This is a Character Questionnaire that I've personally put together for Writers and aspiring Writers. I created this in hopes of helping writers develop their characters faster, and simpler. Personally, I've used questionnaires myself like these for help when creating my Novel and its characters. I found these questionnaires to be very helpful and convenient. I hope you will too. I specifically made this one of my liking because I noticed that other Character Questionnaires asks you a lot of unnecessary questions that's really not needed. Therefore, this one is more basic and is not detailed. For a more detailed one, please request to me for one, or, you can go online too. Whatever is more comfortable and convenient for you.
This questionnaire consists of approximately (67) questions. I've also used help of another Character Questionnaire ( ) to create this, but like I said, I found a lot of questions that was not needed, and so I've took out some and added some of my own.
I personally like the questionnaires that has 300+ questions, but I know some of you may not be into answering all those questions, so I made this one short. It takes time and patience, but it's worth it in the end. I would love to know if you used this Questionnaire for your characters, so comment and let me know if you did and if you found it helpful. I'd really appreciate it!
Prometheus's Character Questionnaire for Writers
The Basics of your Character
Full name:
Nick name:
Date of birth:
Current residence:
Sexual orientation:
Status (single, married, divorced, taken):
Talents or skills:
Significant others (mother, father, siblings, describe relationship with all):
Intellectual, Physical and Personality Characteristics
Hair (color, messy, curly, straight, long, shoulder-length, wavy, style):
Eye color:
Skin color:
Face shape:
Feminine or masculine facial features (describe):
Tattoos (How many? Describe the designs and body parts they're on. Explain their meanings if any):
Piercings (How many? Describe the body parts which is pierced and what kind of piercings.):
Scars or any other body modifications:
Wears glasses or contact lenses?
How does your character dress?
Favorite sayings:
Speech pattern:
Disabilities or any mental illnesses:
Greatest flaw:
Best quality:
Educational Background:
Intelligence Level:
Character's short-term goals in life:
Character's long-term goals in life:
How does your character see him/her?
How does your character believe he/she is perceived by others?
How self-confident is your character?
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?
What would most embarrass this character?
Emotional characteristics:
How does your character deal with anger?
With sadness?
With conflict?
With change?
With loss?
Strengths and weaknesses:
Introvert or Extrovert:
What does your character want out of life?
What would your character like to change in his/her life?
What motivates your character?
What frightens your character?
What makes your character happy?
Is your character judgmental of others?
Is your character generous or stingy?
Is your character generally polite or rude?
Spiritual Characteristics
Does your character believe in God?
How your Character is involved in the Story
Character's role in the story (main character? hero? heroine? romantic interest? etc.):
Scene where your character first appears:
Relationships with other characters:
How your character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began:
Additional Notes on this Character:
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