The After Math

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Can I quit school? Am I able to just drop out at as a junior and work for the rest of my life? These were rhetorical questions because I knew the answer to both of them. There wasn't a single fiber in my body that wanted to actually show up and be present in this building.

This morning I should've walked into school full of joy and smiles but I didn't. I should have been bouncing off the walls searching for Josh, but I didn't. After watching Layla and Noah interact I should have teased my best friend, but I didn't. It was hard for me to do any of these tasks because all I could think about was Beck's face and how hurt he appeared.

When you spend quite a bit of time with someone who was once not your favorite, everything becomes different. You begin to bond in weird ways and pick on each other to wits end. You laugh at comments that you normally wouldn't think are funny because you enjoy hearing that person talk. You end up watching a Disney movie together falling asleep in each others arms and somehow grow closer as friends.

Yesterday I felt like I lost one of my good friends and a little piece of my heart was missing. After seeing him hurt I felt like I hurt myself deep down inside. Seeing his face like that made me somewhat believe that he cared about me, whether that was as a friend or more. And frankly I couldn't grasp which one I rather it be because I haven't fully explored my feelings. I couldn't tell you if it was just the tension between us that was confusing me, or if it was actually getting to know the real him that was confusing me.

I tried my best to appear happy in front of everyone because I didn't need anyone asking questions. Layla, especially, would immediately know somethings up and try to pry it out of me. So when she asked me if I was giddy to see Josh this morningĀ  of course I smiled and said yes.

"Now please whatever you do Tar, don't eat his face," she quipped, closing her locker door.

I rolled my eyes, and retorted, "I won't as long as you don't eat Noah's."

She glared at me, "Very funny."

I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at her acting like a little kid. She did the same after appearing offended and we cracked up giggling. In a strange way it actually cheered me up the slightest bit, which didn't surprise me considering she was my best friend.

"Hey there she is," Noah sauntered up to us, "the future Mrs. Spring."

I cocked an eyebrow at Layla and I could tell that our best friend telepathy powers were working. Immediately she slapped his shoulder and gave Noah a stern look, but all he did was give her a sad face back.

"They're not getting married," she confessed, crossing her arms.

I chuckled and added, "Yeah sorry to break it to you but we're just going to prom together. We're not getting married."

"Not yet, " he grinned, pointing at me.

Layla and I peered at each other and just like outstanding best friends do we rolled our eyes in unison. Noah was a great friend and I was going to miss him when we went off to college in the fall. Honestly like I said I adored the man but you would think he would be a little more mature for a senior in high school.

"Hey friends," Josh greeted, walking up to us.

"I hate to break it to you," Noah patted Josh on the back, "but you're not going to have a wife anytime soon."

Josh chuckled and glanced at us confused, "I sure hope not. I'm way too young for that."

"Don't mind Noah, he doesn't know what he's talking about," she stated, ruffling up Noah's hair.

"I see," he grinned catching my eye, "Hi Tara."

I blushed, "Hi."

"Is it okay if-"

"Yes," I nodded, receiving a smile from him.

I already acknowledged what he was going to disclose because I wanted a hug myself. I needed some kind of comfort to get through the day. He wrapped his arms around me as I did the same to him. He felt warm and smelled like fresh pine trees, as every man cologne does.

I didn't want to say it, but our friendship now felt like Layla and Noah's, "complicated." We went out on a date, then he asked me to prom, and then we freaking kiss. I didn't think we were a couple but we were definitely more than friends at this point. Between Josh and Beck everything seemed so gosh darn elaborate.

As we let go I glanced over and saw Beck strolling past us with a deadpan expression on his face. He briefly glanced at me, but didn't say a word or even wave at any of us. When Layla greeted him 'good morning' he didn't even acknowledge her and she didn't even do anything wrong. He just kept on walking to his locker and I knew it was because of me.

"Well that was a little rude," Layla joked.

Josh questioned, "But isn't that just his demeanor?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No not really anymore."

"Then what's his deal?" Noah asked.

Of course, on cue, the three of them all looked at me waiting for an answer. I didn't appreciate that they all assumed that I knew what was going on. I mean I obviously did because I'm the one who caused his attitude but I wasn't going to tell them that.

"Who knows," I shrugged.

The final bell rang signaling for us to head to our first period class so we all walked our separate ways. Layla and I strolled into English and I saw that Beck was already there staring at his desk. We sat down and when Mrs. White wasn't paying attention I sent a quick text message of 'hey' to Beck hoping for a response but nothing. I have caused problems between us before but this time I really did mess up.

When it was time for us to read more from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet it didn't seem fun like it normally was. Beck would usually give Romeo some kind of British accent and really play along with his role. Unfortunately today he sounded like a robot just going through the motions and reading what was in front of him.

I knew there had to be a way to fix this situation and win my friend back. If I didn't do that then decorating committee was going to be quite awkward and only two of us would know why. As much of a brat that he was I was starting to miss my Brat and it's only been a day.

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