Chapter 20: The Days In Between

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Day 1

I woke up after a horrid nightmare about Dick. I was trying to apologize but he just kept denying me, till finally I was left alone in the dark. When I stood up I could feel the tears treks on my cheeks and went to take a shower.

It didn't help, I was still a wreck. Dawning a fluffy robe, I looked at myself in the mirror and I punched the glass. I picked up the scissors that James had left behind, gripped my hair and cut off my hair off leaving it an inch below my shoulders. It was still wet and stringy when Alfred came into my room unannounced.

"I say! Miss Ruby, what have you done to your hair?" Alfred asked. I wrapped some hair around my finger and said, "I just thought I'd need a change." Alfred sighed. "Perhaps, if you'd let me, I could help your hair a bit." I nodded and followed Alfred to the bathroom. He sat me down on the toilet seat and began to cut my hair to even it out.

"Alfred." I said, after the long pause we shared. "How's Dick?" I asked and Alfred sighed. "If I'm not mistaken, he and Miss Zatanna are going to the movies today." I lowered my head. "Oh I see." Alfred lifted an eyebrow. "Something wrong Miss?" I sighed. "You know what's wrong, Alfred." I sighed again. "Can I tell you something? Under pure confidentiality?" Alfred nodded. "I loved him. Dick I mean. But when I found out that he'd kissed someone else I just... Well I just lost it. I felt violated."

"Well, Miss, if you really wish to see Master Di--"

"NO! Alfred you can't tell him where I am or how I am, or, or anything! I-I-" I took a deep breath. "I don't deserve him." I said, looking at the shower curtain in front of me. "And he deserves to be happy with someone who doesn't have a complicated life story or is a-- well a freak."

"You're not a freak Miss Ruby. Actually, with the proper training, you could be one of the most interesting and important Wayne's this world has ever seen. Now look at yourself. Do you like it?" I looked in the mirror and gave a small smile. My hair went about two inches below my ears, making my natural curls to come out. I grabbed a hair clip that Alfred had on him (he's a freaking boy scout I swear) and placed it to pull my bangs back.

"You look like your mother." I jumped at the sound of Bruce's voice. I quickly turned to see him leaning on the threshold of the bathroom. "However you did inherit my curls." He pushed off the board and came closer to me, I stood up quick to meet his eyes. "Thank you Bruce." There was a pause. I looked over Bruce's features. His eyes were like mine. They were small, but wide and I also had his lips. But that was it. Just shapes. I only inherited shapes of him.

"Your mother's here. She'll be having breakfast with us if you're up for it." I nodded at him. "Just let me get dressed first." They nodded and I changed in the bathroom to then follow them out of the bathroom, out my door, and down a hallway.

"Ruby!" Mom yelled when she saw me. "Mom!" I exclaimed as I hugged her. Bruce cleared his throat to get our attention, or more specifically, mom's attention. "It's good to see you Bruce." Mom said, her voice light as she held me. "Yes, well, shall we sit?" Bruce didn't make eye contact with mom as he led us to... Wherever he was taking us. "Ignore your father, he's still coping with the fact that our 'one time' deal led to you." Mom whispered to me with a laugh. I nodded in understanding.

"Please sit." Bruce said, pulling a chair out for mom, I sat next to her at this little, round table.

"Here you are Miss Selina and Miss Ruby." Alfred said and I smiled at him. "Thank you Sir Pennyworth." I said, then I remembered our conversation earlier and my smile dropped a little. Mom noticed and tried to get my smile back by saying, "Your hair looks nice. Who did it?"

"Alfred did." I said, eating my eggs and toast. It may not be five star in looks but it was five star in taste! "Well you look lovely. Alfred, you did very well." Mom said with a smile. There was a silence among us until I asked the question I know mom and I have been dying to know. "So what's the plan for me?" Bruce sighed as he put down his fork.

"You'll be living here and training till we see fit to let you leave." Bruce said coolly. "Bruce!" Mom exclaimed. Bruce didn't make eye contact with mom. "Will I still be able to see mom?" I asked, just as coolly. Mom looked between the two of us. "Yes," he glanced at mom. "From time to time." His phone vibrated. "I have to go. Salina, watch Ruby." Mom gave a laugh. "Oh Bruce you don't have to worry about us." She stood and gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek. "Remember to be a good boy." Mom smiled and signaled for me to follow her. I complied and followed her down the hall.

When we were totally out of sight from Bruce's mom started laughing. "Did you see his face?" Mom asked. I gave her a questionable look. She cleared her throat. "Never mind, while your father is saving Gotham, we're going to--"

"Wait, mom, can't we just talk?" I grabbed mom's hand. She placed a finger on her chin. "If you don't train your father will get upset, however," she smiled. "I can't just leave my gem with unanswered questions. You've got half an hour." She said. We went back to my room and she sat me down on my bed while she sat in the chair at my desk.

There was a pause when I realized she wanted me to talk. "Mom, what happened to me? How did I get here?" Mom crossed her legs. "You were taken from me the day you were born. After I had you, you were taken away from me, they said something was wrong and I just kept screaming for you." Mom's hands clenched a little. "The bastards came back and said that you had died. I was in such a state of anger and shock that they ended up having to sedate me." Mom leaned back in the chair. "I never told Bruce about you. I just kept you to myself, until I met you again on that one July fourth. I knew it was you, I just new." She sounded so drained and sad.

