Izuku wasn't sure what was happening...Kourigri had just warped most of the league to this random building and Izuku had a really heavy bag. The others were just silently staying close and ignoring him..
It was so annoying.
It had been three days since he saw Aizawa in that alleyway...he'd been so emotional those last three days...
AFO hadn't be pleased and his new harsh wounds were proof.
Something was coming this way...
Someone was coming this way...
Using his quirk Izuku realises two people were coming.
That's Aizawa and Mic...
That's Aizawa and Mic!
He turned to the league in confusion.
"You will make a great hero Izuku." Kourigri embraced him into a hug.
Aizawa and Mic just stood there silently either processing what's going in....or letting them have time they needed..
Slowly Izuku embraced all the league one by one and stuttered a goodbye..
He ran into Aizawa and Mic's arms.
"Come in problem child..."
"Thank you.."
He Had A Family.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net