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After the first couple days of visiting, Izuku convicted the two to let him take the test. He passed both the physically and theory with ease and was allowed into 1A. There was no way Aizawa would let his green bean into Vald's class.

Izuku had been very excited when he entered 1A in UA uniform. Most of 1A rushed over full of questions.

How did he do on the test?
What tactics did he use?
How many robots did he have to fight?

Bakugou had dragged him away with annoyance.

The only problem was one kid. Mineta. 

The second he laid eyes in Midoriya he didn't like him.
He got all the girls attention. He could get up close to them.
God Mineta hated it!

So he made Midoriya's life a living hell. Except Mineta forget Midoriya was now basically Aizawa's child even if he hadn't discussed adoption with Midoriya or Hizashi. And Bakugou was Midoriya's best friend and vice versa. And the rest of 1A loved Midoriya.

At first the rotten grape got some glares.
Then some nudges.
Then some getting tied up with Sero's tape and then with Uraraka's help being taped to the ceiling.

Then having to do extra training.

But Mineta was never probably hurt.

And poor Izuku felt as if he was reliving middle school. Where everyone didn't like him. Even though Kacchan was his friend and no one dare do anything in front of him. Izuku still heard the whispers. Still faced the pranks that could be okayed of as harmless.
And Mineta reminded Izuku of that all too well.

1A were doing a simple workout instead of proper hero training, seeing as they had kinda trashed the USJ during their fights and they were meant to train in the USJ.

The whole class were out in a secluded area of the field doing streches, running, push up, quirk workouts.

Everything was great. Izuku and Tokoyami were training in a shaded area. Tokoyami was practicing keeping Dark Shaodw under control while Izuku tried making a creature like Dark Shadow.

Mineta walked over.
"What on Earth are you two doing. We're meant to be training not standing in the shadows. Like Izuku you're just standing there."

"I-I'm trying to concentrate in creating stuff."

"Your so stupid I bet your faking a quirk and are actually quirkless!"

"I'm sorry but your son if is"
"I'm sorry Izuku"
"You can't play with us Midoriya, you'll get hurt."
"Ha your such a useless Deku"
"You'll never be a hero without a quirk"

The worst memory came back to Izuku. Some bully in kindergarten (I had to change it up slightly cause I said Bakugo and Midoriy are friends)

"Pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life. And take a swam dive off the roof of the building."

When he was 8...he'd been told to take a swan dive....

Izuku feel to his knees. Tokoyami glared at Mineta and left Dark Shadow loose.
Dark Shadow roared and began to attack Mineta.

"Don't try stop Dark Shadow" Tokoyami shouted before gesturing to Midoriya who was shaking in the floor tears flowing down his face. "He caused that."

The whole class turned to Mineta pure hatred in their eyes.

All hell broke out.

Quirks were fired left right and centre. The target being Mineta. Aizawa sat up form his nap and saw chaos.

His problem child, Izuku was compeltky out of it crying.

And everyone else was attacking Mineta.


Everyone looked to Tokoyami as Mineta stumbled around dazed.

"Me and Midoriya were training under the tree in the shadows when Mineta came over and said Midoriya was faking a quirk and was quirkless. It set something off."

Bakugo and Aizawa's expressions darkened,

"That little bitc-"

Bakugou tried to charge at Mineta again but was stopped but Aizawa's scarf and his classmates.

"He's not worth it, Katsuki, I'll take him to Nezu and get him expelled."

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