Summary: Doki Doki Literature Club, Act 3
"Um...welcome to the Literature Club! Of course, we already know each other, because we were in the same class last year, and... um... Ahaha... You know, I guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point. After all, I'm not even talking to that person anymore, am I? That 'you' in the game, whatever you want to call him. I'm talking to you, ProblemTime."
"Well... oh shit?" Sero muttered, "She's self aware."
Monika started rambling about how she knew it was a game, and Todoroki just glared at Ashido victoriously, "I told you!"
She started explaining that she had tried to amplify the other character's worst traits to get the main character to dislike them, but that had backfired and messed up the game, leaving her with no choice but to delete them.
Kaminari tried to skip through all the dialogue, but Monika promptly disabled his skip button, "Come on! What the hell!?
She explained her pain of being trapped in a fake world, and that the player, through the main character, was the only "real" person, before stating that she would get over the death of her friends because they were all fake, before asking the player to go out with her.
They had no choice but to press "Yes".
Monika seemed happy by that forced choice, and proceeded to explain how she deleted her friends, "It kind of freaked me out, how easy it was. Well, you're playing on Steam, so it was actually a bit more difficult... To get to the game directory, I had to go into the game's properties and find the 'Browse Local Files' button... Imagine if you could delete your own existence with the click of a button?"
"She's a psycho..." Kaminari muttered, before they were forced to make a poem, where all the word choices were gltiched out "Monika"s, with the background being a horrifying glitching mess of red and black. They finished with the poem, and Monika was very happy about it, obviously, before showing them her poem called "Happy End".
The students didn't even bother reading it, and Monika continued talking about her love for the player, and about why she pretended that she wasn't self-aware, "I didn't want to ruin the game or anything, you know? You might have gotten mad at me... Maybe even deleted my character file, if you preferred playing without me."
"Yeah, that probably would result in messing the game up." Kaminari muttered, as Monika continued, "Hold on a second... You're recording this, aren't you?"
"Wait, wait, wait, what?!" Ashido shot to her feet, "What the hell!?"
"GHOST! She's a ghost!" Hagakure shrieked, "Stalker!"
"Um...hi, everyone! Sorry, I can't exactly read your comments from here... But do you mind telling your friend it's a little bit rude for them to start recording me without any warning?"
"KAMINARI! COVER THE CAMERA!" Iida promptly ordered, as Kaminari replied, "It's already covered! I always keep it covered since I don't use it!"
"I'm sure some people don't mind... But I get really self-conscious on camera! Oh gosh... I feel like I'm being put on the spot now. Let's see... Do you want to see a trick? I can't really do much except for a couple things... Are you ready?"
"No no no no! Please no!" Ojiro shook his head, as Monika's face gradually got closer, before reeling back, "I'm just kidding... I can't do anything after all. If you gave me some time to prepare, I -"
"Thank goodness..." Yaoyorozu sighed, "AHH!"
Monika jumpscared them, her face cracking apart with a glitchy, yellow tint and red tint, before everything went back to normal. Yaoyorozu wasn't the only one who had been startled; the entire class pretty much reacted to the jumpscare verbally, or by clinging to the nearest person, or both.
Midoriya just stared at the screen, unamused.
"Did I scare you? Anyway, ProblemTime... I didn't mean to get distracted. I'm sorry. Even though it's your fault for distracting me. Shame on you! I'm just kidding. Anything we do together is fun, as long as it's with you. But anyway..."
Kaminari tried closing and reopening the game several times, and got a few lines of Monika complaining about the darkness, but how she was generally okay since her character file was still intact.
Not knowing what else to do, they tried to speak with Monika, and she started up about random topics like having a bad day, sleeping, dying, god, and a lot of other stuff.
Though, the one about Sayori hit a bit too hard.
"I was thinking about Sayori earlier... I still wish I could have handled that whole thing a little more tactfully. You're not still hung up over it, right?"
