A/n: first chapter!! let's goooo!!
sophie's pov
it's been a year already. a year since i got taken away from the one place i was able to call home.
i am now seven years old and living in a group home. and no this is not the first one i've been in. technically i've been in 3 group homes and 2 foster homes in the past year.
i still remember the day my mom got arrested so vividly. it was awful but i remember it. i haven't seen her since that day and it really hurts. i actually haven't seen any of my friends or family since that day.
except moonee of course.
i don't know why but somehow we haven't been separated, not even once. it comes as a shock to me since even siblings get separated sometimes and me and moonee aren't related. i think i just assume that maybe cheryl put in a good word for us since she's a lawyer. i could be wrong though.
i was told that my mom got out of jail 3 months after i was put into foster care but for some reason she wasn't able to take care of me. i still don't know why and i've been trying to figure it out for awhile now. moonee was also told that halley got out at the same time as my mom but was still qualified as unfit.
as a 7 year old nothing makes sense to me and i just want to be in my tiny motel room snuggled up with cheryl and my mom watching cartoons.
i just have to go through everyday and make the best of what i have. i mean i actually am grateful for what i have even though that sounds surprising.
this group home i'm currently in is the best one i've been in by far. but it's also the most crowded by far. there's 7 boys and 11 girls between the ages of 4 and 17. we all have to share rooms with 3 or more kids and there is a hefty long list of rules.
i know this may sound bad but compared to the other homes i've been in the past this one doesn't seem so bad.
the actually home itself is really big except it's not set up like a home it's more set up like a campus. in the downstairs there is the kitchen, the cafeteria, the game room, the movie room, and the boys and girls living quarters. upstairs is the staff rooms and office rooms that are off limits to all the kids.
the list of rules is too long to even try to name all of them and honestly i forget them frequently. we have a set schedule for everyday and there's times for every set "activity".
monday through friday we all go to public school and we get there by bus. when we get home we are told to do homework in our quarters and the staff is allowed to help us if we need it. 7 o'clock is dinner and then it's lights out at 10.
fridays are movie nights and saturdays are visiting day. that is if you're allowed to visit anyone. only a few of us in the home are allowed to have visitors.
whether it's a parent or a relative as long as your social worker gives them permission then you're allowed to have visitors. unfortunately both me and moonee aren't allowed any.
we've been trying to convince our social workers for a while now but everything we say is invalid because we're just kids. it sucks but it's life.
nobody's pov
"sophie. sophie!" moonee says shaking her friend out of her thoughts as she's in her bed writing in a diary. "what? sorry." sophie says and closes the diary.
"writing again?" moonee asks. "yea." she says. "i don't even understand how you write. i can barley write a proper sentence and you can write a whole paragraph." moonee says. "i know but i've always been good with writing and words. it's kinda my thing." sophie says.
"i know. but anyways miss elizabeth said it's time for dinner." moonee says. "what are we having?" sophie asks. "probably something good. it is a friday night." moonee says. "i hope. i'm starving." sophie says and slides out of bed, careful not to hit the top bunk above her.
the pair walks out of the room and down the hallway to the cafeteria. they get in line with the rest of the kids before being handed a plate of food by mary.
"thank you mary." moonee says. "you're very welcome my child. cookies are being made tonight." mary says in her raspy old women voice. "because it's movie night." sophie says. "correct. i'll save you two extras." mary says and winks. "thanks mary." sophie says and smiles.
both her and moonee pick a seat at a table. "chicken casserole. not bad." moonee says and starts to eat. "it's not terrible. but i still don't like it." sophie says while moving her food around on her plate with a fork.
she's always been a picky eater but for toni that was never a problem because she very rarely cooked. it was almost always fast food or takeout for dinner.
today was not at all a good day for sophie. at school she had to do group work which she hates and when she refused to talk she got sent straight to the guidance office.
sophie actually spends more time in there then her regular 2nd grade class. her teacher knew that if she was acting strange it probably had to do with either trauma or her current living condition so instead of talking to sophie she sends her to guidance instead.
