Morning Regrets

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My body started coming out of my deep sleep as the sun was shining through the window hitting my legs just right. I heard small noises coming from the kitchen and I wondered if that was my mother making waffles. Yesterday seemed like an absolute blur to me that I didn't even vaguely remember driving back home after the movie.

I slightly moved my head on my pillow but something didn't feel quite right. Somehow my own hair was tickling my face which I found kind of funny. Out of nowhere a waft of spiced vanilla hit my nose causing me to be very confused. Something seemed very off this morning and I wish I remembered driving back home last night.

I fluttered my eyelids open waiting for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. After peering up panic hit me as I realized that I never actually went home. I was cuddling with Beck on the couch. His hair was the culprit of tickling my face and I'm quite positive the spiced vanilla aroma was his shampoo. My legs were curled up in his lap and my head rested near the crook of his neck. His arm was wrapped around my back and his head rested against mine.

Everything started coming back to me from last night. Almost three quarters into the movie I began feeling tired and I must have fell asleep. Beck apparently did the same and now I'm curled up with my heart beating a mile a minute.

It was hard not to gaze at his face because it was so close to mine. He looked peaceful sleeping and I had to admit he was kind of cute.

Tara?! Listen to what you're saying. Don't fall for Beck, considering you have a giant crush on Josh who could possibly like you back.

I closed my eyes hoping that this was just all some kind of strange dream. I tried to fall back asleep but it wasn't exactly working. I moved my legs ever so slightly which caused Beck to stir awake. I opened my eyes peering up at his face and saw that he was already staring at me with a grin on his face.

"Good morning Terror," he whispered, his voice kind of raspy.

"Morning," I grinned, as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

What the hell is going on with me?! I can't find Beck Johnson attractive or his morning voice.

"So much for 'space means space'," he smirked.

I blushed and readjusted myself sitting in an upright position next to him. I hated the fact that he just made me blush and witnessed it.

"I don't want to hear it Brat," I uttered.

"Good morning sleepyheads," Mia chirped, running into the living room.

"Hey kiddo," Beck smiled.

"I was supposed to tell you," she played with her ponytail, "that mom made breakfast."

"Okay we'll be right there."

Mia looked at me, "Are you going to eat with us Tara?"

"I wish I could but I have a lot of things to do today," I explained.

She pouted, "Aw please."

I sighed, "Well what's for breakfast?"


I glanced back and forth between Mia and her brother and couldn't believe the answer that came out of my mouth.

"Okay sure," I grinned.

We all sat down at the kitchen table and began talking and eating our breakfast. I wasn't going to lie but the only reason I stayed was because it was hard to say no to Mia and I loved waffles.

"You two must have been quite exhausted last night. I hope I didn't wake you up while I was in the kitchen," Dana inquired.

I shook my head and set down my glass of juice, "No you didn't."

"Do you have any fun plans for today Tara?" Dana questioned.

"Actually yes I do," I glanced at Beck, who met my gaze, and beamed. "I'm going on a date tonight."

"Oh that sounds like fun. I hope it goes well," she bubbled, walking her plate to the sink.

Mia quizzed, "Is it with my brother?"

I chuckled and looked at her wide-eyed, "No it is not."

"Well why not?" she questioned.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and explained, "Because your brother and I are just friends."

"Yes Mia, we're just friends," he subtly winked at her.

Mia giggled like a little ten year old does as I rolled my eyes and took my plate to the kitchen sink.

"Thanks for breakfast, Dana. And I'm sorry for accidentally crashing here last night," I uttered.

"It's alright dear. It was no trouble for me," she grinned.

I strolled over to the door that connected to the garage and laced up my shoes. Walking into the garage I felt Beck trailing behind me as I went to grab the chandelier. I trotted over to my Jeep to set the decoration in the backseat and he was still following me.

I sighed looking at the ground, "Hey um thank you for letting me hangout here last night after we were done.  And uh thanks for being a decent pillow for me to sleep on."

He chuckled, "Sure no problem Terror. I'm happy we finally have that decoration done, but you really need to control yourself."

I scoffed, "What do you mean? I had plenty of self control Brat."

"Says the one who fell asleep in my arms," he smirked.

I slapped his arm, "Well you could have pushed me away but you didn't so it works both ways."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. You did miss a good movie though."

I groaned, "I know. I'm going to have to re-watch it again sometime."

"I hope your date with Josh goes well tonight. I better hear some good news after," he grinned, scratching the back of his head. 

"Thanks, and we'll see about that cupid," I grinned.

He took a step closer to me, "Remember that I'm the one who kind of made this happen so you better."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Yeah yeah."

I walked over to the driver side door, hopped into my Jeep and waved goodbye to Beck. I watched him walk back into his house as I unlocked my phone and started my vehicle.

Of course I had like a gazillion notifications on my phone. One was from my mother asking where I was and hoped I was safe. There was a bunch from Layla questioning my whereabouts and that she was already at my house waiting for me. And then there was one from Josh that was so cute my heart skipped a beat.

Josh: I can't wait to see you tonight! :)

Tara: I can't wait either :)

I let my mother know that I was on my way home and I would explain to her what happened when I got there. I decided to call Layla and update her right away as I was driving back. I pressed call on her name and placed my phone in the mount on my dashboard. I slowly pulled away from the sidewalk as I heard her pick up the phone.

"Tara, where are you?" she questioned confused.

"I'm on my way home," I explained.

"You were supposed to be here when I got here this morning. Instead I had to eat breakfast with your parents and watch cartoons," she spewed and then pondered for a second. "I guess in retrospect it wasn't that bad."

I sighed turning down the road, "I know I know, but I'll be there soon."

"Well where were you?"

"I was at Beck's finishing up the moon and lost track of time," I replied.

"Until the next day," she retorted. I rolled my eyes knowing that she couldn't actually see them.

"Look I'll tell you everything once I get home okay. I'll be there shortly. Bye," I muttered.

"Bye," she hung up.

Layla had every right to be curious about what was going on and why I wasn't where I supposed to be. I honestly regretted falling asleep in that house and on him because it was making me question my feelings towards Beck even more.

Did I like him? Or was this just something that happened because we were together so much lately? All I knew was that I had to really just focus on my date with Josh. I've been wanting this forever and now it's finally happening. I needed to block out all other thoughts and situations.

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