Part 21

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In case you forgot their seating places!


    "Yes." Shoto spoke with his usual monotone voice. Though it seemed a bit more monotone than usual, if that was even possible.
    Midoriya wished he could just disappear. The last thing he wanted to do right now was talk about himself. He was hoping this meeting would be the same as all the other ones. Where Toshinori and the other person talk about their businesses. Of course, nothing ever goes the way Midoriya plans.
    "They're actually good friends." Dabi speaks with a matter-of-fact tone. Todoroki looks over at Midoriya as if asking if this information was correct. He himself didn't know if they were friends. Is that what they were at this point? Midoriya simply blushed and looked away. He didn't want to actually say that they were friends or any of that. Even though he guesses that's what he would call their relationship.
    "Yeah. We're friends." At the second Todoroki received a glare from his father. It didn't seem like anybody else from the table picked it up, other than Todoroki and Midoriya.
Midoriya was a bit taken back by the random glare from Todoroki's father. All shoto did was say he was friends with him. Did his father not like him?
"What was that about.?" While the rest of them spoke, Midoriya leaned in and whispered to Todoroki. He was curious as to why his father would glare at him like that.
   "Don't worry about it." Todoroki looked down at his drink and swirled the straw around in it. Midoriya was a little worried but decided to drop it. He knew that if Todoroki wanted to talk about it he would.
    "Alright. If you want to tell me later on you can." Midoriya smiled before he leaned back in his seat. Todoroki was a little taken back by how understanding Midoriya was. He even smiled a little bit at the thought of it.

    Throughout the dinner they spoke mostly about business and school. Midoriya didn't pay much attention to it, instead he ate his food once it got there and payed attention to that. It seemed as though Todoroki and Dabi did the same thing. Enji, Fuyumi, Inko, and Toshinori all took part in the conversations being held.
Once it was finally over, Midoriya was more than relieved. He just wanted to go home, but he also wanted to ask Todoroki why he didn't tell him he was the son of Japan's second largest company's CEO. Then again, Midoriya didn't tell him about being the step-son of Japan's largest company's CEO.
While everyone got up from the table to leave, Toshinori and Enji started to speak with one another about business. Inko and Fuyumi also started to talk about each other about Todoroki, Dabi, and Midoriya, while Dabi just left to go sit in the car.
"Hey Todoroki, why didn't you tell me your dad was Enji Todoroki?" Midoriya walked beside Shoto as they walked to the exit of the restaurant. In response all Shoto did was shrug a little before he started to speak.
"Why didn't you tell me your dad was Toshinori Yagi?" Todoroki looked over at Midoriya as they walked to the door. Todoroki held the door open for Midoriya while he walked through, but he couldn't really be thankful when all he was feeling was disgust. He hated when people called Toshinori his dad. He tolerated having him being called his step-father.
"He's my step-father. He's not my dad." Midoriya said with a bit more aggression to his tone than he would've liked. Once he realized how mean it sounded he looked down at the ground out of embarrassment.
   "Oh, sorry." Todoroki walked through the door himself and shut it. It didn't seem that he cared that Midoriya snapped at him at all. He had the same monotone voice as usual.
   "N-no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Midoriya flailed his hands in front of him as he apologized. He was stopped when suddenly the man from earlier came out to the front of the restaurant.
   "Sir, a man left this letter for you." The man handed the letter to Midoriya with a small bow before he left to go back inside. On the letter it was labeled "To: My love Midoriya".
    Obviously, Midoriya knew he probably shouldn't open the letter and that he should wait for the police, but he was extremely curious. Todoroki looked over at the letter in Midoriya's hand to try and see what it said.
   "What is it?" Todoroki asked with a bit of curiosity in his voice. He walked over so he was right beside Midoriya and so he could see the letter better.
   "I'll have to open it to find out.." With that, Midoriya opened the letter. What was written in it was absolutely sickening. It was way worse than what was written before, and it made Midoriya want to cry. He just wanted to go back home and sleep this problem away.
    He looked over at Todoroki to see if he too was reading what he was reading. The shocked expression on his face was all the confirmation he needed. This was all real. This wasn't just some dream he could wake up from. Unfortunately, he had to actually live through this.
    "Oh my god.." Midoriya looked at the paper with shaky hands. He knew he had to call the police but he couldn't bring himself to move. Aizawa gave him his phone number for occasions like this, but Midoriya just couldn't seem to make any type of movements. He was too caught up in whatever... this was...
    "We should call the detectives on your case.. they'll know what to do." Todoroki closed the letter that was in Midoriya's hand, so he didn't have to look at it any longer. He took it and folded it back up before putting it back in the envelope.
    "I'll call them right now."

I wonder what it said!! :0

~Total words 1011~

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