"Mom. I'm sorry." I said, leaning towards her. She stood and sat next to me on the bed. "Hun, it's not your fault what family you're born into. It only matters what you make of yourself." She held me in her arms for a few moments before she declared, "Alright, less fluff and more training. Come on, up, up, up." I giggled as I followed my mother toward the training room. I'd show Dick AND Robin who was boss by the end of all this.

Day 10

Miss Martian and I have become very close and mom finally got around to bringing all my pillows to my room. Bruce was against it but he finally said yes after so much pestering and a push from Manhunter.

    "So what's today?" I asked Magan. "Jumping over sharks? Controlling my Attack Mode? OR are we going to work on my sensitivity?"

    "None of the above my dear Ruby." She said, leading me to a room filled with arcade like machines. "Today we play..." She pulled a tarp off a game with arrows and bright lights. "Dance Dance Revolution!" She declared. "You put the tarp on for effect, right?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that you need a break but still need to work out so Uncle John got us this!" She beckoned for me to join her on the second dance pad to her left. I roll my eyes. "Okay, but what does this help with exactly?" Megan pushed the start button. "Hand, foot, and eye coordination!" She declared before pushing random on the song list. LOOK TO THE SKY flashed on the screen. "First Stage!" The male voice said. "Are you ready? Here we go!"

    Suddenly a bunch of arrows appeared on the screen. "Hit the same arrows as on the pad." Megan said. I shrugged and did as I was instructed. It wasn't long till we made it to the second stage. That's when Megan started to drop out. "Aw man! Better luck next time!" The male voice taunted. "Megan? Are you okay? Do I need to get Manhunter?" I asked, leaning down to look at her collapsed form. "How.. are.. you so.. good at this?" She said in between pants. I shrug. "High stamina, remember?" I said, helping her up. "Besides, it's your fault for picking one of the hardest songs on the game." I said with a giggle.

    "Right. Hello Megan!" She said, lightly facepalming herself. "So... You wanna go again?" I asked teasingly. She shook her head. "No. Right now. I need some water and then maybe I'll consider you challenge." She teased back.

Day 132

    It's almost been half a year of me being here... Mom's visited many times and so has some of the YJ team, but all of them know not to tell Dick about where I've gone or anything regarding me and my training. Out of all of them, besides Megan, Wally's been my most frequent visitor. We'll play DDR or COD Black Ops, or even just talk about what I've been missing out on. I still remember the face he made when he first saw my short hair. He said he thought I was gremlin, but I realized he was kidding, right after I'd nearly broken his arm.

    "So how long are ya gonna be in here?" He asked. "Well, they said that I'm making good progress, so maybe a year or two." He nearly spat up his soup. "What?! How can you say that s casually?" He abruptly stood. "Calm yourself Wally. If I make even better progress it'll be shorter and then I can finally see the sun again." I joked. "Is that why you're so pale?!" He said seriously. I rolled my eyes. "Wally I was joking. I go outside every afternoon to test my endurance." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Thank god." I laughed. "You know, you're like a brother to me Wally. It's cute. Out of all the team, you visit the most even though you probably have a city to save... it's just nice to know someone cares so much." He took a sip of his soda. "Well, weather you admit it or not, you're still Rob's girl and that makes you under my watch when he's not here. Plus," He grinned ear to ear. "The food here isn't that bad either."

    I giggled. "You're an idiot Wally." I say with a smile.

Day 365

It's been a year! And mom, Megan, Wally, and even Bruce came to celebrate my birthday! (Aunt Pam and Quinn weren't allowed to come because of their records but mom brought their gifts).

Wally got me a baseball set, saying that I needed it to aim better and that we'd have something better to play when he came over.

Megan gave me a new hair piece for my hair(which reminds me. I need to as Alfred to cut it again.)

    Bruce got me a steel bracelet it was simple but I liked it. (Who knew he had such good taste?)

    And mom, Aunt Pam and Aunt Quinn all gave me a new DDR game console. (Like the ones you see at the arcade, they really didn't skip out)

    It was one of the greatest birthdays ever!

Day 467

    Dick's left team Batman according to my mother. She won't say where he's gone or anything, but he's no longer in Gotham. He's still operating within the YJ team, but that's all I know right now.

Day 730


Day 731

    It was all my fault. Mom's paralyzed and I'm covered in blood... Dad says she'll be fine but... I don't think I can be that hopeful. I miss mom already.. When I had to carry mom most of the way home, it wasn't till I'd lied her down on the cot in the Batcave did I finally realize what had happened to her. I started to cry, and dad put his arm on my shoulder, but I wouldn't take that. I latched on to him in a hug and kept calling him daddy. I just kept asking if all this was real and he told me this was the life for people like us.

    People like us... what does that even mean? People who try to do good? We're called vigilantes because we have no true powers. I bet if they're all just too scared to call people like Superman a vigilant because they're afraid he'll just melt their faces off. But people like me, dad, mom... we're easy targets because we lurk in the shadows and do the best with what we have. People like us... it's people like them that should be the ones being kidnaped. I'd love to watch them scream for help for the vigilantes they say they dispise.

    That's the true poetic justice that lurks in our world. And it makes me sick!

Day 2,576

    I met a man in blue tonight.

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