No one's P.O.V
" FINK HAVE YOU'VE BEEN USING MY PHONE ? " Professor Venomous yelled across the room as he searches for his missing phone.
Fink then storms over to him and crossed her arms.
" NO ! I HAVEN'T DONE THAT IN ALL WEEK ! " Fink yells.
Professor Venomous rolls his eyes.
" God, and you even have you're own phone, so why use mine ? " Professor Venomous asked.
Fink rolls her eyes. Just then Y/N comes downstaires holding Professor Venomous's phone.
" Sorry Sir I needed to see what your password was for the computer, " Y/N said.
Fink then looks at Professor Venomous and gave him a smirk. Professor Venomous then sighed.
" Fine. I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing, " Professor Venomous said.
Y/N tilts her head in confusion, but shrugged. Y/N then hands Professor Venomous's phone back.
" Thank you, " He says. " If you didn't give my phone in the next 5 minutes I would explode. Ha ! "
Y/N then chuckled.
" Anyways, how would you like it to spend time with the robots. I have a lot of work to do and I think it would be pretty fun, " Professor Venomous said.
I frowned.
" Yes ! Of course, " Y/N said.
Professor Venomous raised an eyebrow.
" Okay. Well I sent you the list on what fink-
" Sir. I already know, " Y/N said.
Professor Venomous then rubbed his neck.
" Ah. Yes your right , " Y/N said.
Professor Venomous then began to gather his belonging and gave Y/N and Fink a ride to Boxmore. Once we arrived Professor Venomous gave Fink a kiss on the check and patted my head. I blushed.
" Thank you for the ride Sir ! " I said.
Professor Venomous place his hands in his pocket.
" No problem , " Professor Venomous said winking.
After Professor Venomous left Boxman lead us to our rooms and recommend we eat.
" Thank you for your kindness Boxman, but we already ate," I said.
Boxman frowned, but smiled and rushed out of the room to grab his robots.
" CHILDREN COME HERE AT ONCE !! " Boxman yelled.
All 5 robots came in with a smile.
" Yes Daddy ? " They asked.
For some reason I cringed when they said " Daddy ".
All robots turned pale.
'" YES DADDY, " They yelled.
Once Boxman left Darrell came over to Fink while Shannon came over to me.
" Hey Y/n wanna watch this video Raymond sent me. It's about these two girls fighting at the mall over a " Gucci bag " can you believe it ! It's so funny and I love it ! " Shannon said shoving her phone on my face.
I then grabbed Shannon's phone and clicked on the video.
" OMG ! I saw this first ! " The first girl said.
" NO YOU DIDN'T HON ! " the second girl yelled.
Next thing you know they already started to fight and punch each other while Raymond was laughing.
" This is quite funny," I said.
Shannon then shakes me .
" I know ! " She said.
Ernesto then comes up to me shoving Shannon and Raymond away.
" Enough with that let's talk about taxes, " Ernesto said.
I looked at the bills and a textbook about taxes and bills.
" Wow. This is great and all, but-
Mikayla then jumps on my head.
" Oh. Hey there Mikayla how are you doing ?" I ask.
I then rub Mikayla's chin. Mikayla then begins to purr.
" How about cowboys ? Darrel asked.
Fink then comes over.
" How about eliminating those plaza jerks ! "Fink said while grinning widley.
I turned pale.
" No ! That's disobeying Professor Venomous's rules ! " I yelled.
Fink then winks at me.
" But he will punish you for that ~
I blushed.
" Fink ! Not here ! " Shannon yelled.
Fink shrugged. For such a young age she knows a lot of " things ".
" God. Fine , but let's make this quickly, " I said.
Everyone cheered. I then grab Boxman's remote and pressed a button which made all of us go inside a tiny box and shot us into the sky. We then land at the front door of the Plaza.
K.O, Enid, and Rad then came out ready to fight.
" Alright who's it thi-
K.O then turned pale when he sees all seven of us surrounding him.
" There's seven of us and only three of you ! What are you going to do now ? " Fink asked.
Enid then chuckled.
" We'll just have to beat you ! " Enid said.
All three then began to ran towards us.
" CHARGE ! "Fink yelled.
I watched as the whole group attacks K.O and his friends while I'll was just sitting down on the curb sighing on what might happen if Professor Venomous finds out about us disobeying his rules.
I can't believe you would do this to me Y/N ! I trusted you ! I thought.
I then shake my head.
" No he wouldn't say that ! " I yelled to myself.
Just then I feel a soft hand on my sholder. It was Ernesto.
" Hey why aren't you fighting with us? " Ernesto asked.
I shrugged.
" I just don't want Professor Venomous to find out , " I said.
Ernesto then laughs.
" I'm sure he'll understand. Especially to you Y/N ," He says.
I then tilt my head.
" What do you mean " Esoecially me ? " I ask.
Ernesto rubs his neck.
" Well you know how he' soft on you and Fink right ? " Ernesto asked.
My face went blank. Professor Venomous ? Soft ? Well I guess he is kinda soft, but why is he soft on me ? I'm only his maid ? Nothing special.
" Well anyways still want to join in the fun ? " Ernesto asked.
I smiled and stood up.
" Yep ! " I said smiling.
2 hours later
Well that went longer then expected. That battle should of been only for 2 minutes, but I guess not. Now me, Fink, and the robots are at Boxmore watching a GOOD film other then Boxman's stupid kid's film ( No offense ).
" Alright I'm gonna sleep. I'm pretty tired." I said.
The whole kids- er I mean group nodded .
" Yep. G-night Y/N ! " Fink said.
" Goodnight, "I said.
And just like that I fell asleep.
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