt as if he's awake and having a conversation with him. He mostly just talks about things in the newspaper, which are mostly about Grindelwald's capture, and about his return.

"I really wish you would wake up Newt, you're starting to worry Tina and I." Percival states, looking down. "She's been here when she can spare time, which isn't often. They have her talking to Grindelwald mostly, she's told me he has a weird way of acting around you." Percival sighs, he really wants Newt to wake up.

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