chapter 11

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i led a hard rebellion against papa bringing aboard many who were left behind and abandoned i even got two of the nines in epsilon and delta

eventually though the VIRM made their grand appearance

"we don't have any capabilities to fight a foe like that" ichigo said afraid

"yes we do, right nirvash" i asked as the unit in question evolved to it's proper form the spec-V3

"let's go nirvash help me create a miracle" i said nirvash responded by shooting upwards towards space at ludicrously amazing speeds using it's options to blast down VIRM also using it's main energy cannon it either cut through or shot through every VIRM soldier in it's path

"you fight well, but soon you will join us" VIRM said

"over my dead body, right old friend" i asked as nirvash responded to my plea summoning to my surprise angels that began to attack the VIRM


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend, we shall aid you shinji asuno" the voice of tabris said as has his eva the mark.6 grew wings and began to shoot through VIRM left and right

"we will make sure you return home" tabris said as i watched the angels decimate the VIRM horde

"we gave your unit the power to summon us, call our aid, whenever it is needed, we shall end this" tabris said

"nirvash" i asked

"no, your unit" he said and it dawned on me

"i will, thank you tabris, angels" i said

"we never wished to be enemies we just wished to retrieve our comrade something you would do in our place, but you ended lilith's agony for that you have our gratitude" tabris as he and the other angels entered the gate to the VIRM home world before self destructing destroying every virm left leaving me there

"i guess let's go home, nirvash" i said as nirvash returned to it's spec 2 form

"you like this form old friend" i said as i shrugged and grabbed the controls flying us home after watching what was once my enemy fight to protect me i controlled nirvash to fly back home as i flew i was met by klaxosaurs as i got into a defensive stance i saw the gekko

"shinji, the klaxosaurs are with us their friendly" ichigo said over comms

"why are you here" i asked

"to fight the VIRM, we even brought our big weapon" ichigo said directing my attention to the massive franxx

"that's apus" ichigo said

"VIRM have been dealt with old enemies of mine became allies, they took out the VIRM and then annihilated the VIRM homeworld" i said

"how is that possible, there were billions guarding the planet" a new voice said

"when an angel self destructs it leaves a rather big boom when all of them blow up at once that boom can take out about three planets with it's resulting explosion" i replied that was my theory anyway considering i could see the small flare up from the battle of the advance force

"incredible" she said in awe

"are there any of these angels left" Dr franxx asked

"technically yes, technically no, i have the power to ressurect them but i need something very specific to do so that something i don't have at the moment" i said

"it's fine let's just go home shinji" ichigo said i nodded as i boarded the gekko which fortunately had life support systems once on board ichigo and sakura both captured me in a bone crushing hug

"hello to you two, as well" i grunted they got the message

a few years later i gathered the parasites all the adults had been executed for putting children through a war they didn't even attempt to help in only a select few adults such as doctor franxx remained alive

"a lot of you are unsatisfied with your new lives this i know, you have all been raised to fight and now that it is no longer necessary some of you miss the thrill of battle" i said looking over towards a very miffed sakura she was at the top of that list

"so i offer you, a choice to make this i could not offer with papa breathing down our necks, my EVA, EVA unit-07 has a special transmitter inside that will contact a civilization that will allow you to continue to train and fight as before but you can fight for a cause worthy of you to believe in, i have but to activate it, you can choose to remain here and build your own civilization or you can join the vanguard, i will leave this decision to a majority vote, which i shall, have code 056 or goro as he prefers to be called, lead once i get the word of the decision will i then decide weather or not to activate the transmitter choose wisely" i said as i jumped off the stage

i had told this to the squad already they all unanimously wanted to go, mostly cause the civilization was already built they didn't have to build up a new one their children weren't forced into that work either

"princess it may come where you get this world to yourself and your kind yet again" i said speaking to the klaxosaur princess

"it would be nice, but like you i will not force you to leave, so long as you don't use magma energy i do not honestly care weather you go or stay" she said i shrugged

"we shall see" i said

the conclusion was nearly unanimous they all wanted to see this new world and so i boarded unit-07 and activated the transmitter killing myself in the process but they didn't need to know that, the squad did but i already explained my real body in a cryo pod back home and this was but a clone of that

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