Play Date Pt. 2

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Trailing behind her I saw Mia grinning ear to ear holding onto Beck's hand who appeared to be laughing. Mia instantly let go of her brother's hand and ran over to me embracing me into a hug. I will never understand why this little ten year old loved me so much.

"Hey Mia," I gushed. "Do you want to meet my friends?"

"Yes," she sang.

"This is Layla, my best friend," I pointed.

She pouted, "I thought I was your best friend."

Layla and I looked at each other with small smiles, using our best friend mind reading abilities, as we both thought the same thing.

I leaned over and whispered, "You're like my super duper best friend. How about that?"

"I like that," she giggled.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mia, even if we have to share Tara now," she giggled.

"And this is Noah."

"Hey Mia," he gave her a fist bump.

"Him and Layla like each other," I whispered giggling.

Mia looked at Layla and smiled, "He's cute."

Layla smirked at Noah and responded, "I know."

"Thank you, little lady," he grinned, ruffling the top of her hair.

Mia giggled and started twirling her hair with her finger like a middle schooler with a crush. It was adorable but also comical to watch considering how young she was.

"Well it looks like I'm second in line to Noah too," Layla quipped.

I leaned in and gave her a side hug, "Don't worry, I still love you."

"Thanks Tar," she chuckled, as we let go.

Noah rested a hand on her knee and softly voiced, "You're still my favorite, Lay Lay."

I internally rolled my eyes at his sweet gesture. It wasn't because I was jealous but I wanted them to get together already. And the fact that they weren't was starting to annoy me.

Beck cleared his throat, "Uh hey."

I grinned, "Hi."

"Oh Beck," Layla began, "have you formally met Noah?"

"Yeah kind of," Beck scratched the back of his head.

Noah nodded his head as his memory came back to him, "Oh yeah. You were the one that went on that little date with Layla."

"Yeah, the one that Tara made you and Josh help her spy on," he chuckled.

"Hey, in my defense I was just checking to see if she was okay. I barely knew you then," I attested.

Layla added, "You were also the one that forced us to go on a date too."

I held my hands up in defense, "I was just trying to play matchmaker."

"Maybe you should've taken a few more lessons from Beck. Tar, no offense I love you, but you're not very good at it."

"Oh whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm glad that you decided to just be friends with Layla, because otherwise I wouldn't be here right now," Noah thanked him.

Noah and Layla turned to look at each other with big stupid smiles on their faces and then Noah leaned in to kiss her cheek. Ugh. I hate them.

Beck asked, "So are you two dating?"

"No," I rolled my eyes. "They're taking things slow."

Beck peered at my annoyance and I could tell that he was holding back a chuckle. I giggled to myself and released a small on my face as he was still staring at me. He smiled back, appearing adorable as ever, and I couldn't help but to blush.

Mia tugged on Beck's shirt, "I want to go play on the slides."

"Okay sorry. Let's go," he grabbed her hand.

"Actually, if you don't mind, Noah and I can take her on the slides," Layla stated.

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

Layla glanced back and forth between Beck and I and I saw the scheming in her eyes. She was up to something and I didn't understand what. I was here to spend time with her and Noah, not Beck.

"Yeah," she stood up, grabbing Mia's hand. "Come on Noah."

"Oh, I have to go with?" he asked confused.

"Yes," she nodded, wide-eyed.

"Yay!" Mia sang.

Noah grabbed Mia's other hand and they wandered off towards the slides on the playground. It was just Beck and I alone and the idea of that scared me. My emotions were all over the place and I didn't know if I would be able to control myself.

He sat down on the swing next to me and apologized, "Sorry if we interrupted your guys' time."

"It's okay," I grinned. "Can you be honest with me for a second?"

"Of course," he nodded.

"Did you invite yourself over here or did Layla insist that you two hangout with us?" I interrogated, staring into his green eyes.

"I told her many times that I knew that you wanted your space from me, but she begged," he explained.

I sighed and pondered, "I don't understand why she would do that. She knows how I'm feeling right now."

He dug his shoes into the wood chips and shrugged, "Maybe she knows something that you don't."

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head, "That's impossible."

"Terror, you of all people should know that anything is possible," he nudged my shoulder, smiling.

I chuckled and asked, "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" he queried.

"Still call me Terror? I thought that phase was behind us."

He smirked, "Because I can."

I threw my head back and laughed causing a piece of hair to fall out of my ponytail. He understood how to push my buttons and honestly it drove me crazy.

"What's the real reason, Brat?" I marveled, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay hear me out. It's kind of like a child who is a constant trouble maker and annoys the hell out of you. Well you annoy me all the time," he admitted.

I furrowed my eyebrows upset, "That's kind of mean."

"Let me finish."

"Okay, go on," I softly voiced.

"It's annoying how I can't always tell what you're thinking. It irritates me how you can be so gentle and sweet but also headstrong at the same time. The amount of times that I've wanted to kiss you but can't infuriates the hell out of me. And the fact that you're just sitting there listening to me ramble terrorizes me. You're so damn beautiful Tara," he disclosed blushing, tucking the loose piece of hair behind my ear.

I stared at him as I felt my cheeks become warm and my heartbeat quickening. This was definitely not how I thought my afternoon was going to go. He continued staring in my hazel eyes with his hand resting on my chin. I was attempting to control my feelings and hold my ground, but I wanted to kiss him so bad.

I pulled back and reminded him and myself, "Friends, remember?"

He sighed, "Yes, I know."

We sat there in silence watching Mia play with Layla and Noah on the slides. Maybe she did know something that I didn't. Am I really that oblivious? Did I make my decision without even subconsciously knowing?

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