"... I'm going to get nightmares from that..." Shoji slumped over, tired. It was already two in the morning; they had been playing for four hours straight.
"...Oh, my gosh, I can't believe I just said that. That pun was completely unintentional, I swear!"
"Like I believe you..." Ashido sarcastically replied.
"But anyway... I know how much you cared about her, so it only feels right for me to share her last moments with you. You know how Sayori is really clumsy? Well, she kind of messed up the whole hanging thing... You're supposed to jump from high enough that the rope snaps your neck, making it quick and painless. But she just used a chair, meaning she kind of just left herself to slowly asphyxiate."
Midoriya muttered something intelligible, and the class turned to look at him, worried expressions on their faces, before turning back to the game.
"But a few seconds in, she must have changed her mind or something... Because she started clawing at the rope, trying to free herself. She must have kept at it all the way until she lost consciousness. That's why her fingertips were all bloody, anyway. Come to think of it, it was probably less 'changing her mind' and more just her survival instincts kicking in. So you can't really fault her for that. It's easier to think that she probably wouldn't have changed her mind anyway, right?"
"Bitch." Ashido spat, "Maybe if you didn't fuck up the code, she wouldn't have killed herself in the first place."
"It's not healthy to think about the things you could have done differently. So just remember that even though you could have saved her, it's technically not your fault she killed herself. I may have exacerbated it a little bit, but Sayori was already mentally ill."
"Well... she clearly doesn't care about her." Uraraka rolled her eyes, "Some friend you are."
They scrolled through more dialogue about topics like depression, pianos, being a vegetarian (Koda didn't seem too happy about that), their favourite colours, and it was almost three in the morning before they kept getting repeated dialogue.
"So... what now?" Jiro asked, "I think we exhausted all of her dialogue..."
"Kaminari, you should delete Monika's character file." Shinsou spoke up, and Kaminari reeled back in alarm, "But we're not supposed to touch the game files! I don't want to mess up the game by accident."
Sero snorted, "The game's already broken anyways. Worst case scenario, we can just reinstall the game."
"Yeah!" Ashido cheered, "Give her a taste of her own medicine! Let's see how she likes to be deleted!"
They seemed to have a general consensus, with everyone agreeing to just delete Monika, and Kaminari seived through the game files, following Monika's instructions and finding the character folder, dragging it to the trash bin.
Suddenly, Monika's sprite glitched out, spitting out some gibberish.
"Woah!" Kaminari yelped, as Monika tried to figure out what was wrong.
"What's happening...? ProblemTime, what's happening to me? It hurts-"
"Ha! How do you like that!?" Uraraka cheered.
Her sprite disappeared completely, "It much. Help me, ProblemTime. Please hurry and help me."
The background glitched out, and a console appeared in the corner.
"renpy .file ("characters/Monika .chr")"
"Monika .chr does not exist."
The entire screen started glitching out.
Monika tried to load her character file a few more times, only to fail each time, before she started screaming at the player for deleting her. After some time, she admitted that she was a terrible person, and said that she didn't truly delete Yuri, Sayori and Natsuki, and reloaded the game.
The developers logo was shown, no longer glitchy, and the main menu loaded up, looking perfectly normal, save for the disappearance of Monika.
Kaminari blinked, "Oh. Well... I guess she's gone."
"Good riddance." Hagakure snorted, "She deserved it."
Kaminari started a new game, and the game loaded up like usual. The only thing different this time was that Sayori was actually on time, and that she and the main character now walked to school together, and that Sayori was the one who was started a club. The protagonist decided to join Sayori's club to make her happy, and Natsuki and Yuri were actually pretty accepting of the main character.
Natsuki and Yuri did end up getting into an arguement, but they resolved it in a minute flat, even offering to read the books that the other girl was usually reading. They even decided to go to the book store together, which was really nice, considering that they had rather lengthy arguements in the previous two runs that had to be interrupted instead of being solved peacefully.