sophie has a hard time opening up to people. it took her awhile but she's ok with talking to her guidance counselor now. she doesn't have many friends in class nor does anyone talk to her.
no matter how hard the teacher tries to get sophie to talk or answer a question she's always quiet. not necessarily shy, just in a stand off ish way.
sophie and moonee are in different classrooms during the day so recess is the only time they get to see each other. they always have fun playing by themselves, never with other kids.
in their minds it reminds them of simpler times when they were able to just play in the magic castle motel parking lot with no one to tell them no or how to act. just be kids.
recess today wasn't enjoyable though because it was raining inside and everyone had to stay indoors for silent reading time. between that and getting sent to guidance sophie's day has been pretty shitty.
"hey you two." sophie hears a voice say and looks up from her food. "hi julie." moonee says. "hey moon. you like today's dinner?" she asks. "mhm. it's really good." moonee says.
"what about you soph? you look like you haven't even touched it." julie says. "i-i'm not hungry." sophie says and pushes her plate forward. "are you sure? you love eating." julie says and sits next to sophie. "i know i'm just not in the mood today." she says.
"oh no. do you want me to get lydia?" julie asks. "no it's ok. i'm fine." sophie says. "ok but cheer up. tonight's movie night!" julie says.
"what movie is it?" moonee asks. "i think it's parent trap." she says. "we already saw that." moonee says. "i know but it was a good one right?" julie asks. "yea it was ok." moonee says.
"are you on movie duty tonight? please tell me it's you and not virginia." sophie says. "it's me." julie says with a laugh.
"thank god! i fucking hate that bitch." moonee says.
"moonee!" julie says. "sorry. i fucking hate that beautiful and kind women." moonee says causing both julie and sophie to laugh.
none of them were very fond of virginia and often made fun of her when they were together.
"alright you two continue eating, if you want, and i'm gonna go check on other tables. i'll see you both in the movie room." julie says and gets up before walking to another table.
"so are you really not gonna eat dinner tonight?" moonee asks. "probably not. we're getting cookies anyway." sophie says. "good point." moonee says.
the room goes quiet after miss elizabeth blows her whistle. "dinner is over in 5 minutes! if you're already done you're free to get first seat pick in the movie room but make sure to clean up!" she says and then everyone goes back to talking.
"you done?" sophie asks. "yea." moonee says and they both get up to throw out their plates.
"moonee, sophie." elizabeth says and they both look at her. "you're on cleaning duty today." she says and hands them a bucket and a mop. "really?" moonee asks. "someone's gotta do it." she says and walks away.
"ugh are you kidding me?" sophie says. "i don't wanna clean." moonee says and rolls her eyes. "me either. but we don't really have a choice." sophie says and puts the bucket down.
both girls spend the next 10 minutes cleaning the cafeteria and watching as it empties. "are we done now? the movie probably already started." moonee complains.
"why are you two in here?" virginia walks into the cafeteria and says. "we're on cleaning duty genius." moonee says.
"excuse me young lady no back talking." virginia says. "virginia you asked us a question." sophie says. "that's miss virginia to you." she says. "ok miss virginia." moonee says and rolls her eyes.
"cut it out with that attitude before i make you both sleep in the isolation wing tonight." she says. "yes miss virginia." they says in sinced monotone voices before walking out of the cafeteria.
"she's a nightmare." moonee whispers. "tell me about it." sophie whispers back.
they make it to the movie room to see mary standing in the doorway with her basket of cookies. "oh there you two are. i was waiting for you." mary says. "we were on cleaning duty. thanks for waiting for us." moonee says.
"you're very welcome. oh and take extras." she says and both sophie and moonee take 3 cookies each. "thank you mary." sophie says. "my pleasure." mary says.
the girls walk into the movie room to see the movie has already started and everyone already has a seat. there's only one more seat in the back that's open and julie is sitting in the seat next to it.
they both run to the one empty chair but moonee beats sophie to it leaving her with no chair. "ugh now i don't have a seat." sophie whispers.