"Hey, ProblemTime... I really want to thank you. I mean, I'm really happy that you joined the club and everything... But the truth is, I already knew you were going to."
"Well... this isn't good." Ojiro muttered, as Sayori giggled, "Ehehe~ There's actually something else."
The background darkened, and pulsed.
"I wanted to thank you for getting rid of Monika."
"Fuck fuck fuck!" Kaminari screamed, clinging to Jiro in fear, "Again!? Her too!?"
Apparently, with Monika gone and Sayori as the new club president, she was now the one that was self-aware, and she wanted to hog the main character all for herself.
Until Monika decided to pop in, deleted her, Sayori, and sang the credits song as she deleted the rest of the files in the game, starting by deleting all the images, before proceeding to remove the game scripts.
"os .remove ("game/screens .rpy")"
"screens .rpy deleted successfully."
"os .remove ("game/gui .rpy")"
"gui .rpy deleted successfully."
"os .remove ("game/menu .rpy")"
"menu .rpy deleted successfully.")
"os .remove ("game/script .rpy")"
"script .rpy deleted successfully."
They got a letter by Monika, stating that there was no happy ending for the game, and that it only exposed people to a horrific reality that people couldn't comprehend.
"Error: Script file is missing or corrupt. Please reinstall the game."
"Oh." Kaminari blinked, pressing "OK", and the game closed on its own, "Well... that's it, I guess."
Kirishima tilted his head, "So... I still don't get it. She's trying to say that people with power are control freaks?"
"I guess... it's more about problems that people don't really see." Yaoyorozu concluded, "Sayori was depressed, Yuri cuts herself, Monika was being driven to insanity knowing that everything was just a game... and I think Natsuki has an abusive father. And the game itself looks cutesy... but it was hiding all these horrific themes in it..."
"It's... kinda of sad, actually." Asui commented, "And apparently, anyone who becomes the club president will be self aware, and someone has to make the club in the first place for there to be a literature club, so there really isn't a happy ending for any of them."
"I'm not reinstalling it." Kaminari shook his head, "That game's creepy."
Iida hastily checked his phone, "It's already two thirty in the morning!? All of you, go to sleep! Now! You can talk about the game in the morning when you wake up! But sleep now!"
5723 Views 676 Comments
Anonymous74493: First.
-Anonymous1648: Seriously?
CopyThisCopyCat: So this is why there was so much screaming.
-BattleFist: Are you being serious? Even here?
-Welder: I wanted to play this game... but it's scary!
-Lizardy: Ahhh... I wish I was there to play with them... but then again... it's a scary game...
AMillionPhases: They finally finished the game!
-BubblyVitality: That's great!
-AnxietyStrikesAgain: It's scary.
-AnxietyStrikesAgain: Like a living nightmare.
-AnxietyStrikesAgain: I'm just going to hide under my blankets.
Anonymous783: Whoop! They finished it!
-Anonymous783: I'm surprised they managed to play the entire thing in one sitting.
-Anonymous833930: I'm more surprised by the fact that they managed to exhaust all of Monika's dialogue.
-Anonymous833930: If I recall, there's 57 different sets of it.
-Anonymous9880: Took them long enough to figure out to delete her, though.
-Anonymous20482: Let them enjoy the game lmaoooo
-Anonymous64957: I don't think they were really enjoying it...
-Anonymous64957: They were terrified half the time XD.
Read 17 replies...
InsomniaCat: At least they finished the damned game. I won't be surprised if some of them don't get any sleep tonight.
-Ingenium: Is it just me... or does Midoriya looked a little... unwell...
-Ingenium: He's rather pale.
-EyeoftheNight: Midoriya is always rather pale.
-EyeoftheNight: But you're right... he does look paler than he did when they just started playing.
-SleepingGas: And he was already paler than usual when they started...
-YouAintNothingButAHoundDog: Perhaps I should talk to him later.
Read 632 more comments...
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