"you wanna take my seat? i can stand." julie says. "no it's ok. can i sit on your lap?" sophie asks and julie nods. sophie gets comfortable on her lap. so comfortable that she actually ends up falling asleep.
"sophie wake up. sophie." she hears julie say. she rubs her eyes and opens them to see the lights on and the credits rolling on the screen.
"i fell asleep?" she asks. "yea. it was funny." moonee says.
the blow of miss elizabeth's whistle sounds again leaving everyone to stop talking. "everyone get ready for lights out. you've got 10 minutes." she says and everyone starts exiting the movie room.
sophie groans and adjusts herself on julie's lap. "ok fine i'll carry you to your room but that's it. you're 7 now so you're getting big." julie says and stands up with sophie in her arms. sophie rests her head on julie's shoulder as she was carried out.
sophie loved getting the special attention from both mary and julie. she also loved that the other younger kids would get jealous of her. as selfish as that was it just made her feel special and she liked the thought of that.
"alright soph." julie says and puts sophie down once they're in her room. "thank you julie." sophie says. "you're welcome sweetie." julie says.
"ok anyone in this room need help?" she says and directs her attention towards the other girls. "no. i'm good." caroline says already settled in her bed.
"i do. help brush teeth." serenity says. "ok come on then sera." julie says and hold her hand out. serenity slides out from her bottom bunk and grabs julie's hand before they walk out of the room.
"why do you always make julie carry you?" caroline asks. "i fell asleep during the movie." sophie says and takes her pajamas out of the drawer.
"are you actually going to sleep here tonight or are you going to the older girls' room?" caroline asks. "why do you care?" moonee asks. "relax moonee i was just wondering." she says.
"i don't know why you're so annoying and nosy." sophie says. "we're all equally annoying. serenity more than most. but trust me i hate this place just as much as you guys do. probably even more." caroline says.
"you're more annoying than serenity." moonee says. "yea ok." caroline says and rolls her eyes. "maybe i will sleep in the other room tonight just to piss you off." sophie says. "be my guest. i don't really care." caroline says.
serenity comes skipping back into the room and hops onto her bed. "you four ready for bed? miss elizabeth will be in here for bed check any second now." julie says. "we're ready." sophie says and climbs into her bottom bunk. moonee climbs up to the bunk on top of sophie.
"ok. night girls. i'll be here in the morning." julie says. "night julie." caroline says and the lights turn off.
sophie stares at the doorway before finally seeing miss elizabeth appear in the doorway. she does a quick look around and then walks out of the room before shutting the door.
sophie hated this part. trying to get herself to sleep. it was almost impossible for her.
the room was pitch black and at age 7 she was at a peak for nightmares. not only that but she couldn't stop overthinking. at night time is often when she'd become the most sad.
she thought about her mom and cheryl and how much she missed them. she thought about how awful her day at school was today and how both toni and cheryl could've made her feel better about it if she were still living with them.
she waited silently for about 30 minutes before she was positive everyone else in her room was asleep. she carefully got up and slid out of bed.
over the past few months she had gotten pretty good at sneaking out and figured out to open and close the door without it making noise.
once she made it she tiptoed down the hall and to the older girls' room. she opened the door and shut it perfectly and quietly.
"sophie you ok?" a soft voice asks and soph looks up to the top bunk on the right. "i'm ok." she says and climbs up the ladder before laying down next to the only person who knew how to get her to sleep.
"hi lydia." sophie whispers. "hi fifi. bad dream?" she asks. "no i just had a bad day at school." sophie whispers. "oh ok. try to get some sleep ok? i'm right here." lydia says and sophie snuggles up next to her under the blankets.
she also takes a strand of lydia's hair and starts twirling it. she doesn't know why but it calms her.
eventually she closes her eyes and she drifts off to sleep.
A/n: and that's the first chapter. this is just a sort of catch up of what sophie and moonee's life has been like in the past year. pretty much just the everyday routine and what their life is like living in a group home.
ik this is kinda boring but i promise the drama will start soon! i'm so excited to write this and i never say this but i'm super proud of this series so far! 💜
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